Some Dish Info

BFG said:
Well looks like another 18 months with me for the price if dishing it up :(

And the HD only package requires that you own the receiver and hopefully the price they quoted includes all the fees

I hope so but:

Customers who do not subscribe to AT60, AT120, AT180, AEP, DishLATINO, DishLATINO Dos, DishLATINO Max, LEP, DishFAMILY, DishHD Bronze, DishHD Silver, DishHD Gold, DishHD Platinum or Great Wall TV Package will be charged a $6.00 per month Access Fee.
BFG said:
no you wont be able to upgrade to both a 625 and a 211 that because you are only allowed once upgrade per year under the promotion and that would be a total of three tuners? I guess I'll upgrade one through the dish N' it up thing and then just buy the other receiver through Thanks for the info BFG.

Regarding the overpriced HD stand-alone pack...

Standalone HD has always been overpriced. In the case of ESPN and TNT, it's easy to see why. Those are expensive channels, due to their high sports programming costs.

Now, for those of us currently subscribing to both an AT package and HD Pack, we are essentially paying for these channels TWICE.

Remember when DISH used to add a new channel every month? They practically promised it. Don't you think they built that into the package cost upfront?

DISH knows there will be a ton of HD coming on line, and people will expect them to add most or all of it as bandwidth allows. However, most of these channels will be offshoots, simulcasts, or otherwise somehow tied to existing SD channels.

It's likely that negotiations will allow substantial discounts if HD is bundled with SD. For example- totally hypothetical- imagine that Food Network and HDTV cost 75 cents a month for both SD channels, and a dollar for both HD channels, but $1.10 for all 4. In the case of ESPN, which has IDENTICAL programming on SD and HD, it's possible that the second feed is free (as it is with premium HD channels). That means that ESPN-HD may cost $4.00 in the HD Pack, but it may be free to add it to an SD package.

The HD channels are $30 on their own, $20 more for the AT Packs, and $15 more than the Everything pack. Part of that extra cost is to cover the cost of future additions, part of it is because a-la-carte is simply more expensive, and part of it is just to entice you to buy a bigger package.

This is why true a-la-carte will never work. Unless you genuinely just want one or two channels, you will likely wind up paying just as much for half as much programming...and the niche channels will die.
Iceberg said:
where did you see that?
What did it go up to? (guess I got out in time) :)

The Access Fee change is at the bottom of Scott's post. It went up a $1. To get locals only like you had, it would be $11.99! That's outrageous.

"Customers who do not subscribe to AT60, AT120, AT180, AEP, DishLATINO, DishLATINO Dos, DishLATINO Max, LEP, DishFAMILY, DishHD Bronze, DishHD Silver, DishHD Gold, DishHD Platinum or Great Wall TV Package will be charged a $6.00 per month Access Fee."
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ok so my eyesight sucks :)

Customers who do not subscribe to AT60, AT120, AT180, AEP, DishLATINO, DishLATINO Dos, DishLATINO Max, LEP, DishFAMILY, DishHD Bronze, DishHD Silver, DishHD Gold, DishHD Platinum or Great Wall TV Package will be charged a $6.00 per month Access Fee.

thats crazy...I guess I was lucky getting out now :)
Iceberg said:
ok so my eyesight sucks :)
Customers who do not subscribe to AT60, AT120, AT180, AEP, DishLATINO, DishLATINO Dos, DishLATINO Max, LEP, DishFAMILY, DishHD Bronze, DishHD Silver, DishHD Gold, DishHD Platinum or Great Wall TV Package will be charged a $6.00 per month Access Fee.
thats crazy...I guess I was lucky getting out now :)

For the price it would take to get just locals on DISH, I could almost subscribe to my local cable company's most basic cable tier which includes locals and about 15 other channels. Since there is no programming involved (since the subscriber doesn't have any programming) they can't blame higher programming costs so I wonder what their justification is for the increase.
dont24 said:
If this is an oversight by Dish, it's a big one. Sounds to me like an mpeg4 receiver will only be needed to pick up the HD locals. If you think about it, why would Dish split the Voom channels and entire HD package across mpeg2 and mpeg4 ( I know... mpeg2 with 4 headers ) Doesn't make sense. