I have several:
S-1-- Children of the Gods, Solitudes, There but for the Grace of God
S-2-- 1969
S-3 -- Point of View, Urgo, Nemisis
I have the above sets...
S-4 -- Small Victories, The Curse, 2010
S-5 -- Enemies,Wormhole Extreme, Proving Ground
S-6 -- Descent, The Other Guys, Paradise Lost
S-7 -- Chimera, Heroes Pt 1 and 2
S-8-- New Order 1 and 2, Prometheus Unbound, Moebius 1 and 2
S-9-- Avalon 1 and 2, Ripple Effect
S-10-- Flesh and Blood, 200
Many of these could be interchanged with others in that season