Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

My thoughts exactly and it got me no where. As a 6 day old customer, Dish expects you to pay $15 for the service call. It's not the $15 as much as the principal I am fighting. I have already paid $100 for the 2 HD DVR, $54 for the OTA module plus 2 month of service. See my entire conversation I had with 2 Dish customer service people here.
If I was you I would be tap dancing on someones head. "They" knew that the HD channels would be added when you had your install, you should have had the latest and greatest dish system put in so that you would be able to receive any new programming that became available. I have had my dish set up for quite a while so I can see where I might have a problem getting them to "upgrade" for free (although it should be for free), but in your case there should be no question.

Good luck

Spoke with a supervisor and he'll only give an upgrade to EA with a new 2-year contract. Not interested!

Emailing CEO as the last CSR experience was one of the worst I have ever had. Hopefully they are more understanding.

No way you should have to enter a new 2-yr contract to get EA installed. Now, if you have any mpeg2 receivers that need to be upgraded, that's a different story.
My currrent set up: 110/119 and a 61.5. Dish's in seperate locations due to trees. Boston locals on 61.5 so either I must switch to EA which I assume is a go since I already can see 61.5 or add a 1000.2 in place of the Dish 500. I have not seen an EA set ups in my area, don't know why maybe it's????? In any event the following is my position and how I intend on dealing with this issue:

1. We should not have to pay anything for Dish to "fix" things so we can receive any channels they add to our respective packages.
2. I do not look at this as an upgrade in the sense that I want to move from a VIP722 to a VIP 722K or upgrade my 322 duo SD to an equivalent HD box. Those are personal choices and I don't have a problem paying a nominal fee if it is a "discretionary upgrade"
3. If when I call I end up having to pay any amount of money (I have DHPP) to resolve this issue I will say thank you try again, and maybe again.
4. If I am still going to be required to pay I will call my retailer since I trust him and would rather put the money in his pocket than a random tech who may or may not have a clue as to what he is doing.


Wow small world, considering the town is all of ~9sq miles, we must be neighbors, hehe. :)

I've got a tech coming out in an hour or two to upgrade mine to EA (I also have the original 110/119 and 61.5 setup.) When he called to confirm, he did know it was for an EA upgrade (I was a bit nervous as the CSR I had was new so wasn't sure if he had set it up correctly.) I'll see what he ends up doing. He mentioned he's scheduled for a few of these upgrades.

Does that include HD locals?



I don't have locals in HD available in my Local Market, so I wouldn't know.

The Dish Tech just left. I got a Third Dish (Dish 500 pointed at 129).

For those that told me the signal from 129 would be weak, they were wrong. I'm getting the same signal strength from all 4 Orbital slots within a few percentage points. There are a couple of Conus transponders that range up to 70-75 but most are 58-65. The signal strength on the Conus Transponders from 129 are 56-59 with Transponder 21 at 71.

For those that might have an interest of what my Spotbeam readings are from 129 they are below. My location is 4 miles west of Rochester NY, Zip Code 14559.

Transponder Signal Strength
1 50
2 39
3 43
4 52
5 0 Not Locked
6 63
7 0 Not Locked
8 57
9 7 Not Locked
10 27
11 9 Not Locked
12 27
13 0 Not Locked
14 45
15 57
16 48

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Tech at my house as we speak

I have a tech at my house installing some jumbo dish to get me the new channels (I was on 110/119/61.5).

I can tell he is a knowledgeable guy because one of the first words out of his mouth was "by the way, what the CSR told you was wrong . . ." *rimshot*

I was chatting with him, and he said essentially anyone north of the PA line is going to have to go on Eastern Arc, and even then there will be some issues because EA in this area drops your signal by about 10 points. So my signal at 61.5 was a 48, he said I will be in a the high 30's now. Luckily I don't have any trees or other obstructions, so it shouldn't be an issue. However he said some people who were more borderline to begin with might be in trouble signal wise.

He said he was talking to his boss and they were trying to decide between two different dishes for my set-up; something about a slight bigger dish that they are testing. I am not as well versed in all this stuff, but will take some pics when all is done.
CSR setup a free service call for next week

I chatted with a CSR about this issue. I have a dish for 110/119 and a dish for 61.5 in the Grand Rapids, MI area. Our system was installed about 1.5 yrs. ago when we moved into our house. The CSR first told me the cost would be $95 for the service call. When I asked why, he responded that they could waive the $95 fee. The service call is scheduled for later next week. The CSR said that my bill will show a $95 fee with a $95 credit. It was really very easy to get this setup and arranged at no cost. I'm not sure if it had something to do with my system being installed relatively recently...
I have a tech at my house installing some jumbo dish to get me the new channels (I was on 110/119/61.5).

I can tell he is a knowledgeable guy because one of the first words out of his mouth was "by the way, what the CSR told you was wrong . . ." *rimshot*

I was chatting with him, and he said essentially anyone north of the PA line is going to have to go on Eastern Arc, and even then there will be some issues because EA in this area drops your signal by about 10 points. So my signal at 61.5 was a 48, he said I will be in a the high 30's now. Luckily I don't have any trees or other obstructions, so it shouldn't be an issue. However he said some people who were more borderline to begin with might be in trouble signal wise.

He said he was talking to his boss and they were trying to decide between two different dishes for my set-up; something about a slight bigger dish that they are testing. I am not as well versed in all this stuff, but will take some pics when all is done.


I live in Rochester NY and I just requested a separate Dish installed in addition to my Dish 500 for 119/110, and Dish 500 for 61.5. With the new 129 Dish installed all of the orbital slots are coming in at least 59. Anytime you use a Mulitple Slot Dish for Three orbital slots you will compromise the signal strength to some degree.

