Stargate Atlantis

Other than my locals.... which will never happen because of LIN .... the one channel I would really like in HD is SciFi. We don't watch much sports so all of these sports channels meant absolutely nothing to us.
ATlantis season 4 is the first season we are watching as it happens. All of SG1 and the previous Atlantis were watched from DVD so we really notice the difference in the picture.
Assuming they deactivated/removed his sub-space transmitter (and I can't imagine why they'd leave it in him), then taking him to the SGC would be safe, as the Wraith wouldn't have any idea where they were taking him anyway. Aside from the stop at Midway, which the Wraith may or may not know about anyway, all he knew was that he was in a building that had no windows.

I laughed when Raddik said "I'm losing the will to live." to express his boredom with Rodney staring at the whiteboard.

I didn't see it as being a filler episode. Afterall, it was following the arc that was established at the beginning of the season (nanites) and continued from last week with the Wraith and shut-down coding.
Anyone else annoyed that the mid-season finale featured the destruction of Atlantis as predicted by the Oracle, but Samantha Carter, who's vision it actually was, was nowhere present in the show itself? Why would she have such a vision if she wasn't even there? Every other vision included the person whom he touched.
It bugged me, yes, but I think I know why it was done that way. I'll do this as a spoiler, in case some haven't seen it yet:

They probably didn't want to detract from what obstensibly seems to be Weir's last appearance on the show. The "original" Weir is dead, as we discovered from the "nice" replicators, and I think it's safe to assume that the "copied" Weir is dead too, along with the rest of the duplicates. I agree completely. It made no sense for Sam to have been the one to have seen that vision, since it wasn't the real Atlantis that was destroyed, she wasn't duplicated, nor was she even mentioned in the episode. Some bad continuity by the writers.
Still a few episodes behind for me, but enjoying it. Good season. Just watched Harmony. Loved the end, lot of laughs with Rodney as the tough warrior. :D
The "original" Weir is dead, as we discovered from the "nice" replicators, and I think it's safe to assume that the "copied" Weir is dead too, along with the rest of the duplicates.

Apparently we'll be seeing more of Weir in the future.
Just read that Woolsey (Robert Picardo) will be taking over for Carter (Amanda Tapping) as head of Atlantis in season 5, but that both Tapping and Shanks will be making guest appearences in season 5.

I wish they would've just left Weir in the lead role as head of Atlantis rather than play "musical leaders", as Tapping hasn't been prominent in very many episodes (aside from last night's) anyway thus far this season.

Woolsey, in my opinion, won't make an effective leader. He can't make the tough calls, as was shown in an episode earlier this season...