Star Trek Discovery

Never got into Deep Space 9 like I did TNG or Voyager. I did not like the fact that they were stuck on that space station most of the time. Did like the episode that they did where they went back to the Original Star Trek time line with the tribbles invaded the grain storage bins on a space station and they interacted with the original Kirk , Scotty etc in period costume. That was pretty cool.:bigok
Just finished this weeks episode, watched last weeks earlier today, I'm enjoying this show for what it is, entertainment and Scifi.
TNG when you look back at it's beginning had many flaws and Wesley, Discovery is dark like DS9 which I really liked better than TNG...
And of course DS9 was just a copy of Babylon 5 with a Trek coat of paint. ;)

Either way both were very good.
As bad as this season seems for new programming I would have erased it 2 days ago.
I'm enjoying the hell out of The Orville. But other than that, not much. Even Survivor is not keeping my interest. For the next three weeks, it's ok, because I still have baseball. After that, I don't know. :)
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I can't believe Lorca referenced Elon Musk in that episode. Plus, just like everything else I disagree with in Discovery, the whole "mushroom spore warp drive that can instantly transport the ship anywhere in the known galaxy" is absolutely absurd.

This reminds me of Star Trek Into Darkness when Khan teleported across distant planets or something. I can't even remember all the details because that movie was so bad. Then again, considering how Kurtzman was doing that movie too, I'm not surprised one bit.

And for the love of God, someone needs to replace Sonequa Martin-Green. Sometimes in the show she acts human, sometimes she acts Vulcan, and the rest of the time she acts like an android with a computer brain.

Anyways, we only have 4 episodes left before the show goes on hiatus. I can't wait to see how much worse it gets. :facepalm
I can't believe Lorca referenced Elon Musk in that episode. Plus, just like everything else I disagree with in Discovery, the whole "mushroom spore warp drive that can instantly transport the ship anywhere in the known galaxy" is absolutely absurd.

This reminds me of Star Trek Into Darkness when Khan teleported across distant planets or something. I can't even remember all the details because that movie was so bad. Then again, considering how Kurtzman was doing that movie too, I'm not surprised one bit.

And for the love of God, someone needs to replace Sonequa Martin-Green. Sometimes in the show she acts human, sometimes she acts Vulcan, and the rest of the time she acts like an android with a computer brain.

Anyways, we only have 4 episodes left before the show goes on hiatus. I can't wait to see how much worse it gets. :facepalm

Yeah, I watched that episode today, and was baffled at how ridiculous the whole thing was. And the spore drive is controlled by the Alien monster, who is being basically tortured by our not-so-friendly-sometimes human-Vulcan-wannabee? It is ridiculous. Site to site transport in the ship. Yeah, ok.

And they killed off one of the few characters who was remotely interesting.
I can't believe Lorca referenced Elon Musk in that episode. Plus, just like everything else I disagree with in Discovery, the whole "mushroom spore warp drive that can instantly transport the ship anywhere in the known galaxy" is absolutely absurd.

This reminds me of Star Trek Into Darkness when Khan teleported across distant planets or something. I can't even remember all the details because that movie was so bad. Then again, considering how Kurtzman was doing that movie too, I'm not surprised one bit.

And for the love of God, someone needs to replace Sonequa Martin-Green. Sometimes in the show she acts human, sometimes she acts Vulcan, and the rest of the time she acts like an android with a computer brain.

Anyways, we only have 4 episodes left before the show goes on hiatus. I can't wait to see how much worse it gets. :facepalm

5 more episodes before hiatus. They added one.
Sometimes in the show she acts human, sometimes she acts Vulcan, and the rest of the time she acts like an android with a computer brain.
What should we have expected from a human raised as a Vulcan? Spock was half Vulcan and he had his demons.

My boggle is how someone with the Micheal's unstable temperament managed to get a bridge commission so I suppose that I agree with you about the character being all wrong but not with the suggestion that Mrs. Martin-Greene is the problem. The writers and directors are the ones calling those shots.
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Checkhov's Gun: Lorca's pet tribble.

The actor playing the Starfleet officer rescued by Lorca from the Klingons is also the actor who plays the albino Klingon. Hmmmm, do we all remember who or what tribbles don't get along with? Wouldn't it be odd if a simple tribble could figure out what a medical scan from a med officer cannot(are you going to tell me that a Starfleet officer who has been tortured 7 months by the Klingons IS NOT going to get a medical check up to see if they are medically fit)?
Ok first of all, it was really disturbing watching Lorca stab needles into his own eyes.

Then came the 'F' word out of Cadet Tilly... and then said again by that engineer Stamets... that killed the family-friendly mood right there, though I'm not surprised, considering how this show is rated TV-MA. So remember when Aaron Harberts said that the show would have "some violent things or tiny bit of language" but they still wanted the show to be for families and to "honor what the franchise is"? Well now we know that was basically an outright lie, just like how it was a lie that this series was part of the "prime universe".

You know, even when they used the excuse that this series would be "building towards Roddenberry's ideals" and that's why some of this stuff exists... even under the assumption that this was the prime timeline (which it isn't), Enterprise is a prequel to Discovery and yet Enterprise's crew was way more civilized and accepting and tolerant of other people and other species, in comparison to what we've seen in the first 5 episodes of Discovery, so that explanation by Harberts and the rest of the producers also is a blatant lie as well.

And last but not least, in an attempt to fill the show with some Trek lore and invoke hardcore Trekkie nostalgia from past series... well last time we saw the Tribble on Lorca's desk, and now they put a reference of Jonathan Archer's name into the series.

Unbelievable. Just... unbelievable.

The Good Doctor

Resident Alien on SyFy
