Stargate Universe

For me ... I actually liked the ending too ... putting everyone asleep - okay ... the shield frequency thing - the Borg and Star Trek ... Eli's smile at the end I liked too ... I also like the jumping right on top of the enemy space ship (thought that was funny).

For me though ... I was expecting more of a "season" finale versus a "series" finale ... as in a true cliff hanger ... like ... the ship is about to tear apart ... people stuck on the other side of a gate ... type stuff.

From what I understood, the series cancellation was a surprise to the actors and that when they were notified, the second season had all been filmed.

It appears that they indeed went back and filmed a "series" finale ... with the opportunity to "wrap" things up ... or at least put things on "hold". It was almost as if, they took the last episode and junked it ... and replaced it with this one.

With one episode left ... it is not as if they could have all of the sudden brought folks home ... or ... made it to the center of the universe ... or met God ... whatever. I thought it ended as best as it could considering it got cancelled.

They left the series in tact where it "could" pick up at really any point:

1. Destiny wakes the crew up early.
2. Destiny wakes the crew up as anticipated, but some die.
3. Years in the future with the decedents of the crew on Destiny.
4. A new crew boards Destiny finding the old frozen crew (alive or dead).

One thing I did like about the Destiny was that it seemed to have a mind of its own. They would submit a program to Destiny ... and sometimes Destiny would accept it, other times it would not. Sometimes Destiny would shut down areas, and no matter what, they would not be able to override it. Nice little twist.

I've rambled enough.

I enjoyed the series as a whole.
I have the last 12 episodes recorded and archived; will I watch them? Only time will tell. I'll watch Eureka,W13, and Haven this summer, yet even those aren't great. AND why call it the second half of a season if it comes out for 10 episodes every year. The reality is that that Sigh Figh s nothing but crap. They have lost their way. And can keep their frigin wrassling.

Couldn't agree more, Rocky! :up
Stargate Universe finale ratings highest since November

Stargate Universe headed into the cancellation void with a bit of a bang last night, scoring the show's highest ratings since "Visitation," the ninth episode of the season, aired last November.
Source & More: gateworld

Some interesting links from gateworld...
'Stargate Universe' Season 2, Episode 19 Recap
I watched the final episode last night. It was just ok.
An Open Letter to Stargate Fans From Syfy

by Craig Engler the Editor: With the end of Stargate Universe on Syfy this week, fans of the show are understandably upset. Why was the show cancelled? Did the move from Friday nights do it more harm than good? Today we welcome a guest post from Craig Engler, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Syfy Digital. Our thanks to Craig for taking the time to respond to some of the concerns coming from Stargate fans, and to explain the network's decision-making process
Source & More:
My Take:

  • Erratic scheduling didn't kill SGU
  • Bull
  • The hiatus didn't kill SGU:eek:
  • Bull
  • SGU wasn't doing well on Fridays before we moved it:croc:
  • Might not have been, but Fridays are a dead zone...
  • We didn't cancel SGU because we hate science fiction, we love science fiction:argue:
SyFy loves scifi, unless it's a show that involves spaceships, aliens, other planets, wormholes, time travel, etc.
  • We did support SGU:confused:
  • Right
  • We didn't cancel SGU in order to make wrestling:rolleyes:
  • Really?
  • We love Stargate:blah:
  • Horse****
That wouldn't matter to advertisers. Think about it. What good is a "Mazda Event" commercial three weeks after the event ended. Advertisers target time and date on their commercials. Unless the program is viewed within 36-48 of the original broadcast date, the recorded commercials have gone "stale" in the advertiser's minds, and they are the ones paying for it. So what they think counts.
Sadly, very true. If the advertisers don't think they're being seen, the execs get pressure to move the show around to other days/times. IMO, Monday and Tuesday nights just aren't a good fit for what Syfy offers when they're up against the big network's "heavy hitters". I'd been watching Scifi/Syfy on Friday nights since they picked up SG1 from Showtime. My longest Scifi stint was the Friday night trifecta of SG1/SGA/BSG. That was something I really looked forward to. If they had W13/Sanctuary/SGU on Fridays, they'd still have me as a Friday night viewer. As it is now, I watch Syfy for an hour (well, it's down to an hour now) on Mondays and that's it for the entire week...
Actually after further reflection, the last episode was a good way to end the series if it had to end. The ship jumping for 3+ years alone in the dark like it had done for the last million years...

SGU's downfall is that they did not have wrestling stars make guest appearances every week as a tie in... I wonder why SyFy never thought of it?

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