I've been running OTA with an indoor antenna on my 1 year old vip722 for about 8 months now with no problems. I decided to set up OTA on my new vip722k this afternoon. When I went to attach the antenna coax to the DVR, there was no connector where there is one on the older vip722. So I found the only empty connector and connected the antenna. When I went to search for stations, none of the buttons were enabled, except for Cancel. Unfortunately I didn't have my glasses on, so I couldn't see exactly what it said on the connector to which I attached the antenna.
Is there something special that needs to be done when trying to use an OTA antenna on the newer vip722k?
I've been running OTA with an indoor antenna on my 1 year old vip722 for about 8 months now with no problems. I decided to set up OTA on my new vip722k this afternoon. When I went to attach the antenna coax to the DVR, there was no connector where there is one on the older vip722. So I found the only empty connector and connected the antenna. When I went to search for stations, none of the buttons were enabled, except for Cancel. Unfortunately I didn't have my glasses on, so I couldn't see exactly what it said on the connector to which I attached the antenna.
Is there something special that needs to be done when trying to use an OTA antenna on the newer vip722k?