Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

Yes, 61.5 is about as high as it gets! My 1000.4 elevation angle is nearly 45 deg. Here in Annandale, VA, my longitude is 77 deg. So the Dish sat at 77 is as high in the sky as a geo satellite can be in our area.
The new bird is going to be in just about the same area as the old bird. Your look to that satellite is not going to change much. Do your locals come from Baltimore? Off hand I'm going to say that you need to see 61.5, 72.5 and 77, the eastern arc. That is what is going to get you everything. How you make that happen, in your situation, one dish, two or three, is how that is going to happen.
Our locals are DC, on 61.5. Maybe, with significantly viewed.....

I just shifted from 61.5/110/119 to EA, and I'm probably within 2 or 3 miles of TheKrell.

And yes, we're at about 77 degrees longitude so it can't seem to get better than that.
Sorry for asking this but I don't have time to read all the posts. I have a dish500 aimed at 119/110 and a separate dish300 at 61.5. It is plugged into the LNB IN on the dish500. How do I add 72.7 to this? Do I have to add separate dishes for each slot into a DPP44 switch. The tech showed up this morning with a 1000.4 that must be installed on the roof (8 holes). No way. He claimed that I didn't need the dish500 aimed at 119/110 ?
If you have all MPEG-4 receivers and your locals are on 61.5, then I'd say "Go for the 1000.4" in place of your 61.5 dish. You would only need 110/110 if you still have SD mpeg-2 receivers in use.

My installer used the roof bracket already there for my 61.5 dish, so no new holes were drilled for that. The 1000.4 is bigger and comes with two struts which I highly recommend. That's two new holes, but you won't feel a thing. ;)
The same here: the installer only replaced my old 61.5 with the 1000.4. No new holes!
If you are going to keep the Dish500 too, then you can also connect one of its LNB's as a "wing" dish to the 1000.4.
Good luck!
Sorry for asking this but I don't have time to read all the posts. I have a dish500 aimed at 119/110 and a separate dish300 at 61.5. It is plugged into the LNB IN on the dish500. How do I add 72.7 to this? Do I have to add separate dishes for each slot into a DPP44 switch. The tech showed up this morning with a 1000.4 that must be installed on the roof (8 holes). No way. He claimed that I didn't need the dish500 aimed at 119/110 ?

Tampa is on both the western and eastern arcs so you are golden. You can do one of three things: (1) repoint the 61.5 antenna to 129W keeping the D500 for 110/119, (2) install a 1000.2 antenna for 110/119/129, or (3) install a 1000.4 for 61.5/72.7/77. I'm surprised they came with a D1000.4. They have been just repointing the 61.5 antenna to 129W for many subs in that DMA.
I've had two appts for dish to come out and replace my 119/110/61.5 with the new dish. First they came out in March and told me to call back in April. Now they are tellnig me to reschedule for June. The answer is that I will lose channels if I replace my existing setup -- that all the channels aren't on the new dishes. I don't know that I believe this.

Having 3 dishes, (and trees), ( have a complicated setup, but I had thought the new upgade sat was higher in the horizon and easier to get in than 61.5. The guy who came out today told me it isn't. The service techs don't seem to want to do the upgrade. I had the same problem getting 61.5 put in, though in general I have had no problems seeing the 61.5 bird for the last 3 years or so. I used to keep up on this stuff, and in general know more than the techs who come out, but I haven't been keeping up to date lately. I've been a dish customer since 1999 and feel like I am getting tue runaround again.

I am frustrated dealing with the last two techs who have trouble understanding English. Can someone give me some advice on what to say to dish? I do have trees, (that's why 3 dishes) but I don.t feel convinced I can't get an upgrade (seeing as how for 6 years I was told I could,t see 61.5. I made a fuss four years ago when I wanted HD and that's how I got the 61.5 dish now sprouting in my yard . Do I need to make another fuss now? I pay $100+ a month for dish and i want the new channels if I can get them. Is it true my upgrade needs to be delayed until June? If I can't get them, fine, but so far I have not been impressed with the knowledge ( or lack of it) in the techs dish has sent out

if you have 3 dishes for 110 119 and 61.5 then yes, you have a lot of trees. and i would dread to be the tech to go to your home for this upgrade. no offense. if a spot cant be found for 129 (which is lower in elevation in most areas) a tech might have to actually mount 2 new dishes in completely different spots - for 72 and 77.
My first post :)

I just got an eastern arc upgrade last week (I had 110/119 & 61.5 ) and I have just noticed that G4 HD on 191 and TRU HD on 204 show up in my guide but I get the blue screen that says "the satellite signal has been lost"

can any one tell me if this is a problem with new set up or related to the problems with transponders on 61.5? What satellite are those 2 channels on?
My first post :)

I just got an eastern arc upgrade last week (I had 110/119 & 61.5 ) and I have just noticed that G4 HD on 191 and TRU HD on 204 show up in my guide but I get the blue screen that says "the satellite signal has been lost"

can any one tell me if this is a problem with new set up or related to the problems with transponders on 61.5? What satellite are those 2 channels on?

Call Dish up and request a repeak. Sounds like the dish was not pointed right if it is happening this soon.
My first post :)

I just got an eastern arc upgrade last week (I had 110/119 & 61.5 ) and I have just noticed that G4 HD on 191 and TRU HD on 204 show up in my guide but I get the blue screen that says "the satellite signal has been lost"

can any one tell me if this is a problem with new set up or related to the problems with transponders on 61.5? What satellite are those 2 channels on?

the screen that says signal lost should tell you what sat and transponder.
My Eastern Arc "Upgrade" experience

So I had what I thought was a simple setup. A 722 and a 322, both two rooms. Was on 110/119 with a wing for 61.5. Unfortunately, my HD locals were not on 61.5.

