Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

:cool:I install dish network an have been doing it for 5 yrs what alot of customers are not told is that only certain dishes will go in certain areas, 129 has such a low elevation that it will only go in places that have a clos. even the new 1000.4 has places it will not go an its elevation is 49. sometimes 110/119/61.5 is your only option, so don't be surpised if the tech tells u that

You do know that this does not work any longer as an acceptable HD install as it leaves the sub without a good amount of HD channels being unavailable?
I currently have 61.5, 110, and 119 and I am about to switch from Dish America Silver to AT 120 plus Platinum. Would this switch in packages warrant a switch in my dish configuration to have EA? I know that E! is on EA, but don't know if any of the other channels that I would gain are not available with my current setup. If I do get my dish realigned, this should only cost me $15 correct?
I currently have 61.5, 110, and 119 and I am about to switch from Dish America Silver to AT 120 plus Platinum. Would this switch in packages warrant a switch in my dish configuration to have EA? I know that E! is on EA, but don't know if any of the other channels that I would gain are not available with my current setup. If I do get my dish realigned, this should only cost me $15 correct?
Yes, you need to add 72 or 129 to receive the new HD programming. For SC, I believe that you should be on EA.
I second that on the grey cable. I had to hand 3 such cables to my installer before he budged from his God-awful black twin w/guard which wouldn't work in my installation anyhow because I have 3 receivers.

Speaking of which, why didn't he install a 3rd cable down to that ground block? Save you from roof work when you add a 3rd receiver.

looks like he had the time, doesnt it?
we can assume he was dns and not paid bny the job. still, the 3rd cable would be going just a LITTLE overboard...let the next guy have something to do.
So on my latest attempt to get this migration done I was told the following:

Dish will not do hybrid 1000.2/500 installs

I need this because they also will not upgrade my 625 to a 722 and there is no way I am spending $500 this week just to stay with Dish.

Has anyone heard of Dish refusing to do a 500 (61.5)/1000.2 (110/119/129) install or know of any reason they would not?
Well, I just switched to AT 120 & Platinum HD. When I asked about the service call, the CSR said that I already was pointed at 129, which is not true. They transfered me to a Technical CSR and she made the appointment and didn't say anything about me already being pointed at 129.

I was wondering if the tech would let me keep the old dish when they added the new one. I could use it on my camper. Do they normally let customers keep the equipment? What would be the best way about approaching this situation?
Amazingly my situation may be resolved.

After at least 15 CSR calls and 4 chats and 2 calls to Intertech with everyone telling me flat out that there was no way to migrate me to EA or set up a 1000.2, when I was fully resigned to the hassle of having to switch to direct...I finally broke down and tried the CEO email.

Two hours later I got a response asking me when I was available to do the upgrade.

really, really unexpected and nice.

It's been said before but without this forum, not only would I be completely unaware that I was not receiving the channels I'm paying for, but I would have had no idea how to get to someone who could fix the problem.

Thanks all.
Amazingly my situation may be resolved... Two hours later I got a response asking me when I was available to do the upgrade.
What will be their solution? I went through the ceo address and got my upgrade to a 1000.4 for free. I let the installer take away my old wing dish, but I told him to leave my D500 on 110/119 because of my SD receivers in the closet. He didn't like that plan, but acquiesced anyhow.
As best I can tell, it will be 1000.4 with another dish pointed at 61.5.

The email didn't specify which type of dish but said specifically both that I would need to keep the 61.5 dish (local HD), and that they would need to upgrade my 625 to a 722.

They wouldn't need to do that for a 1000.2, so I'm assuming it's Eastern Arc plus 61.5 for local HD.

I guess we'll see what the installer shows up with.
As best I can tell, it will be 1000.4 with another dish pointed at 61.5.

The email didn't specify which type of dish but said specifically both that I would need to keep the 61.5 dish (local HD), and that they would need to upgrade my 625 to a 722.

They wouldn't need to do that for a 1000.2, so I'm assuming it's Eastern Arc plus 61.5 for local HD.

I guess we'll see what the installer shows up with.

