Star Trek: Picard

He's a classy guy, no doubt about it, but he did do "Logan", and that had a fair amount of language, some of it by his character.
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Right, but if I had to guess, I'd say it was because of the test screenings. If you remember, they filmed the first 5 episodes, then had the test screenings where it was something like 80% negative response, and the only 20% that actually liked the show admitted they were fans of Kurtzman's work to begin with. After that debacle, Chabon was made showrunner and I'm guessing that's when either he or someone else up the ladder started pushing the idea of getting other old cast members back to draw in viewers. If the first season is only 10 episodes long, then it makes sense why characters like Riker and Troi are only in one episode, because it was a last-minute decision made halfway through filming the whole season.

I'll DVR it and let you know if it's any good when it airs on SPACE. I bet it'll be at Sunday 8 pm again, same as Discovery. I swear though, if this show is TV-MA again like Discovery, with profanity and naked Klingons peeing...I'm gonna lose it. Just saying that now. :smash
SPACE? Where is that at?
Data's face looks strange with the de-aging thing they're using. Also, they may have forgotten that the colored uniforms were replaced by the newer grey ones that we saw in the later DS9 seasons and TNG movies, since this is supposed to take place after all of that (ignoring the whole alternate universe license issue, of course).

I just hope this isn't going to be a repeat of Logan or Star Wars 7, where Han/Picard ends up getting killed for some incredibly stupid reason.
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Data's face looks strange with the de-aging thing they're using. Also, they may have forgotten that the colored uniforms were replaced by the newer grey ones that we saw in the later DS9 seasons and TNG movies, since this is supposed to take place after all of that (ignoring the whole alternate universe license issue, of course).

I just hope this isn't going to be a repeat of Logan or Star Wars 7, where Han/Picard ends up getting killed for some incredibly stupid reason.

I think this is supposed to be in the Kelvin Universe of the rebooted movies and not the original Prime Universe. I would guess they will use that to explain changes. I have enough trouble remembering events from one movie to the next, let alone the series from 20 yrs ago. :eek:
Data's face looks strange with the de-aging thing they're using. Also, they may have forgotten that the colored uniforms were replaced by the newer grey ones that we saw in the later DS9 seasons and TNG movies, since this is supposed to take place after all of that (ignoring the whole alternate universe license issue, of course).
It looked like that was a dream sequence, so I guess anything goes.
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Would you believe Patrick Stewart actually said this at the NYCC?
Patrick Stewart said:
My unease about the space program and space exploration is that I believe so strongly that we have issues on our own planet that need so much attention and adjustment and endorsement that I think, 'What might happen if we were to propel all of those energies — not to say the economics — that go into the space program to making this a world of equal opportunity and equality?

I read that here Patrick Stewart, Billy Dee Williams Highlight a Common Misconception About Space Exploration where the editors go on to say why Stewart is wrong about the economics.
I think this is supposed to be in the Kelvin Universe of the rebooted movies and not the original Prime Universe. I would guess they will use that to explain changes. I have enough trouble remembering events from one movie to the next, let alone the series from 20 yrs ago. :eek:
Everything I've read puts this in the prime universe.
Would you believe Patrick Stewart actually said this at the NYCC?

Yes, Stewart has long been identified with the far left. His view are unsurprising.
I read that here Patrick Stewart, Billy Dee Williams Highlight a Common Misconception About Space Exploration where the editors go on to say why Stewart is wrong about the economics.

That is the issue with the space program. Take the moon landing. Yes, there were 1000s of "side effect" advances to all sorts of sciences and technologies. But, the fact is that the USA borrowed billions to put a dozen white men on a lifeless and worthless rock with nothing of value for mankind to use. Taken further, while inter stellar travel as in Star Trek is probably impossible, the idea that there is anything anywhere in the rest of this solar system that actually useful is just wrong. There is nothing on Mars, or a moon of Jupiter or wherever that will directly change your life in any way. These are cold, dead, inorganic, places. Even if a moon of Jupiter were made of solid gold, or had an inexhaustible supply of oil, the transportation costs would be greater than their value.
Yes, Stewart has long been identified with the far left. His view are unsurprising.

Such views are not confined to any particular segment of the population, other than the stupidest among us who think that the money we spend "on space" somehow vanishes into the ether. :mad: