Status of DPP44 Multiswitch


New Member
Original poster
Feb 11, 2004
I was wondering if anyone knew if the DPP44 is available for customer purchase. I have an extra dish i want to point to 61.5 for Skyangel and have a SuperDish installed for locals. My understanding is I need the DPP44 to use all 4 Satellites. Is this true? Is there another work around ... I have only 2 sets in the house both using the 311 receiver.

Thanks for any help

Thanks Scott,

I actually was afraid you were going to say that. One of the main reasons we went with Dish was the compatibility with Skyangel. I just dont want to purchase more receivers just to receive it if I can wait a bit and get to my existing ones.


I'm waiting for this switch too for Sky Angel! My local dealer told me that when the switch comes out, they will install Sky Angel for free because I had asked for it during my initial Dish installation last month (when I signed up). We'll see if they follow through with that...

Hmmm - could be a waiting list for this switch!
I need it for 110, 119, 61.5, and 148. I considered Superdish to get the CBS HD East and West, but I still need 148 for the locals.
So now it's June, eh? Let's hope it's not vaporware!
Ripper said:
Hmmm - could be a waiting list for this switch!
I need it for 110, 119, 61.5, and 148. I considered Superdish to get the CBS HD East and West, but I still need 148 for the locals.
So now it's June, eh? Let's hope it's not vaporware!

Superdish will not get you CBS-HD east and west. They are only on 61.5 and 148. They were on 105 but not any longer.
The non-availability of this part is the only thing keeping me from calling to order locals with superdish, my locals are on 105 but I also have Sky Angel.

How long after software release until installation

dishpro lnb

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