Stargate Universe

Only started watching it, but man, four months away from SGU just reinforced how badly they screwed up a great franchise. :rolleyes:

Caprica is 100X better as a sequel/prequel.
Absence did not make the heart grow fonder. I made it half-way. Then deleted...and the timer. Done with it.
I kept the mid-season break episode that I could re-watch just so I could remember who-was-who and what-was-what because I knew I wasn't going to remember most of it (and I was right, I didn't).

Really, to call this series "Stargate" is just wrong. Sure, they have a round ring gate, and the com-stones (which were rarely used in SG1 and not at all in SGA that I can recall), but the ship doesn't resemble an Aurora-class ship all that much and the cast is all over the map, which isn't really SG-like at all.

My point? They have 3 more hours of my time to "grab" me and keep me as a viewer. I almost thought they'd accomplish it with this past Friday's episode, but the last 10 minutes blew an otherwise much better episode back to the mediocre status that the entire first half of the season suffered, I hold out little hope that they'll do something in the next 3 weeks that'll grab me and keep me watching...but I'll give them the 4 hours I said I would and see what happens, but I'm certainly not holding out much hope...
Oh, the Sgt provides two minutes of entertainment at max; its not like her character has any importance ot the show.

I just finished the episode, and remain disappointed, and unimpressed. I so WANT to like this show, but it is really turning into a waste of my time. I certainly understand why people have deleted timers.

So disappointing, given the history of stargate.
"Window dressing" is always important to any show, no matter how meaningless the character. ;)

I was impressed only because, for about 30 minutes, it actually felt like Stargate. There was some tension, an alien threat, a space battle, an abduction and some other Stargate-like elements. Then, in the last 10-15 minutes of the episode, they let all the air out of it and there it was, just laying there again.

I agree, I want to like this show and I'm giving it what I consider to be more than a fair chance to grab me, but so far, it's been a few moments of "WOW" amidst a galaxy of *YAWN*.

3 more hours...and if they still fail to'll be timer deleted...
I actually like the show, but it is too complex, too many characters and the personalities are too multidimensional. I actually like the show and think it will take time for it to develop. Think about the original stargate with 6 or so main characters and all likeable and fundamentally moral. The thing about the original stargate is that everything was black or white. With Universe, there are no truly good guys (well maybe Eli), every one has their own demons and is capable of selfish and down right nasty/evil behavior - not a typical stargate show - where characters are more black and white. When I watch stargate - I like to see good trump over evil, but here is it dificult to know who is good and who is evil.
A Ba'al clone popping up somewhere along the line would be too much to hope for...but I agree, he'd make it interesting instead of all this political's see, I'm millions of light years from Earth, on a ancient ship that's not exactly in tip-top shape, that's generally under-powered and under-armed, has been attacked by an bunch of aliens and I'm going to consider engaging in a coup to oust the Colonel? I don't think so!

Give me a SG1 instead of this "B.H. 90210 (in space) trash!! :D
A Ba'al clone popping up somewhere along the line would be too much to hope for...but I agree, he'd make it interesting instead of all this political's see, I'm millions of light years from Earth, on a ancient ship that's not exactly in tip-top shape, that's generally under-powered and under-armed, has been attacked by an bunch of aliens and I'm going to consider engaging in a coup to oust the Colonel? I don't think so!

Give me a SG1 instead of this "B.H. 90210 (in space) trash!! :D

Oh and I cannot stand Ming Na. She makes Woolsey look like-able.
The problem I have with SGU is that the producers removed EVERYTHING I liked about SG1 and SGA, then they substituted EVERYTHING I despised about BSG (Gritty look, depressing characters and futile approach to every situation). I still have this show on my timers and watch it while reading facebook.

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