EA is 61.5/72/77 you would not need an additional dish pointed at 61.5, since EA includes the 61.5. WA is 110/119/129. You will either need the 129 or the EA dish to be able receive ALL of the HD that you are subscribed to

EA is 61.5/72/77 you would not need an additional dish pointed at 61.5, since EA includes the 61.5. WA is 110/119/129. You will either need the 129 or the EA dish to be able receive ALL of the HD that you are subscribed to

Ugh. Who knows what I'll end up with then. The email specifically said eastern arc but also specifically said I needed a second dish for 61.5.

Maybe they are really going western arc and that part was a mistake, because I have two SD t.v.s Those would still need to pick up 110 and 119, right?

Would a 1000.4 handle the western arc sats.?
The email specifically said eastern arc but also specifically said I needed a second dish for 61.5.
That makes NO sense as explained by Ross.
Maybe they are really going western arc and that part was a mistake, because I have two SD t.v.s Those would still need to pick up 110 and 119, right?
Well, if you have two SD receivers, and you are going to keep them, those do require western arc, or at least 110/119. You can always hook up an HD receiver to an SD TV. :( If you are getting your SD receivers upgraded to HD, then there is no need for anything other than an eastern arc dish.
Would a 1000.4 handle the western arc sats?
No it would not. That's called a 1000.2 or 1000.3.
I'll probably have to call Intertech tomorrow and see what the work order says.

The one thing I'm certain of is that they are upgrading my 625 to a 722, even though it is only running two SD t.v.s. then I'll be all Mpeg 4.

I'm still optimistic. The receiver upgrade was the big problem. I can't get anyone at Dish to recognize the possibility of any configuration that is not all Mpeg 4...and so at least once I'm all Mpeg 4 I should be able to get the dish upgrade with less hassle, and without either having to purchase a new receiver or buy my own 1000.2 and pay for a two-dish install myself.
The one thing I'm certain of is that they are upgrading my 625 to a 722, even though it is only running two SD t.v.s. then I'll be all Mpeg 4.
In that case, they will almost certainly take down both dishes and put up a single 1000.4 Eastern Arc dish. Gazing into my crystal ball, I see another HDTV in your future... ;)
Gazing into my crystal ball, I see another HDTV in your future...

[me to my wife]: But dear, we have to put get an HD set for the bedroom or the new equipment will overheat and start a fire.

[My wife to me]: Stay off of that G.D. satellite forum!
Don't be confident that what the CEO rep says is what the installer will bring...I had the CEO email rep tell me they'd bring a 1000.4 and put a wing at 110, installer didn't have 1000.4's as Intertech hadn't gotten any yet, so I got two Dish 500's, one at 61.5 and one at 72. Gets me all the channels as they put WNYO and WNED on 61.5. I'd bet they have 1000.4's now though.
I'd bet they have 1000.4's now though.

The very last CSR rep. I talked to, after I'd already emailed CEO@, told me that by June 3rd they would be offering a "new upgrade promotion" in my area to take care of everyone who needs to migrate. He claimed it was different than Dish-n-it-up and would supply all the needed upgrades...but only after June 3rd.

That might be weird dish shorthand for "we finally got enough of the right equipment to Intertech to start calling people and setting this up automatically."
I have been fighting this problem since February with Intertech and no 1000.4 DIshes. I understand this change over takes time. I called Dish tonight and explained the problems I have had getting a 1000.4 EA installed and they are sending an actual Dish Technician out to install a 1000.4. It's not really anyones fault, just takes time to realign and stock to support the new scheme.....
As best I can tell, it will be 1000.4 with another dish pointed at 61.5.

The email didn't specify which type of dish but said specifically both that I would need to keep the 61.5 dish (local HD), and that they would need to upgrade my 625 to a 722.

They wouldn't need to do that for a 1000.2, so I'm assuming it's Eastern Arc plus 61.5 for local HD.

I guess we'll see what the installer shows up with.

They may have ment a wing Dish at 110 to get Buffalo SD locals. However I see that they now have Buffalo SD & HD locals on 61.5 and available so it looks like just a EA should do it.

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