Just out of curiosity to see what SSTV CB activity is like on so called free band on 27.700 MHz.
Seems more diversity and fresh new pictures compared on 20 and 10 meter SSTV.
Some ham guys keep sending same pictures over and over, gets tiring to say at least.
It's a shame SSTV not legal on U.S. 11 meter band on legal frequency instead of rouge freehand frequency ranges covering from 27.405 to 28.000 MHz.
Some European countries allow CB SSTV and some other not.
I also noticed ham Tech, class are not allow to use above 28.5 to 29.7 MHz, making access to SSTV calling freq, 28.680 MHz impossible to TX but RX them is okay.
Only General and higher can access to 28.500 up to 29.7 can TX legally.
Now of course you can use TX SSTV on 6 meter and shorter wavelength for Tech, class.
Be aware TXing SSTV on 27.700 is not legal in USA!!
But receiving SSTV on 27.700 MHz is fine as long you don't TX.

Seems more diversity and fresh new pictures compared on 20 and 10 meter SSTV.
Some ham guys keep sending same pictures over and over, gets tiring to say at least.
It's a shame SSTV not legal on U.S. 11 meter band on legal frequency instead of rouge freehand frequency ranges covering from 27.405 to 28.000 MHz.
Some European countries allow CB SSTV and some other not.
I also noticed ham Tech, class are not allow to use above 28.5 to 29.7 MHz, making access to SSTV calling freq, 28.680 MHz impossible to TX but RX them is okay.

Only General and higher can access to 28.500 up to 29.7 can TX legally.
Now of course you can use TX SSTV on 6 meter and shorter wavelength for Tech, class.
Be aware TXing SSTV on 27.700 is not legal in USA!!
But receiving SSTV on 27.700 MHz is fine as long you don't TX.