Statement from Dish Network on VOOM Takedown

Plus now Dish is majorly partnered with Canada DBS providers, and probably has to carry the content. It was probably WFN or the Curling channel...

Hey, I resemble that remark. :) I actually enjoy curling, a lot like math on ice.

And wifey, who is, shall we say, somewhat "fastidious", loves the sweeping part.
So, I was looking for an old thread, and I couldn't find it, but I found this...I posted it January 07.


Making VOOM a-la-carte again would save $5-$7 at the most. It would probably also kill VOOM off. While I don't watch it much, it's nice to have the variety, and it's easily worth $5 to me.

As much as Voom has gone downhill, it's still worth $5 to me. So it would be nice to see it stay a-la-carte, but they'll probably die out first.

BTW...the rest of my post already came true...

I'd like to see a 2-tiered system. The first tier would include just HD simulcasts of channels you already receive- TNT, ESPN 1 & 2, National Geographic, Premiums, and/or locals. This would be like the "HD Enabling Fee", but would include a few more channels that were previously in the HD Pack. To make this more attractive, they should add Cinemax, TMC, A&E, and any other simulcast channels, including west-coast feeds. This would drive people towards higher packages. Hopefully, they could bring Encore-HD back too. The costs on these channels SHOULD be relatively low, because you've already payed for the programming costs.

The second tier would have VOOM and any other "original" HD channels, plus channels like Discovery that have different schedules.

I'm not sure why I included A&E in that list, since it's in the LOWEST price package. Maybe it's a typo. Of course, this was before the new Discovery HD and other channels went to simulcast...
I'm not sure if this is the right thread of the umpteen on the subject, but here it goes:

I'm just had to register to comment on this ridiculousness. Not Dish's ridiculousness, but most of yours. While I too am disappointed with the loss of the 10 (and soon 15) VOOM networks. I would rather have them than not have them. I also thing Charlie could have gone about it a lot better. But you people are so fickle! Charlie can't win no matter what he does. There are a few points you can all keep in mind:

1. Remember back 3 months ago, when some thought bandwidth was one of the biggest issues holding Dish back? I remember reading plenty of commend in the various gripe threads (here and the other site) that "Oh, I know where Dish can find 15 more spots today." Many of you were ready to give up VOOM just for Sci-Fi HD and USA HD. Now that they are gone, you act like it was the worst move ever. Come on.

2. Many of you seem to think VOOM was some kind of huge competitive advantage for Dish to have VOOM. And sure, that's why some may have subscribed. But it clearly wasn't a huge advantage. The evidence is simple: The recently released sub numbers. But before we get into that, let's review Dish's and Direct's strategies for the past year or so:
Dish: Stay the HD leader by offering the most HD programming, not worrying as much about new channels with little HD. Release the best HD DVR on the market, and advertise the heck out of it. Be aggressive in negotiations to get better pries, even if it means delaying launches.
Direct: Increase capacity and launch as many mainstream channels in HD as possible. Advertise the heck out of having the most capacity, even if most of you channels show little to no HD. Focus less on equipment.
The discerning HD viewer might think Dish's strategy is the winner. But as we can see from the new sub numbers, Joe Six Pack clearly preferred Direct's approach. And that makes sense. Imagine the conversation with the salespeople: J6P: "So, what HD channels do you have?" DTV: "Oh, your favorites, like Spike, MTV, Speed, FX, USA and Sci-fi" J6P: "So, Dish, what about you?" Dish: "While we have USA, Sci Fi, Rush, Ultra, Treasure..." J6P: "What the heck are those last ones?" Dish:" Those are our VOOM HD Networks" J6P: "But what about Spike and Speed?" Dish: We don't have those" J6P: "Oh Direct..."
To remain competitive, Dish has to keep up, even if it means copying Direct. While uniqueness may be great, if it doesn't work, time to go to plan B.

3. There is one other important competitive situation: Price. The one part of their strategy that can still serve them is a price advantage over Direct due to lower provider fees. Even if my DishHD (only) pack goes up $30, it will still be cheaper for me than Direct.