If you are getting a Eastern Arc Dish be sure your locals are available on it even if you harvest your locals from an Antenna as you will get NO GUIDE Information.

In Rochester the SD locals are at 110 and you have to get 110 if I want the GUIDE data for my Locals in HD via my Antenna.

Thanks for the heads up. It is my understanding that I am going to have a 500 pointed at 110/119; and then this new wide dish (the tech keeps referring to is as a "border dish" pointed at 61.5 and 77. But I will certainly be sure to verify.


In Rochester the SD locals are at 110 and you have to get 110 if I want the GUIDE data for my Locals in HD via my Antenna.

You-all made out a lot better than I did. I twice contacted Dish yesterday, and they could not schedule an install because of "system issues". I was told to call back today or next week. I also wrote an email - no response back. I was perfectly willing to wait, but became concern because of talk of no new HD ever on 61.5.
I have a tech at my house installing some jumbo dish to get me the new channels (I was on 110/119/61.5).

I can tell he is a knowledgeable guy because one of the first words out of his mouth was "by the way, what the CSR told you was wrong . . ." *rimshot*

I was chatting with him, and he said essentially anyone north of the PA line is going to have to go on Eastern Arc, and even then there will be some issues because EA in this area drops your signal by about 10 points. So my signal at 61.5 was a 48, he said I will be in a the high 30's now. Luckily I don't have any trees or other obstructions, so it shouldn't be an issue. However he said some people who were more borderline to begin with might be in trouble signal wise.

He said he was talking to his boss and they were trying to decide between two different dishes for my set-up; something about a slight bigger dish that they are testing. I am not as well versed in all this stuff, but will take some pics when all is done.

Just thought I'd post an update: I was scheduled for a Noon-5 PM install today; but got a call about 8:45 from the installer asking if he could come earlier. SURE! :) I met him at the house at 9:15 and an hour later he had removed my exiting 2 dishes (119/110/61.5) & replaced them with one larger, oblong dish (...maybe the size of both of the old dishes put together), which he said should be better at pulling in the signals. Unfortunately, I forgot to check which specific satellites he tuned in to (...can check tonight when I got home from work); but all got strong signals & the new HD channels immediately showed-up. I am one happy camper! ;)
You-all made out a lot better than I did. I twice contacted Dish yesterday, and they could not schedule an install because of "system issues". I was told to call back today or next week. I also wrote an email - no response back. I was perfectly willing to wait, but became concern because of talk of no new HD ever on 61.5.

You might want to give the on-line chat feature a try, like I did. No waiting on hold and had everything set up in less than 5 minutes. ;)
Not looking good for me, I have a beautiful view for 61.5, but not an easy way for them to be able to mount the new EA dish :( Being in a condo, they can go anywhere along the roofline except into the shingles itself. He's on the phone with his office now to see what he can do. :(

If I was you I would be tap dancing on someones head. "They" knew that the HD channels would be added when you had your install, you should have had the latest and greatest dish system put in so that you would be able to receive any new programming that became available. I have had my dish set up for quite a while so I can see where I might have a problem getting them to "upgrade" for free (although it should be for free), but in your case there should be no question.

Good luck


I have been a tap dancing fool this morning!

Ok I think I am going to finally get this fixed. Dish is sending back an installer tomorrow to replace my 61.5 with a 1000.4 EA Dish and also connect a wing to 110 for my SD locals @ no cost since they are treating this as a new install still.

We shall see.....
Here is the reason for removing channels prior to your DISH upgrade: It is the result of a work-around approach to getting their computer to build the correct work order without the $99 charge. Ordinarily, a dish upgrade is $99 or $59.95 with 2yr commitment. However, if a CSR removes all HD chs and removes 61.5 or 129 (whichever one it shows in the computer for your account) and then exits the account, they can then re-open the acct and add the HD package back on. The computer then checks to see if the account has the right satellites (it doesn't since the CSR removed them) to get HD and seeing it doesn't, it will build an HD upgrade work order. The computer will then choose the correct configuration such as 1000.4 upgrade, 1000.2 upgrade, mpeg4 upgrade for EA customers, etc. The computer will not add the HD package until the work order is completed because the computer at that time believes you don't have the correct dishes to get HD and so wont begin billing those channels until the work order is completed.
I just got on the tech support chat and within 5 minutes they had me set up to have my dishes swapped out on the 23rd.

I was surprised they had appointments open for as early as the 17th. With all the snow we got I would think more people would be having issues.
I spent an hour on the phone with loyalty dept. They would not budge on wiping the charge out, but reduced it to 49.99.

I am pretty irritated because they seem to have NO official policy for dealing with customers not receiving channels.

The supervisor I spoke with kinda alluded to this as well. She said that based on her knowledge, everyone who "upgraded" (their word) should have the 99 dollar install fee PLUS the 15 dollar copay. I explained multiple times that I had not upgraded, I was merely needing service to get the channels they were supposed to be sending me based on my existing package.

I will probably email ceo later on this... its not even about the money, but about the scatterbrained plan for this mess. They should have something in place...
I have no idea how they could charge anyone more than $15 tech visit fee for an upgrade they are forced to do.

I know I would be pissed, wouldn't upgrade, and would leave dish ASAP.
I just called tech support at Dish and will be getting the 1000.4 dish installed tomorrow AM. Very friendly transaction and courteous. Because I am a 11 year subscriber with DHPP, it appears that there will be no charge for the install as he did not inform me of the $15 charge.

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