SSTV Transmissions from the International Space Station Set for December 18 and 20

Jim S.

When someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes
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Lifetime Supporter
Jan 2, 2006

A question for anyone who's done this before: how strong is the signal? I have a great pass of the ISS coming up on Saturday, but I probably won't be home. I know that for weather satellites, I have to turn the gain on my RTL SDR all the way up, past where normal signals would distort, or I don't get anything at all. Will I have to do this for the ISS, or should I keep the gain at a more normal setting?
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Great Captures!!! Been 4 or 5 years since I did SSTV, used to do it a lot on 20 meters.
There's still tons on 20, especially weekends. (Unless there's a contest on, then the contesters don't respect the frequency.)
No orbits at a decent elevation for me this time, didn't even bother trying.
Coming in full scale right on on the east coast!!
But wasn't ready to decode. :(
After being on that freq for a solid 2 days I had gave up.
Yep I caught a few the last time the next day.
Today's transmissions were cancelled due to a spacewalk. They say they might try tomorrow and Monday, though.

I have 7 passes tomorrow, so I might just leave the system running all day and see what happens.
Today's transmissions were cancelled due to a spacewalk. They say they might try tomorrow and Monday, though.

I have 7 passes tomorrow, so I might just leave the system running all day and see what happens.
Yep that is what I did the last time.
They're on the air today. I just had a pass with a maximum elevation of 6 degrees, and the signal was almost full-quieting! Unfortunately the timing was bad and I got the last half of one image and the first half of the next one, with a 3-minute break between to allow for transmitter cooling or whatever. Higher passes coming up the rest of the day! (Unfortunately that'll probably bring fading when overhead, because I'm just using a simple groundplane antenna.)
I think they stopped early -- my highest pass of the day, I heard nothing.

Here's what I got earlier (that wasn't cut off too badly -- I wish they'd go to a mode shorter than 180 seconds):

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Supposed to be active this Saturday and Sunday again!

SDR# - Nice Feature

The New R820T2 NooElec Mini 2
