Star Trek Enterprise

Phew... glad they are not pulling a UHD on us, and stopping after 2 seasons to start over (aka the Northern Exposure b.s. on UHD that I was so annoyed with).
By the way, I found a toy Star Trek Phaser Target game when I was going through my parent's attic last week (it was TOS vintage, circa 1975). I didn't bring it home, but my dad is going to ship it to me. Kind of cool.

Also found the original Battlestar Galactica tv movie novelization from 1978, and one from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century; plus scholastic books of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic woman. I intend to scan the covers of them and share later for kicks....
Too bad viewers didn't realize it at the time. I think the season long arc lost a lot of fans. : /

It's always been difficult to have a season long arc and high ratings.

Babylon 5, Buffy and even Lost have all struggled to keep marginal viewers who can't seem to remember to watch every week, and/or maintain an 8 month attention span.

24 is the only TV program that has managed to pull it off, and they have done that by adopting a simple, straight-forward story line, rather than intricate arc plots of the above mentioned shows. And, even 24 has found that they need to do the whole season arc in 6 months to keep people from losing interest.

PS The ST:TOS remasters in HD look very nice, but remember that they are still 4:3. You might find that an eventual set of all the seasons will have a lower per-episode price (but no way to know that for sure).
Oddly enough, ST:DS9 did a multi-season arc (much like B5 did a multi-season arc) and maintained fairly decent ratings. Thankfully, both shows got to run their course, though DS9 left a lot of lose ends.

Enterprise was getting really interesting by the time they decided to cancel it. The way they ended it was pathetically lame and I don't recognize it as the real ending of the show (much the way I don't recognize Alien 3 and 4 as having ever happened).
I agree with Sean Mota, the xindi story line was definately one of the strongest story arcs in ST history and ranks right up there with the Borg story line in ST:TNG. With the xindi story line I think that ST:E was just getting warmed up. I would of liked to have seen another season as I believe that ST:E was just starting to get it cranked up. My favorite ST series is TNG but that series really did not take off until the end of the third and the begining of the forth seasons. I think that one of the reasons that ST:E was not widely accepted was because it just seemed out of place with the original Star Trek series. There was no continual contact with the future in ST. The inclusion of the timeline wars while interesting did not fit in the ST:E time period and by using that crutch the writers did not fully flush out the characters. This and the fact that when ST:E originally ran it did not stay in the same time slot nor did it play every week - this really kills a series no matter how good it is.