After seeing the new HD channels coming out that I wasn't getting, I called Dish for the upgrade to Eastern Arc, and they put me on the service plan, $15, yada yada yada. I think we all know that drill.

The tech on the phone said yes, I'd get the upgrade, all the new channels, no box switch, just a dish switch.

When the tech got here (his first Eastern Arc upgrade), he put in the new dish and a DPP44. He said because of my 322, I still needed 110/119, and that I didn't need 72.7, because 61.5 and 77 covered everything.

It didn't, obviously. The new HD was on 72.7. When I called in, a tech insisted that my 322 would pull just fine from Eastern Arc, and he'd send somone out to fix it. Guy came out & said the phone guys were wrong - the 322 was mpeg-2, and would only do 110-119, and that with the DPP44, I could only have 4 satellites in, thus no 72.7. After listening to me bless out the Dish rep on the phone (who told me I'd need to upgrade the 322 to a 222 & sign a new 2 year), the techs said "I can fix this, but we're not supposed to do this".

They ran EA direct to the 722, and 110/119 to the 32, bypassing the switch. I'm sure they took the switch with them for their trouble.

I'm happy, because I get the channels I should (BBCA & FSC in HD were important), but should I be worried about the fact that I have a switch listed on my account that I no longer have posession of?
If you are one of the Dish Network customers who is not getting the 9 new HD channels because you are getting your HD from 61.5 then you need to call DISH Network for an upgrade.

SatelliteGuys.US has just received the following official statement from DISH Network regarding this issue...

When you call please post your results here to SatelliteGuys as we want to make sure that all members get a fair deal from DISH Network.

The number for Dish Network is 1-800-333-DISH.

I have updated this post and added a PDF which was sent to retailers which explans what channels were added, where to find them and what packages they are part of. Enjoy!


Thanks to this forum I checked and found that I was one of the ones not receiving the new channels and should have been.

I called DISH and they told me I had to have my dish repointed. I told the rep that I did that just last month. She said it needed to be done again to receive the new additional HD channels.

They were very nice and I am scheduled for Saturday. Hopefully all will be well and I will post results!

THANKS Sat-Guys!
Since I hadn't been to this forum in a while I just found out this past Tuesday that I was missing out on the new HD channels. I was going to wait a few days to call them to schedule an appt, but then on Wednesday night I got a call from DISH in regards to it, they told me they would need to send someone out to repoint and that it was free. I scheduled it for this morning, guy was here for maybe a half hour and now all set, he repointed from 61.5 to 129 and now getting all the HD I should be and it didn't cost me anything either. I also received a letter in the mail from DISH yesterday to the same effect as the phone call, telling me that I needed to schedule for a redirect. Nearly three months without getting these channels and now this week I am being hit over the head with the info! My own fault for not visiting this forum more frequently.
Tampa is on both the western and eastern arcs so you are golden. You can do one of three things: (1) repoint the 61.5 antenna to 129W keeping the D500 for 110/119, (2) install a 1000.2 antenna for 110/119/129, or (3) install a 1000.4 for 61.5/72.7/77. I'm surprised they came with a D1000.4. They have been just repointing the 61.5 antenna to 129W for many subs in that DMA.

I think I'm going to repoint 61.5 to 129. The installer just called and claimed I would be losing channels but I think he's misinformed.

I'm in MD. I have the 250 package plus locals and platinum HD.

I would like the additional channels (given I'm paying for them). However, I wouldn't mind keeping some or all of my existing dishes if that is possible, just for redundancy. It's nice when one of my dishes goes out (as for example the squirrel chewing through my 61.5 dish cable line, that I have the other dishes working. Or when snow buries my 110 dish on the roof, I have 61.5. The tech I had out in Feb or March to do the upgrade (who didn.t and told me to call back in April) was talking about using the 110 dish location to get the new bird, but that is the one that always gets buried for days in heavy snow. He was the one who also said the new bird would be high and I shouldn't have trouble getting a signal. But the tech out today told a different story. He told me 61.5 was high in the sky (I'm sure that's not true for MD) and I would have trouble seeing the new bird. pat
The elevation for an 1000.4 EA dish is 44 in Maryland. Your single dish for 61.5 is probably at elevation 42. You can use DishPointer to get the exact elevation/azimuth/skew for your zip code. The 1000.4 dish should be placed where your 61.5 dish is currently since you already seem to have LOS
I think I'm going to repoint 61.5 to 129. The installer just called and claimed I would be losing channels but I think he's misinformed.


When they first put the Tampa DMA on the WA last year, the only thing missing was the RSNs. I assume that's been corrected by now or else they wouldn't be offering to repoint 61.5 subs to 129 for free.
Well, wish me luck. I am scheduled for an "8am to noon" appointment. I called Dish because I saw the slate on channels 363 & 365 that said "these channels have moved" to 378 & 379. I explained to the CSR that I did not have a channel 378 or 379 in my guide. I was hoping that explanation would get me the free Eastern Arc upgrade as I have no LOS to 129?W, but no dice. I'm getting the $15 service call and one good thing is they are going to upgrade my DP34 to a DPP44 as part of the upgrade.

One question, though. Since I paid for the DP34, the DP LNBs, and Dishes over the years, I should be able to keep them, right? I can put them to use at our family vacation cabin, but I'm not sure about what the installers have been told to do.
One question, though. Since I paid for the DP34, the DP LNBs, and Dishes over the years, I should be able to keep them, right? I can put them to use at our family vacation cabin, but I'm not sure about what the installers have been told to do.
Just tell the installers that the equipment is yours and you have another use for it.

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