"Sparklies" and Volume differences VOOM never heard of them


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 20, 2004
I was getting no answer from VOOM on this board or on the Yahoo! group about whether or not it is normal to have small white horizontal lines in anthing colored red on Comedy Channel and VH1 and whether the volume on Fox News, Comedy, and VH1 should be half as loud as on all the other channels so I decided to call VOOM today. It took 5 calls to get through (4 for existing customer that dumped me after 5 minutes, and then one to new customers and ask to be transferred. The VOOM CSR, after researching the problem, said nobody had ever reported the white sparklies in the red fields on Comedy Central and that no one had ever reported that the volume level on some channels is low. She said that I need to call the "VOOM Hotline" at Installs Inc. to have them troubleshoot the problem by phone. I called Installs (another 1o minute wait) and the CSR there said that no one had reported the problem to them before either. He suggested that I try different resolutions to see if the "sparklies" are coming from the VOOM box upconversion and to make sure all the cables are secure. Since those things didn't help he said I need to call VOOM to schedule a box swap. I also emailed VOOM asking if the "spaklies" and volume levels were a known issue but I have not received a reply. If I do get my box swapped this will be my 4th box.
jnardone said:
I was getting no answer from VOOM on this board or on the Yahoo! group about whether or not it is normal to have small white horizontal lines in anthing colored red on Comedy Channel and VH1 and whether the volume on Fox News, Comedy, and VH1 should be half as loud as on all the other channels so I decided to call VOOM today. It took 5 calls to get through (4 for existing customer that dumped me after 5 minutes, and then one to new customers and ask to be transferred. The VOOM CSR, after researching the problem, said nobody had ever reported the white sparklies in the red fields on Comedy Central and that no one had ever reported that the volume level on some channels is low. She said that I need to call the "VOOM Hotline" at Installs Inc. to have them troubleshoot the problem by phone. I called Installs (another 1o minute wait) and the CSR there said that no one had reported the problem to them before either. He suggested that I try different resolutions to see if the "sparklies" are coming from the VOOM box upconversion and to make sure all the cables are secure. Since those things didn't help he said I need to call VOOM to schedule a box swap. I also emailed VOOM asking if the "spaklies" and volume levels were a known issue but I have not received a reply. If I do get my box swapped this will be my 4th box.

Sparklies are a known problem, posted all over the place at Yahoo, so I'm sure Wilt is aware of it.

I'm not surprised you got that answer.

I don't have DVI on my plasma only component. The sparklies are not on all SD channels - I only see them on comedy channel and VH1 though they may be on others. They are only in solid fields of color - mainly in reds and yellows. I think other people see them too - I can freeze-frame my TV so I will try to take a picture and post it somewhere.
voom is loosing money swapping out boxes when it is not needed.they need a team meeting and get it togethar.
jnardone said:
I don't have DVI on my plasma only component. The sparklies are not on all SD channels - I only see them on comedy channel and VH1 though they may be on others. They are only in solid fields of color - mainly in reds and yellows. I think other people see them too - I can freeze-frame my TV so I will try to take a picture and post it somewhere.

The engineers at VOOM (Wilt) know about the sparklies on those channels. They are working on this. It is a known problem.
Lobstah said:
Do you get the sparklies on both DVI and component inputs?


It isn't an IRD issue. It's at the uplink center/"headend" side...the channels that have sparkling are analog feeds from the content providers.

I uploaded a photo of a freeze-frame of my screen. You can see four white lines in the red shirt. When the image is not frozen there would be 10-20 white lines in the same area. The big white starburst in the middle is from my flash.


Something to bear in mind. When you call "Voom" you may actually be speaking to an ordering service. If so, you are speaking to any number of 250+ representatives that are also taking calls for 1000+ other products.

I know this, because I use to work at this place 10 years ago and I know people that still work there. They came over to my house and saw my Voom install and said "Oh, Voom, we take calls for that".

Now, I don't know whether this is Voom's primary call center, or whether it is an overflow center. I know there is the original call center up north (washington?) and that later the "new" call center came online which is the one I am referring to in this email.

So, if you get one of these reps, they probably don't know much more than what is listed in their info box on their screen.
What about the volume differences? Does VOOM or Wilt know about them also?
And that's what I love about this forum...

When I think that I am too easily annoyed by the volume issue on Fox News, I can see that IT'S NOT JUST ME!

As my sound comes through a Surround receiever, It's a pain to have to scramble for a second remote every time I change TO or FROM Fox News.

And I waited for FNC soooo loooong!

(Maybe Wilt and Voom management are all libs that don't want us to be able to hear Tony Snow.)
volume differences

Voom and Wilt have not acknowledged that there is a volume problem. Sean Mota has said that he told Wilt about the problem but has no infomation about whether or not VOOM is doing anything about it. I reported it to VOOM on the phone and after much discussion amongst themselves they decided that a new VOOM box would solve the problem.

This is not a minor problem - Fox News has a volume level that is a third as loud as the other channels.

I would suggest that you ask VOOM for a replacement box.

Cablevision's cable system is the same with the volume differences. That is one of many complaints users have about their system.
jnardone said:
Voom and Wilt have not acknowledged that there is a volume problem. Sean Mota has said that he told Wilt about the problem but has no infomation about whether or not VOOM is doing anything about it. I reported it to VOOM on the phone and after much discussion amongst themselves they decided that a new VOOM box would solve the problem.

This is not a minor problem - Fox News has a volume level that is a third as loud as the other channels.

I would suggest that you ask VOOM for a replacement box.


Did the replacement box fix your volume problem?

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