Stargate Universe

I'm waiting for them to jump on to the newest rage...."Young Zombies In Love".

Wow, I missed this one yesterday. All I can say is thank god. It was time to put it out of its misery. Sigh Figh has now mangled two of its best franchises. First BSG with Craprica, and now Stargate. The telling thing in the article is that next year will be the first time in 14 years that Stargate has not been on television. :(

And for those souls actually watching SGU, the article announces that the series will end with a cliffhanger, since they already finished filming BEFORE announcing the cancellation. Classic.

Now all Sigh Figh has left is its bubblegum science fiction of Eureka and W13. And those only air during the summer. Sad. Time to close up shop, and send Eureka and W13 to Universal HD or some other NBC home. Heck, put them on NBC itself, its not like the peacock is must see tv anyways. :rolleyes:
SGU was not a terrible concept. The problem is that they never went anywhere with it. They had a gate but rarely seemed to use it. It was more about ship drama than about off world drama. But, I suspect that SyFy was probably responsible for a lot of it. I bet they had a very small budget that kept them on the ship to avoid having to create planets. If you never see aliens you do not have to pay for makeup. The first season of the bodyswapers probably saved a lot of money, after all the drama was on earth and they could just use any old setting since it was just earth.

The second season was a bit better since they dropped most of the bodyswaping drama. But, they stayed on the ship a lot and never got out. It was soap opera in space. Was the budget cut even more? Were they unable to pay for even earth adventures?

Syfy is probably going to only pay for series shot in handicams next. Their next series taken from the BBC, being human is probably more about being cheap to shoot than about science fiction.
Scifi (Syfy) is very close to being an irrelevant channel now. Sure, they've got Eureka, Sanctuary and W13, but they've killed (yes, killed, with an axe) all their compelling scifi programming. SG1, SGA, BSG, Caprica (marginal) and SGU (also marginal). I'm about done with Syfy and seriously miss Scifi...
Scifi (Syfy) is very close to being an irrelevant channel now. Sure, they've got Eureka, Sanctuary and W13, but they've killed (yes, killed, with an axe) all their compelling scifi programming. SG1, SGA, BSG, Caprica (marginal) and SGU (also marginal). I'm about done with Syfy and seriously miss Scifi...
I'm with you, never got into Sanctuary and have archived some/watched some Eureka & W13 episodes, started getting into SGU after getting the BD's , they moved Caprica & SGU to the Tuesday "death zone" (NCIS block CBS & the other network shows) then cancel because of ratings... wtf? they killed SGA to make room for SGU then really screw it up... then when it starts to get better kill:rolleyes: I hope Comcast fires anyone connected with the changeover of Scifi to Syfy.
Scifi (Syfy) is very close to being an irrelevant channel now. Sure, they've got Eureka, Sanctuary and W13, but they've killed (yes, killed, with an axe) all their compelling scifi programming. SG1, SGA, BSG, Caprica (marginal) and SGU (also marginal). I'm about done with Syfy and seriously miss Scifi...

Other than the summer with Eureka, W13, and Haven, Sigh Figh has become completely irrelevant in my television viewing. I said it before, Sad. Pathetic. Lame.
I watch Syfy only for a few series now : Haven, Warehouse 13 and Eureka. I don't watch their Monster genre of the week B movies anymore because they are just plain stupid. I miss Sci-fi when it showed true sci fi series like Bionic woman and 6 million dollar man , Lost in space and even Dark Shadows. This channel is why I wanted satellite tv back 15 years ago and I got Primestar sat service. Now I rarely watch it. My wife likes the ghost hunters show but I feel this show is bullsh*t. They always yell to each other in every episode: Did you see that? Did you feel that? etc. NO we never see it and if it wasn't for the scary music , the audience would never know when to react. Plain insulting to my intelligence . As for Stargate Universe, I hated this show from the beginning. It was boring and depressing with no real relation to the original Stargate series. I liked the original Stargate series and Stargate Atlantis, but the rest of these shows that followed I could do without. As it stands today I could care less if Syfy stays on the air. They killed the entire genre of science fiction /fantasy , when they changed the name and added wrestling.
I'm with you, never got into Sanctuary and have archived some/watched some Eureka & W13 episodes, started getting into SGU after getting the BD's , they moved Caprica & SGU to the Tuesday "death zone" (NCIS block CBS & the other network shows) then cancel because of ratings... wtf? they killed SGA to make room for SGU then really screw it up... then when it starts to get better kill:rolleyes: I hope Comcast fires anyone connected with the changeover of Scifi to Syfy.

I agree, I thought SGU was getting better (unlike Caprica) going into the mid-season break. It still wasn't SG1 or SGA, but it wasn't being as horrible as the first season. Now, 10 more episodes and it ends on a cliffhanger? Utterly lame. That kind of decision shows that the execs there don't really care about anything except the bottom line.

Other than the summer with Eureka, W13, and Haven, Sigh Figh has become completely irrelevant in my television viewing. I said it before, Sad. Pathetic. Lame.

I never got into Eureka or Haven, but got interested in W13 and Sanctuary. Now both are on hiatus until the spring, and I don't bother with the lame movie of the week either, so the network I once watched more than almost any other, I won't be watching until spring now. I remember the days of B5, Star Trek and many other good scifi series on there. Now, it's nearly an entertainment desert...

Indeed...sad, pathetic and lame.

Here's a concept they should be thinking about. When they want to save money, how about firing some of the inept managers? Since those managers can't seem to bring in good shows and keep them going, maybe the problem isn't the show but the manager...
Universe actors learned of cancellation via Twitter

Darren Sumner
Here's an odd story that has come out as news has broken today of Syfy Channel's decision to cancel Stargate Universe (story): Many of the show's cast didn't learn about the fate of the show until their fans told them on Twitter.
"Crap. Just heard the news as well," David Blue (Eli Wallace) posted on his Twitter account. "Apparently, nobody decided to tell us ahead of time. My rep heard it online. Seems they canceled SGU."
Source & More:
Sigh Figh is characterized by several words: ineptitude, lame, pathetic, and sad. :(

Look at the quality of shows on TNT these days in comparison (Rizzoli and Isles, Leverage, The Closer, Memphis Beat, etc...) and sign figh does not even merit a DVR timer for most of the year....

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