Something fun for TwinHan owners?

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I would like to, but I have no PCI/USB card (yet!) and very limited experience with Delphi..

perhaps when I get a card of some sort, I will take a whack at it.. in the meantime, I will download the source, and take a look at it.
I would be more than happy to beta test any provisions to this software to.. Pm me when you want beta testers.. I think i will mess with this tonight.. and give it a shot..
docj2005 said:
so i s this going to fade away like so many other posts before it ..
i put up the souce code in hopes that someone or a group of us would start something and make it big..

whats up people .. are we going to do anything with this or just let it fall by the way side

I'm a Delphi programmer and have the Twinhan. There is not much more that can be done to the program. It's a hardware issue and DVBCore isn't going to help.
So there is probably a chip in the receivers that the scanning is loaded to that is not on these cards? Otherwise, I am sure Twinhan would have included that feature.
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OT Fun Not Poll 3: Which channel?

Program thinks that im on the Eastern half of the globe

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