OK, now I'm missing point of reading proponent's posts.
If you agree, you'll pay - why you came here and fight for the company's way to milk money from the air ?!
What is a value your posts have here ?
Assuring and pleasuring Dish in their anonced fee ?!
I would respectfully ask "what are the value of your posts in this forum sir?".
I will gladly pay to enable the feature of external storage as I "want" this additional feature and am willing to pay for it. Just as I do not subscribe to a data plan from my cellular provider as I do not see any personal benefit.
Does this make me against wireless data plans? Heck no!
It makes me in favor of the choice.
It makes me in favor of competition.
It makes me in favor of our "free" economy.
It makes me in favor of each and every person's freedom to innovate and profit from their efforts (however large or small they may be).
Ask citizens of Communist Cuba how they like their choices. Heck, do they even have their own (non pirated) DBS service?
Many are under the impression that corporations are in the business of "giving" or "including" things at "no charge". The only true "no charge" items I have ever seen are "incentives" created by the desperate.
The first rule of business, any business, is to earn a profit , plain and simple. Corporations must answer to the stockholders, all eagerly awaiting quarterly and annual earnings reports. A portion of profit is turn back into R&D for new products, for acquisitions of new products, or (god forbid) dividends (gasp)!
The same people who are complaining about paying a one time fee (equating to less than a tank of fuel or two DVDs) to have a feature enabled, would be the first to complain (or even jump ship for a competing service), should (for instance... this is hypothetically speaking for those of you who try to turn this around and attempt to say that I'm spreading lies) DirecTV by some act of Rowling-ian magic, be able to offer 200 national HD channels and Dish Network enable only 40 for presumably more money. ...or not jump ship if you don't see the value in the additional channels, but you would still complain that Dish had let itself fall behind in it's HD offerings.
Smith P, why do you think Dish Network exists? To donate each and every feature and service that it offers? No, they have a business model which includes making as much profit as the market will allow them to. Profit is not a bad thing, in fact it is a necessity, so they may continue to exist and continue to grow and prosper. Without profit, we would have little to no innovation (think of any communist regime and look at how their consumer electronics market has progressed).
You may regard those of us, planning to pay the enabling fee as those who are helping to drive the market forward, toward future "yet to be announced" features, that may or may not involve additional cost, and at that time, we will hopefully still have the "freedom" to choose if we want to pay for them.
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