Why don't you tell us how you
really feel...
Yeah, yeah, but it's just so dang frustrating seeing what Star Trek used to be pre-2005, compared to what it's been turned into now. There's a reason why pre-2005 Trek continues to stand the test of time even today, with cable and OTA networks still rerunning episodes into the ground, and it's not just because of nostalgia. It was the quality of the music, the writing, the acting; all of this showcasing the effort and passion the older producers used to put into the franchise.
Whenever any of Kurtzman's Trek series finally get cancelled, 10 years later, no one will remember them or even want to re-watch them, like they currently do with TNG or DS9, despite the decades of dust on those. Without looking up a Wikipedia article, I can't even remember the names of most of the new main characters in the newer shows -- only the old ones like Picard, who's now a senile old guy, turned robot for crying out loud, and Data, who is dead again for some reason (all of this is an alternate timeline, I know, but still). And most of that is because the newer characters are not memorable, and instead of getting people who actually know how to act, they're mainly hiring actors who agree with their political stance.
You should be happy we don't have a new Stargate right now. Following the Hollywood checklist as of late, it'd probably be a female lgbtq lead with a bunch of other incompetent morons in the team constantly crying, being emotional and needing her to solve every single problem because they can't do anything themselves. Oh, and they would probably include some cameo or reference to Hammond, O'Neill or Sheppard and complain about how every decision they ever made was wrong and it was their fault for everything that ever happened, because they're all straight white men.
I'm so sick of this political correctness, propaganda and extreme leftist/sjw garbage that's invaded modern day television and movies, ruining the stuff I used to love.