Star Trek: Picard

Started watching this last night. Liked the first two episodes, but the language at Starfleet HQ just didn't fit at all...

Oh, for all the homage to TNG and the 24th century we knew, there is just too much that looks like it was an attempt to create some sort of weirdo world, which Firefly would better fit into than Picard.

Wait until you catch up. I found myself cursing a few times in this week's episode (which I watched this morning while packing for my trip). Not cursing like I did watching the first season of Discovery, but still disappointed. Made even more clear to me when I watched a few episodes of TNG afterwards.
I said it during discovery, I'll say it now. We are familiar with a handful of ships, a space station, and a few dozen characters in a federation of hundreds or thousands of worlds spread over light years.
Of course there will be variances.
I find it refreshing that there are some differences with familiarity mixed in in the new shows.
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Haven't gotten to the episode with Seven in it yet, but saw her in the preview. This version of Trek (not to cross topics too much) at least seems to not be violating technology lines as much as Discovery has been, which I find irritating. I can buy the beaming doorways a lot better than I can buy the jump drive or holographic communication that happens in Discovery (neither tech is around later in the timeline when Kirk becomes a Captain)...anyway, I don't want to create thread/topic drift, just mentioning some thoughts...
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I'm sorry, this is disgusting. Watching someone pull Icheb's eye out and then seeing Seven kill him... they just ruined 2 iconic Voyager characters. :mad:

Bruce Maddox is dead, Picard's going to die, why don't we just kill off every memorable character in the franchise, or ruin our memories of them at this point.

Also, for the record, Quark would kill himself if his bar was ever moved to a planet called "free cloud".
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Haven't seen this episode yet...folks around here don't use spoiler tags anymore?
It IS Friday today ...
I tend to not get into a thread till after I have seen the latest episode, for that very reason.
I'm sorry, this is disgusting. Watching someone pull Icheb's eye out and then seeing Seven kill him... they just ruined 2 iconic Voyager characters. :mad:

Bruce Maddox is dead, Picard's going to die, why don't we just kill off every memorable character in the franchise, or ruin our memories of them at this point.

Also, for the record, Quark would kill himself if his bar was ever moved to a planet called "free cloud".
I disagree ....
I'm sorry, this is disgusting. Watching someone pull Icheb's eye out and then seeing Seven kill him... they just ruined 2 iconic Voyager characters. :mad:

Bruce Maddox is dead, Picard's going to die, why don't we just kill off every memorable character in the franchise, or ruin our memories of them at this point.

Also, for the record, Quark would kill himself if his bar was ever moved to a planet called "free cloud".
We use spoilers till the next day typically, at least give it till the next afternoon before commenting without please.
I don't typically get a chance to watch until the following Wednesday, so I guess I'll just avoid the topic until I've seen them all, or just glance at posts to see if it's spoiler material before I read it...
I will often not see it till a few days later as well ...
I will do like you mentioned, come into the thread and see what is being discussed, if its about the current episode, I stop reading and go watch the episode before coming back.
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