That's just bogus! Yeah, most of the 'wireless' speakers that are out there now aren't completely wireless. They have amps inside of them and plug into power.
But that eliminates the wiring from front to back, which is the primary reason using fully wired systems is difficult or messy in these 'open' design homes. In my case it is even difficult to wire the side to side in the back because of the room's design.
There are some wireless solutions that can be used with AVRs but most aren't very good and aren't totally wireless either. Usually a single box that talks to a transmitter connected to the rear speaker connections on the AVR and then wires to the two speakers. I'm not aware of any of those that can do more than 2 channels, so no Atmos or other height codecs.
In the more advanced soundbars there is lots of work with electronically twiddling the audio to fake your ears out. From reviews it seems there are a few that do a very good job of it. Even Nakamichi is doing that as they have no upfiring speakers in their setup either. For Atmos the Samsung soundbars with upfiring speakers do a better job with the soundfield than does Nakamichi. But the Nakamichi does a better job than my Samsung. Reviews seem to support that opinion too.
But that eliminates the wiring from front to back, which is the primary reason using fully wired systems is difficult or messy in these 'open' design homes. In my case it is even difficult to wire the side to side in the back because of the room's design.
There are some wireless solutions that can be used with AVRs but most aren't very good and aren't totally wireless either. Usually a single box that talks to a transmitter connected to the rear speaker connections on the AVR and then wires to the two speakers. I'm not aware of any of those that can do more than 2 channels, so no Atmos or other height codecs.
In the more advanced soundbars there is lots of work with electronically twiddling the audio to fake your ears out. From reviews it seems there are a few that do a very good job of it. Even Nakamichi is doing that as they have no upfiring speakers in their setup either. For Atmos the Samsung soundbars with upfiring speakers do a better job with the soundfield than does Nakamichi. But the Nakamichi does a better job than my Samsung. Reviews seem to support that opinion too.