4. Many of you are thinking the bandwidth excuse is a load of crap because VOOM and the 17 additions coexisted for 8 or so hours. Maybe it is. But maybe its not. Maybe Dish is concerned about Echostar 3's power situation, and wants to keep a transponder or 2 free in case the lose some. Or maybe we sill soon see The Viacom networks, plus the remaining NBC-U networks, maybe even Rainbow Media networks added it their place. Maybe they had the space for 17, but have 25+ more channels to give us. Something may have had to give to get us more.

5. We represent a small cross section of Dish subscribers. Be are the HD nuts. None of Dish's millions of SD subs noticed a difference yesterday. None of the HD Essentials folks noticed a downgrade, as they had already elected to drop VOOM. In fact, I'm sure they all are happy for the big upgrade. Only us dish HD and HD Ultimates noticed. And even among us, I'm sure many were only occasional VOOM watchers. Never forget that Dish no doubt had actual numbers attesting to VOOMs low viewership.

6. This is VOOMs fault more than Dish's They had a contract. All they had to do was spend $100M on programming. Instead, they decided it would be more profitable to just show the same stuff over and over and keep the cash. That's what gave Dish the out. And, had VOOM improved it's programming (not just the oft referenced improved Monsters HD), Dish may not have wanted yank VOOM because we might have actually been watching it.

7. The VOOM networks are becoming increasingly redundant, even against other Rainbow networks. There are now 2 cartoon HD networks, 2 HD News notworks (maybe soon more), and plenty of other arts/documentary networks. Even World Cinema/VOOM HD Movies and Filmforce are matched with AMC HD and IFC HD form Rainbow. Who do you think Rainbow is going to give the better titles to? Heck, much of Ultra HD could go to WE HD. Only Monsters, Kung Fu, Rush, World Sport, Gameplay, and Rave (given that it was a music station that actually had music) were unique. And maybe that fact shows that there sin;t much of an audience for those niches.

But if that isn't enough, go to Direct, cable, or FiOS. With Direct, you can gripe about how you are now paying more for the same HD content that's on Dish, or how you HR21 sucks. With Cable or FiOS, you can gripe about the lack of HD. But wherever you go, I don;t think any prover can get you what you want, so you'll keep griping anyway.

I, for one, hope Dish will add some more HD in the next 2 weeks to make up for today. But even if not, I consider yesterday to be more a gain than a loss.
I'm curious as to how many people would have watched these Voom channels if they were SD? In other words, were they watching for the content or for the pretty pictures and surround sound?
I was occasionally watching Voom for the "no commercials".
I have been with Dish since 1996...I had Voom for a few months before it went belly up and I agree with Dish's position on this.

The VOOM channels were great when there was little other HD content...but Voom's time has come and gone...I don't think it's particularly relevant or compelling content.
I have been with Dish since 1996...I had Voom for a few months before it went belly up and I agree with Dish's position on this.

The VOOM channels were great when there was little other HD content...but Voom's time has come and gone...I don't think it's particularly relevant or compelling content.

I see your point but you have to agree MonstersHD is both relevant and compelling you cant get it anywhere else, chiller doesnt come close.
Bait and switch

Hey, former VoOm sub, get 10 VoOm channels now, the rest in a year! Yeah, well they added only 5, and you had to swap out the DVR, ante, reup. That's 2xB&S. When I did swap and reup at year 2, they failed to provide the $100 rebate they promised, knew nothing about it. Don't get me started on the EHD and the 500 Gb of movies that the DVR keeps deciding isn't set up for it, the DVR it's been connected to since it came home from Fry's. "You need to contact the disk manufacturer." No, I need to disconnect your mouth from my bank account, technozero. Now no VoOm? I just don't like doing business with this brand of sleaze. I'll bet I'm not alone, and I'll bet that's behind the churn, Sir Charles.

I regularly watched chop socky on Kung Fu, World Sports Spanish soccer, operas on Gallery, foreign films on World Cinema, exploration on Equator. OK, late at night I watched Gameplay, and Bruce Campbell on Monsters. I did not spend much time at UltraHD, unless women were present, but then it was my favorite channel. Too bad to lose this rich variety and excellent video for yet more stultifyingly predictable major studio movies. Sorry Charlie, but that $130 a month needs to feed the Kindle and the Blu-ray, which will more than fill the gap until there are better telechoices. I'll miss VoOm, but not bait and switch Dish.
I rarely watched any of them. When Dish first got them, I liked the music on RAVE, but it soon became an endless stream of repeats. MHD has far better material.

