Starz Torchwood- A Miracle Day

Just watched, I enjoyed... like anything else, don't over think things... ;) there are some on the net that tear things apart, enjoy the story! otherwise Bugs Bunny is just cr*p, no cartoon never the less bunny can talk... :D
I've made this point before. When you create a universe and impose rules in the universe as a writer, if you break the rule you yourself created, it is an issue. Bugs Bunny lives in a universe of talking rabbits and inept hunters that are shorter than the rabbit. Torchwood lives in a universe where Jack's blood has nothing to do with his immorality.
long_time_DNC said:
Yep, they did break a rule that they even had the actor say...that his blood had nothing to do with his immortality...however, maybe Jack was wrong? ;) He may be from the future, but he obviously doesn't know everything...

It's well established continuity that Rose, in resurrecting him via the power of the time vortex, made Jack a fixed point in time and space. Thus, he's unchanging and immortal because any harm that is done to him is undone when his body returns to that fixed state.

This always raised the question in me, how does Jack create new memories and learn new things. Assuming his body is a fixed point, that would seem to rule out the creation of new neural pathways in his brain to store any new information, no? Not an issue for me, but it'd be interesting for that to be addressed by the writers.

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Star Trek has changed it's "rules" even within a single series (TNG is my particular reference here). In Season 2, they used the transporter and some DNA from Dr. Pulaski to "de-age" her back to the age of the DNA they used from a hair folical from her hair brush. Essentially, they turned the transporter into the fountain of youth.

The writers never used it (or referred to it) again in any of subsequent 5 seasons, nor in any other Trek series or films. The writers realized what they'd done and quickly buried it.

Yep, writers can make things happen and unhappen...but the fans (some anyway) remember... ;)
I think ya'll might be over thinking this whole thing. It is sci-fi. It is supposed to be that you watch with suspended disbelief. If you try to assign laws to it , you will always be disappointed. I liked the ending of the series and I am grateful that they wrapped it up in one ending. I would of hated to wait till next year to see the ending. I would of probably not watched it again, if they waited to give us the resolution next summer. Although the series itself seemed to be filled with a lot of filler to make it last 12 shows, the ending made up for the uneven story that preceded it.
But he said, several times, that it had nothing to do with his blood...this would make more sense to me (Jack coming back to life innumerable times) if it weren't related to his blood. The Blessing sucked an enormous quantity of blood out of him...enough to kill any mortal man...and since Rex had Jack's blood in him in Argentina, the blessing is reversed and *poof* Jack comes back. If it's not blood-related immortality, then Rex ought to be dead. So, that's a big inconsistency. Also (and I'm no M.D.), but if Rex's and Jack's blood aren't the same blood-type, doesn't Rex die anyway?

Other than those issues, still, I enjoyed the finale'...
I'm still trying to figure out how Jack became mortal.

Even if taking his immortal blood into the mobious field made people on Earth immortal, why should that have anything to due with making Jack immortal.

Another question as well. Why would using Jack's immortal blood make all the humans immortal but nothing else, including chimps? Afterall, Jack is not human as he's from another planet.
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I'd also like to see it continue next year. Maybe a few episodes to wrap this up, then regular episodes like before Children of Earth?
Some plan "B" thoughts ...

Near the end with the "red" girl, the "family" guy stated how this was just the first pass and to the effect they can now make it permanent.

I think Rex with his "immortality" has just proven that.

So ... they capture Jack again ... and Rex would work now too ... and feed their blood to the Blessing. The Blessing will flip folks back to immortality and Jack and Rex to mortal. Then get their "mortal" blood ... and feed that to the Blessing ... this time with new people on the both sides filled with Jack and Rex's blood. The new people, would then end up being immortal also. Repeat, repeat, repeat ... you would then end up with a select core of immortals.

Of course ... this is all assuming the new "rule" ... its all about the blood.

Jack and Rex will be forever hunted. It would do the families good then to capture Jack and Rex for say a year or so ... get a good quantity of immortal blood. Then with the Blessing ... flip things ... then for another year ... get a good quantity of "mortal" blood ... they can then do a lot more "repeats" until they run out accordingly. By that time though ... Jack and Rex will no longer be needed as they will have a fresh batch of immortals. If just anyone's mortal blood works though ... they could just get a good supply of mortal blood ... while they are getting the initial supply of immortal blood.

Anyway ... hope its not that predictable.
Judging by the final ratings, I would bet against it being renewed by Starz. Probably back to Wales and BBC solely...where it belongs.
When I saw the names Kelly A. Manners and Jane Espenson in the credits, I wondered if there would be a BTVS/Angel connection in the plot. The ending revealed it with the "blood is life" thing.
I thought it was ok, but stretched at least 3 episodes. I can also do without the "boy on boy" action every chance they get.
yeah, we need some equal oppertunity "girl on girl" action ;)

But yeah, I agree. Unfortunately that kind of thing is what floats Russell T. Davis's boat.
Well the only thing that this series convinced me of is that next year I do not have to subscribe to Starz. If Sparticus or Torchwood turns out good next year I will probably just get on BD and watch. It will still be less than subbing to Starz.

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