Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Since this Enterprise doesn't have a Holodeck, this was an interesting equivalent means of going into the story that Dr. M'Benga reads to his daughter.

Could the entity be related to the one who has kept Cochrane alive?
Since this Enterprise doesn't have a Holodeck, this was an interesting equivalent means of going into the story that Dr. M'Benga reads to his daughter.

Could the entity be related to the one who has kept Cochrane alive?
It's possible.

I think the set work in this episode was really spectacular and seeing the cast in a different light was kind of fun.

christina Chong and her own dog was quite the princess! ready room has a good feature on designing this set.
From someone who has seen "The Princess Bride" and "The Labyrinth", this episode was a winner! :) As others have said, set design was spectacular. Chuckled numerous times over Pike's transformation into "Prince Humperdink"...and the missing 5 hours part, really interesting! Only M'Benga knows what happened and if he told them, no one would believe him (well, they might). Really entertaining episode. Voyager did something slightly similar with the holodeck, as did TNG, but (and this is a big complement to the writers and actors in SNW), neither series pulled off a total fantasy episode as entertaining as this one was...
And, without going into Foxbat's spoiler, I'll only mention that we seem to be losing major crew members nearing the end of season 1. Who knows if they'll be back? Well, one presumably will not be back.

And one thing that drives me CRAZY with all of these Star Trek shows is this. They solve a problem using some novel technique, such as the medical transport buffer. And in the next episode, when the medical transport buffer would solve an even bigger problem, all of a sudden, nobody remembers that. :mad: Isn't anybody writing the screenplay in charge of remembering things like these?
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I haven't seen the latest episode yet...won't until Saturday, but technically, yes, they used to have a person (or several people) that tracked continuity (not just between scenes and takes, but also between episodes and seasons). They don't seem to care about that anymore. However, sometimes there are good reasons. TNG, season 2, had an episode where they used the transporter as a "fountain of youth", essentially, using several crew member's patterns stored in the buffer. They never did it again (for obvious reasons)...
Assuming the Peregrine had the same level medical bay as Enterprise and assuming that it wasn't damaged in the crash and various other Gorn events, there's still the problem of getting them out of the cargo bay and back to Sick bay before it's More Gore(n) Time…. If the transporters were operational, I think the Gorn could have been transported outside to freeze. Or, a few hundred kilometers into the upper atmosphere.

Except, wait, we were told the atmosphere is not conducive to communication or transporters. That might have been a problem inside as well.
And, without going into Foxbat's spoiler, I'll only mention that we seem to be losing major crew members nearing the end of season 1. Who knows if they'll be back? Well, one presumably will not be back.

And one thing that drives me CRAZY with all of these Star Trek shows is this. They solve a problem using some novel technique, such as the medical transport buffer. And in the next episode, when the medical transport buffer would solve an even bigger problem, all of a sudden, nobody remembers that. :mad: Isn't anybody writing the screenplay in charge of remembering things like these?
Regarding your pattern buffer comment, there would have been no time to get back to Enterprise,
Regarding your pattern buffer comment, there would have been no time to get back to Enterprise,
Not bad points. The medical bay on the Peregrine might not have had a transporter of it's own, or if it did, it may not have been functional.

Now, do you suppose it would have taken too much dialog to mention this on the show? I suspect the writers don't have a continuity team any longer. Or if they do, they're paying money for nothin'.

And another thing... How in hell does a life form evolve so that it can evade Starfleet general-purpose life sign sensors? We can guess that the biofilters on the Peregrine transporter wasn't sufficiently trained to regonize Gorn. But their general "life signs" sensors?

I trust the Peregrine in tow has plenty of Gorn samples to test out and update Starfleet sensors, to avoid a repeat disaster such as that which happened to the Peregrine crew.
The episode was pretty good, but such a clear rip-off of Alien and Predator that they should pay them royalties.

The question of the engineer next year is pretty obvious. We know who ends up with the job eventually, and his character was never really all that developed, plenty of room to explore Mr. Scott's background and backstory.

If the other character was written out, I don't really care. The show has too many characters that all are playing the same "strong female" role.
i hope they don't bring Scotty on yet. It wouldn't necessarily break canon if they do, but i Just hope They don't bring on another iconic character. And really, I am so disappointed they went all Tasha Yar on Hemmer. He was such an interesting character, and didn't really get a full signature episode.
There is a nice write-up from Inverse on Bruce Horak's role of Hemmer. Maybe not the last time we'll see him in Star Trek?
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