Stargate SG-1 Discussion

This is one of the few shows I can watch over and over again.

Yeah I agree, not sure how I missed them all the first time around. Found out about them, through here, a couple of years ago, and have watched every episode, from all of the series, at least twice, maybe three times. Lol. I could start them again today and it would still be interesting to me.

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Just finished Season 3 with my wife. This is her first time watching them and she can't stop watching them. LOL!
I forgot the replicators came this early in the series.

I think if more women started to watch them they would actually like them. If you can get them through the first season they will be hooked.
Of course I am a scifi lover.
In our household I had tried to get hubby to watch and he wasn't interested. After it was on for 7 years he found the Stargate movie one sunday afternoon and really liked it. So then we had to catch up on all those years and now we have re-watched them many times over. As Ramy said for some reason we can watch these and not get sick of them..... well, not yet at least. Usually when all the summer reruns start up we watch all the Stargates again.
I love the rapport and the fun in SG1. I liked Atlantis for different reasons. SGU was my least favorite but I don't know if that is because it really didn't have time to grow.

SGU simply wasn't in the same class. It wasn't very good. Dark and grainy filming, poor casting, hard to get to know characters, or even their names, SGU was an attempt to recreate BSG, and not SG-1.

I will be able to watch SG-1 over and over for years.
Just saw that one last week! Have had a lot of down time lately (work.) We joined Amazon Prime so I have been tearing through the seasons. I just started season 5 last night.
Via Prime is nice, but we prefer BB@H DVDs by mail for trick plays. FF and REV works much better with a disc. And maybe the PQ is better. But for some episodes that are not readily available Prime is the way.
Via Prime is nice, but we prefer BB@H DVDs by mail for trick plays. FF and REV works much better with a disc. And maybe the PQ is better. But for some episodes that are not readily available Prime is the way.

I own the full series on DVD, the PQ isn't better, and for later seasons, the streams are higher. I just like the convenience.
I copied the ones I had on my EHDD to my server over the last week while at work. (I watch SG1 more than anything else so why not):D

I copied mine on to my hard drive so I can view them on my popcorn machine.
Watching Season 5, Episode 20 "The Sentinel." At the beginning there was a bunch of clips on "previously seen on SG-1." Only, they weren't. As in, we've seen every episode in order and these exciting clips were in nothing we've seen. SO- could these actually be mislabeled FUTURE scenes, or maybe they cut out these scenes or an entire episode?

This ring a bell with anyone?