Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

I'm all set. What started as 110/119 --> 110/110/129 ended up with a 1000.4 EA install. They hauled away my Dish 500. Looks like he may have used the same footing that my wing 61.5 was on. Maybe the same mast? Not sure. Wasn't out there when he put up the 1000.4. Anyways, have all the new HD channels. ( except the Showtime ) Replaced my 510 w/ a 612. $100 extra plus a 2yr commitment.
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I called Dish after going through 2 reps online, and they set me up to get an upgrade to 129. This morning, the tech came out and put in a 1000.4 dish for 110/119/129, and kept my 61.5 dish as it was. I'm getting the new HD from 129, and keeping my 61.5 in place. From what the tech told me, it would pick up 129 if it lost a channel from 61.5, which is good because I can reach the 1000.4 easier if it snows again.

I have a similar situation as yours. My 61.5 is on the roof ( currently burried in snow) but have access to Dish 500 which points to 110 & 119. I have an appt scheduled to upgrade to Dish 1000 ( 110,119 & 129) question is if you can get 110 and 119 can you assume you have LOS to 129 as well?

If I would call my local retailer instead of Dish, would I be able to get upgraded (assuming that it's even possible in my location) without Dish turning off my channels in the meantime?

I just checked my Guide and don't see any channels missing. Will make a post if anything changes between now & when the installation gets done tomorrow.
I read these posts from work today and figured I was a part of the "small number of subscribers" not getting the new HD channels, being here in New England. Came home and confirmed that was the case (119/110/61.5), then decided to try Customer Chat on-line before getting tied-up on the phone with a CSR. It worked like a charm - Within 5 minutes I had a technician scheduled to come tomorrow between Noon & 5 PM (only a $15 Fee, since I have the Service Plan) and was done with the Chat. One of the most pleasant (and quick) experiences I've ever had with Dish or any other similar company - I'm happy.... :-)

I 2nd the chat idea. After 2 phone calls, and hanging up on both of them, when they hadn't a clue, I used the chat. Got me setup for Sat, and didn't cost me a dime.
I am glad you guys are getting some resolution to this matter. I understand that problems happen and am glad (very glad) that they finally launched some of the new channels. I do, however, think that it is unfair for Dish to charge you for the equipment to view these channels.

Dish should pay the techs to do this. It is not your fault that this is the way your system was installed.
I have a similar situation as yours. My 61.5 is on the roof ( currently burried in snow) but have access to Dish 500 which points to 110 & 119. I have an appt scheduled to upgrade to Dish 1000 ( 110,119 & 129) question is if you can get 110 and 119 can you assume you have LOS to 129 as well?


No. I *had* 110/119/129 but had intermittent problems. The tech dispatched on the repair called the tech that did the original install a "complete idiot" because 129 was too low on the horizon and proceeded to change me over to a 2 dish system - a 500 (I believe) that points to 110 & 119 and a separate dish (not a wing dish - it is on a separate mount) pointing to 61.5. This did away with problems I was having of course now I don't get any of the new HD. :(
I am glad you guys are getting some resolution to this matter. I understand that problems happen and am glad (very glad) that they finally launched some of the new channels. I do, however, think that it is unfair for Dish to charge you for the equipment to view these channels.

Dish should pay the techs to do this. It is not your fault that this is the way your system was installed.

I hear what you're saying; but on the flip side, I've always viewed satellite TV as being different than your "usual" utility company. First off, there's the whole equipment issue - Everyone always wants something for free; but that's just not the way it works in the real world for most things. Beyond that, generally speaking, the phone, electric & natural gas companies will get service to the outside of your house (...and even then, sometimes only to the edge of your property); but anything more is going to involve a service charge. *Someone* has to pay those independent Dish Techs to go out and do the work, and if it were "free", I'm sure it would be passed on to all customers via higher rates, like with the cable company. For me, it's worth the $15 to have a guy come here and install it correctly and make sure that I'm getting the best reception.
What should I be getting for signal strength on 77, here in Mass? I check all TPs and the highest I saw was a 42. 61.5 and 72.7 signals look much better. Not too concerned since there's not much programming I'm getting off 77.
Just finished a chat session with tech department to resolve my problem. I'm getting upgraded to EA next week. Unfortunately I had to concede a couple of things. I had sign up to the service plan in order to do the work for $15. Plus I was told that if I cancel the service plan at any time that I will be charged a $25 cancellation fee. Not sure if its always been this way or if this is something new with everyone calling in to upgrade?

