Regarding reruns, what really irks me is shows like Crossing Jordan and CSI are being shown on Spike and other channels but they are shown in a 4:3 aspect ratio. I wouldn't mind watching a little SD if they'd stop butchering the shows.
Lars said:Actually, Widescreen (enhanced) DVDs do not have as much resolution (when viewed on a 4x3 TV) and you can see it easily. I believe this is why some people hate widescreen dvds.
A friend of mine has a Sony Wega 4:3 that has the Enhanced 16:9 mode so it effectively takes an Anamorphic disc and allocates all of the scan lines into the picture area, effectively raising the "apparent" resolution. It doesn't really increase it, it just squishes all of it down so it looks like more. It does look good though, but not nearly as good as my pj.Lars said:Actually, Widescreen (enhanced) DVDs do not have as much resolution (when viewed on a 4x3 TV) and you can see it easily. I believe this is why some people hate widescreen dvds.
Dvlos said:I guess it just depends on how you say things.. heh... CourtTV is one of those channels I used to watch a lot, especially forensic files.. man I would seriously do backflips down the driveway if Forensic files came in HD.
Dvlos said:Ahh.. haha Henry Lee's show isn't that bad he spokes slowly anyway... he is hard to understand but the guy is brilliant, him and the doctor from Autopsy (the HBO documentary series) are the best.