Star Trek: Picard

They shot 2 & 3 back to back, so it shouldn't be more than a year,

Then again, a few more episodes and well have to wait another YEAR. (maybe longer) the fact we know that season 3 is already being worked on ....
Ok, I finally caught up to current episodes, what sux is the idea that we should have to wait a week for the next episode(s) ...
TV serials typically work better if they're on a fixed schedule as that facilitates viewers all being in sync.

Streaming works better for the streaming company if the subscriptions aren't going on and off all the time. I suspect your view of streaming isn't at all what was intended.

If you choose to binge, that's a personal choice and arguably takes a big chunk of viewer participation out of the experience. By the time a binger has seen the show (should they choose to watch it at all), most of the opportunities for discussion are long done.
Paramount's plans to stop the "binge and cancel" problem that is happening in all of streaming is heavily based around Star Trek. Between the various versions it pretty much wants some version of the franchise on nine months out of each year.

Don't know if that will work, but at least it is an idea. No other streamer seems to have any ideas for fighting "binge and cancel", other than to over-pay for live sports.
Even on AP, where entire seasons would drop all at once, I rarely watched more than 2 episodes in single sitting. I'm just not a "binge viewer". So waiting a week between episodes works well for me. I just wish that a "season" wasn't down to 10 episodes. I miss the longer seasons of 18-24 episodes.
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Still No mention that Picard isn't human ...
There were a couple references to him having a synth or different body in the first couple of episodes. Most were subtle and easy to miss, but in the trophy room in the alternate timeline, Q points to one of the skulls saying this one is the reason for his new body or something to that effect.

It's worth pointing out that Picard is still flesh and blood, just synthetic, like Soji and Dahj. Virtually identical to human, so he's not Data 2.0, a giant piece of complex hardware capable of feats of advanced computer processing, super strength, able to survive zero oxygen/high radiation environments, etc. That's why the doctor in the recent episode knew there was something different about him but couldn't put her finger on it.

From the ST wiki:

"Before the brain death off Admiral Jean Luc Picard his memories were transplanted into the golem Soong had prepared, at the cost of Soong not being able to use it himself. The only enhancement the golem provided Picard was a lack of the brain defect that had killed him; in all other respects, it was virtually identical to his Human body, since Soong knew Picard did not want to be immortal and would not want to have to adjust to any new superpowers at his advanced age. "

Jean-Luc Picard
TV serials typically work better if they're on a fixed schedule as that facilitates viewers all being in sync.

Streaming works better for the streaming company if the subscriptions aren't going on and off all the time. I suspect your view of streaming isn't at all what was intended.

If you choose to binge, that's a personal choice and arguably takes a big chunk of viewer participation out of the experience. By the time a binger has seen the show (should they choose to watch it at all), most of the opportunities for discussion are long done.
Well, I didn't start watching this till a week or so ago, tried to stay out of the thread, so I didn't hear too much info as I started to watch, then once I started watching I read more and more of the thread.

Personally, I would think the Streaming group (not necessarily me, as I prefer to see it on actual TV) would rather binge watch .... isn't that the whole idea behind Streaming ?
Paramount's plans to stop the "binge and cancel" problem that is happening in all of streaming is heavily based around Star Trek. Between the various versions it pretty much wants some version of the franchise on nine months out of each year.

Don't know if that will work, but at least it is an idea. No other streamer seems to have any ideas for fighting "binge and cancel", other than to over-pay for live sports.
If they wanted to do That, they should have stayed on Traditional TV.
With any of them you buy it for at least 1 month, so they do have that going for them, vs buying for a weekend, like use to be done with movie premiums.
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Even on AP, where entire seasons would drop all at once, I rarely watched more than 2 episodes in single sitting. I'm just not a "binge viewer". So waiting a week between episodes works well for me. I just wish that a "season" wasn't down to 10 episodes. I miss the longer seasons of 18-24 episodes.
If I am watching a show, I'll watch 2-3 episodes a evening ... then 2-3 more the next day or so, so I don't binge like some do ...
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There were a couple references to him having a synth or different body in the first couple of episodes. Most were subtle and easy to miss, but in the trophy room in the alternate timeline, Q points to one of the skulls saying this one is the reason for his new body or something to that effect.

It's worth pointing out that Picard is still flesh and blood, just synthetic, like Soji and Dahj. Virtually identical to human, so he's not Data 2.0, a giant piece of complex hardware capable of feats of advanced computer processing, super strength, able to survive zero oxygen/high radiation environments, etc. That's why the doctor in the recent episode knew there was something different about him but couldn't put her finger on it.

From the ST wiki:

"Before the brain death off Admiral Jean Luc Picard his memories were transplanted into the golem Soong had prepared, at the cost of Soong not being able to use it himself. The only enhancement the golem provided Picard was a lack of the brain defect that had killed him; in all other respects, it was virtually identical to his Human body, since Soong knew Picard did not want to be immortal and would not want to have to adjust to any new superpowers at his advanced age. "

Jean-Luc Picard
I did notice the first subtle mention, I missed Q talking about it in the trophy room.
Soji and Dohj both have/had super power(s) ... would they not be super strong like Data was ?
I just presumed all the synths were like that.

I do remember the conversation about Picard not getting any super powers, just removal of his defect and that he would live his normal life expectancy.

Q. Who is the Dr that Rios was busted at ?
I've never caught her name.

Are we presuming that Dr. Jerarti is now Borg / partial Borg .... will she always be Borg to an extent now, much like Picard and 7 ?
If I am watching a show, I'll watch 2-3 episodes a evening ... then 2-3 more the next day or so, so I don't binge like some do ...
I personally don't like watching more than one episode at a time. I guess I was raised on episodic tv from the old days pre streaming. I also don't want to try to watch a whole season in one day either. Doesn't anyone have a life anymore?
I personally don't like watching more than one episode at a time. I guess I was raised on episodic tv from the old days pre streaming. I also don't want to try to watch a whole season in one day either. Doesn't anyone have a life anymore?
Young ones have a different type of life than most of us.
I believe that I am the same age range as both of you (will be 55 in June) and love binge watching, to the point if a show is weekly, I just wait until it is done, even the Network shows of 20 or more episodes.

Properly explains why I am a few years behind on certain shows, even being retired for 3 years now, I still cannot catch up.
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This episode was a mess.

It barely went anywhere (except in Picard's head), and the whole Guinan/Picard scene could've been so much better if Q had actually appeared and moved the story some, instead of the police showing up and arresting them. With the younger Picard on the way to her mission, technically history has been fixed, so a lot more time should've been spent on finding Alice and preventing the Borg queen from assimilating humanity in 2024. Picard, having already once fought the Borg in the past, should've known better than to leave that queen alone in the ship. He knows what the Borg are capable of (as does Seven), so that whole thing is just hideous.

I could go on, but why?
I occasionally watch the Ready Room if I have time to kill after an ST episode and I'm interested in the guests. I know it's easy to hate on Wil Wheaton because Wesley or whatever reason, but him coming forward in later years to talk openly about his lifelong battles with anxiety and depression earned him a lot of respect in my view. I've also liked him in movies and TV shows over the years, and he does a solid job as an audiobook narrator, particularly sci-fi books by John Scalzi. With that said, I find his gushing exuberance and obsequiousness on the Ready Room a bit much. I've seen him interviewed and hosting in other contexts and he isn't always like that.
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