I unfortunately had to upgrade one of my receivers. They were gonna charge me $100, but I talked them into getting me some discount. They knocked off $40. I debated it, but in the end I just wanted to upgrade cause I dont want to have to go through this BS in the future in case of any new additional HD channels. So I caved in. Hopefully no issues with the install.
called dish about hd dish upgrade

well I call E* today about not getting the extra hd channels. He was originally confused for he initally said i had the proper dish the 61.5 to get all of the hd. Turns out he had not read the E* announcment of the additional 9 hd channels that are available but needing the eastern arc to receive them. He also initally thought I had the wrong hd package. Straigthened him out on that one too.

So they are going to give me the upgrade to get the eastern arc hd channels. What type of dish i'm getting he said is the tech discretion. The csr wanted to originally repoint my 61.5 to the eastern arc. I told him he couldn't do that for i'd loose my hd locals. Finally after looking up things he realized this and said that wouldn't happen. So they'll be coming out a week from this Saturday. I moved it that far ahead for I have over two feet of snow on the ground and snow on the roof. Hopefully by that Saturday they'll be enough melted for a safe install.

Being that as of tomorrow i'll be with E* for 10 years the install and equipment will be free. I don't have to purchase DHPP if I don't want to.

My one questions is this. If I understand correctly the eastern arc is all mpeg4. If this is true how will my old 301 a standard def mpeg2 receiver pick up anything? He initally was trying to b.s. me saying that the 301 would convert the mpeg4 to an mpeg2 signal. Got him their too.

He wasn't fully infomed about everything but for the most part was helpful and courteous. Plus he seemed to be based state side.

will write again next week and let you know how I made out.

Update new HD

Tech managed to get a signal from 129 so I have the new hd and my hd locals. I had him leave the 61 wing dish just in case I have problems getting a signal from 129.

My check switch now reads 61.5/110/119/129 cool

As reported my some other customers I paid $15 and had to subscribe to maintenance plan. Having been a customer for 15 years i think they are out of order but I have FSC & BBC HD and my friends that have direcTV don't, so for once I feel good about DISH.
My one questions is this. If I understand correctly the eastern arc is all mpeg4. If this is true how will my old 301 a standard def mpeg2 receiver pick up anything?
There are a very limited number of SD QPSK channels left on 61.5. But beyond that, and in particular all the EA MPEG-4 SD channels (as well as all HD channels) will not be seen by a 301.
If I would call my local retailer instead of Dish, would I be able to get upgraded (assuming that it's even possible in my location) without Dish turning off my channels in the meantime?
Called Dish today - on the phone 45 min. - 4 CSR's later - coming out Sunday to put a new dish up for $15. No committment - free HBO and Showtime for 3 months and did not lose any HD channels because of the workorder.
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I called for the third time today and spoke to another technician. I complained that I am being charged $99.00 when most others that posted are only being charged $15.00. I have a home protection plan. "KevIn" said that $15.00 is the cost of a technician visit but to install a new Dish it costs $99.00. This is the same thing the other two technicians said. I currently have two Dish 500s one pointing at 110/119 and the other pointing at 61.5. The other thing is I have a 501 DVR and I said that it would not work with the Dish 1000. All three of the technicians said that it would. Using this forum as a reference made no difference.

He finally said he would give me a $20.00 credit, $10.00 for two months.
I wouldn't pay it. If they give you a western arc 1000.2, the 501 will still work. If they give you an eastern arc 1000.4 it will not.
So I just got off the phone with dish. They are coming tomorrow to replace my 110/119 Dish 500, with a 1000.4. I did have to sign up for the service plan, which annoyed me as I just had my HD installed in October, and should not have had this problem in the first place. They said initially I would have to upgrade one of my receivers, then said I wouldn't have to so we'll see how that works out. I love Dish, but hate calling them. Upgrading to HD in October was a nightmare!!!
I just got done with the chat... They said they will be giving me a 1000.4 dish that will be pointed to 61.5, 72 and 72.7 and will allow me to get my locals (Tampa, FL) and International channels that I currently have along with Top 250... My current setup included 2 dishes - 61.5 and another one 110 & 119.5...I have a 211, 622 and 722 recv'r...

Is that the right setup? Just one dish pointing to those three sats to get all my programming...?

They are charging me $15 as others have reported as well...

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Dish Network Carriage Agreement Question

Sat direction for Local Channels and HD

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