That Wrassle and see ghosts...I'm waiting for them to jump on to the newest rage...."Young Zombies In Love".
I'm with you, never got into Sanctuary and have archived some/watched some Eureka & W13 episodes, started getting into SGU after getting the BD's , they moved Caprica & SGU to the Tuesday "death zone" (NCIS block CBS & the other network shows) then cancel because of ratings... wtf? they killed SGA to make room for SGU then really screw it up... then when it starts to get better killScifi (Syfy) is very close to being an irrelevant channel now. Sure, they've got Eureka, Sanctuary and W13, but they've killed (yes, killed, with an axe) all their compelling scifi programming. SG1, SGA, BSG, Caprica (marginal) and SGU (also marginal). I'm about done with Syfy and seriously miss Scifi...
Scifi (Syfy) is very close to being an irrelevant channel now. Sure, they've got Eureka, Sanctuary and W13, but they've killed (yes, killed, with an axe) all their compelling scifi programming. SG1, SGA, BSG, Caprica (marginal) and SGU (also marginal). I'm about done with Syfy and seriously miss Scifi...
I'm with you, never got into Sanctuary and have archived some/watched some Eureka & W13 episodes, started getting into SGU after getting the BD's , they moved Caprica & SGU to the Tuesday "death zone" (NCIS block CBS & the other network shows) then cancel because of ratings... wtf? they killed SGA to make room for SGU then really screw it up... then when it starts to get better killI hope Comcast fires anyone connected with the changeover of Scifi to Syfy.
Other than the summer with Eureka, W13, and Haven, Sigh Figh has become completely irrelevant in my television viewing. I said it before, Sad. Pathetic. Lame.
+1,000 ...Grrr....
Here's a concept they should be thinking about. When they want to save money, how about firing some of the inept managers? Since those managers can't seem to bring in good shows and keep them going, maybe the problem isn't the show but the manager...
Source & More: gateworld.netHere's an odd story that has come out as news has broken today of Syfy Channel's decision to cancel Stargate Universe (story): Many of the show's cast didn't learn about the fate of the show until their fans told them on Twitter.
"Crap. Just heard the news as well," David Blue (Eli Wallace) posted on his Twitter account. "Apparently, nobody decided to tell us ahead of time. My rep heard it online. Seems they canceled SGU."
Makes me wonder now just when the suits were going to bother to inform cast and crew? How lame is that?