Star Trek: Picard

Wasn't she in 2024 looking for other Borg in another quadrant not the delta quadrant? She was part Borg and part human Agnes Jurati , a meld of the two but Agnes got to keep her individuality. She convinced the old Borg queen to change and essentially become a nicer hivemind. This reformed version of the Borg will become a voluntary collective. Optional Assimilation.
So, will this come down to Old Borg vs New Borg ... and the gang ?
Maybe. Tune in this week on Thursday to find out all. :smug
Make It So Patrick Stewart GIF
I never dreamed I would watch it. I was never a fan sense the original and actually tried watching it last year. I am just past season 1 and find its a mix for me. Sometimes its very interesting and sometimes I struggle to get past a dull part. I think I am pushing myself because I realize this really is it for most of the original actors. The picture and sound quality are really good. The acting well-done of course. The story line I am struggling with. A little more action and humor. Less jumping around.
I see only one plot hole from the finale, but loved every minute of it.

. What happened the the changelings which were everywhere?

and for the future:

. that was a fantastic setup for a series with seven in command of the enterprise G and Q!!!
Ok, it was a satisfying ending! I must agree, Frakes would've made a better director, for this episode especially. I liked the run-length, maybe another 10 minutes to slow down just a couple of scenes and not rush through them so quickly in order to explain them better (I'd specify which ones, but I'd have to use one big spoiler tag). Just finished watching it and wanted to get my thoughts in here. Oh, and loved the ending scene with the cast at the table.

And finally, the mid-credit scene was genius!
I was trying to wrap my head around President Chekov, since he would need to hang around at sublight to be the TOS Chekov. I guess it would be a great-great grandson? (edit: ah, I see the character was President Anton Chekov) And I liked that Alice Krige got to reprise the Borg Queen.

And the best? Beverley being very un-doctor like and definitely not "Do No Harm"! "A lot has happened…"
(edit: ah, I see the character was President Anton Chekov) And I liked that Alice Krige got to reprise the Borg Queen.
Anton Chekov was almost certainly a nod to Anton Yelchin, the actor who played Pavel Chekov in the Abrams movies. He died in 2016.
Not likely...
Which is why Paramount continues to shoot itself in the foot relative to the ST franchise. They are going to make this "Academy" thing, Star Trek 90210. Teen angst and romance. Classic Kurtzman Trek. He just doesn't get it. And, apparently a "Section 31" (ST version of what the Hollywood left think the CIA is) movie. And another long season of STD, the worst ST ever made, perhaps among the worst Sci-Fi ever made.

Meanwhile, disinvolving Kurtzman saved the Picard third season. Two year of really mediocre to outright bad shows, but they really pulled it out at the end to a great degree. It wasn't perfect, and it wasn't close to the quality of pre-Kurtzman ST series, but it was good.

But, nah. Kurtzman has some more preaching to do. Lets do that.
Paramount needs something to tide subscribers over between seasons if it is going to take 18-24 months to get a season out the door. Star Trek would seem to be one of Paramount+'s tentpoles.
It sounds like Paramount wants no more than two on the books at a time from here on. They do have other tentpoles...Tulsa King, 1923 and other Yellowstone spinoffs in the works...all relatively cheaper to produce.
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