The blast of "regular" HD channels they've added in the last month more than make up for the loss of VOOM to me, anyway.
It doesn't repeat as much as Rave, but it repeats quite a bit. And the censorship is stupid.

No kidding. I recorded an Amy Winehouse concert to watch, and when I did, it was bleeped out so much I deleted it before the second song came on. Why bother even showing something like that?
i'm really only upset about Rave. I loved Later with Jools Holland, it introduced me to so much new music. And also the random UK concerts like Glastonbury that were played. Aside from that, i look forward to getting Spike HD soon...hopefully :x:
The decline of western civilization...

I'll tell ya' long enough and you just about hear and see it all. As much as I could go on about the knuckle-dragging, beer swilling, check bouncing, sports watchin', ball scratching masses of human feces that populate these boards and whom desire to watch HD fishing, homo-erotic HD sporting shows (UFC) and Red Dawn on a continuous loop, ...I won't. You know who you are and you are what's wrong with humanity.

Now, about VOOM's boom. Careful here...painful reminders of how stupid you are coming up:

VOOM was commercial free. Is there ANY other reason $100M for content was used up so quickly? C'mon're the tribe of mouth breathers that somehow find it acceptable to write checks to cable or satellite providers. Once upon a time before cable and satellite, there were 3 networks with a weird 4th one bouncing off the clouds...remember..? Those networks paid for their content with commercial advertising...cable politely asked if we as consumers would like the option to watch commercial free TV...for a fee...of course. Then somehow, like always, ads started popping up slowly..a grumble here...a phone call there...yet we still wrote our checks. Look at PAY TV now...are you seeing ANY commercials?...LOL...Amazing...You bent over and agreed to the deed and you're still paying today. VOOM died because of money..the end. When we all decide to NOT pay for the crap content they offer us and DEMAND a cafeteria style plan where YOU pick the channels you want to see..COMMERCIAL FREE...then stop yer bitchin'. :D

Now I'm quite sure that most of you take some offense to this tirade and for good reason. It's hard to have a mirror held up to yourself because no one tells you you're wrong...and continue to be. But then again, people still pull up at the pumps and roll their eyes and pay whatever those silly OPEC terrorists demand of them. America used to be strong with a sense of economy and we're all just a bunch of pu$$ies who want everything now with no thought to consequences. We polluted a friggin harbor in Boston with tea once,...for a lot less an infraction than pay TV gripes.......

Why people,.....why?
All we (or my kids for the most part) watched Rush,Worldsport and Gameplay. The balance of the Vooms we didn't watch so in our opinion this is a good move to make room for more nationals that the majority may enjoy:up
I'll tell ya' long enough and you just about hear and see it all. As much as I could go on about the knuckle-dragging, beer swilling, check bouncing, sports watchin', ball scratching masses of human feces that populate these boards and whom desire to watch HD fishing, homo-erotic HD sporting shows (UFC) and Red Dawn on a continuous loop, ...I won't. You know who you are and you are what's wrong with humanity....
Why people,.....why?

Welcome Jinglepants!

Your philosophical view point while important is a little skewed. It has always been a habit of mankind to blame the masses for the ills of the world but in truth, those who know better, those who know to do good and yet they don't do it, they are the ones to blame. Like today's children - what's wrong with them? Nothing, it's the parents.

It is inevitable that tv will devolve to Jerry Springer, American Idol, and PornTV with men left to their own devices and nobody speaking the truth and standing for what is good and decent and right.

The online world allows people to go overboard and forums are a great place to watch priorities spiral out of control. Don't live here; just visit and then go live your life and live it abundantly.

I rarely watched any of them. When Dish first got them, I liked the music on RAVE, but it soon became an endless stream of repeats. MHD has far better material.

The blast of "regular" HD channels they've added in the last month more than make up for the loss of VOOM to me, anyway.


DVR problems with box 522.

Picture pixlating

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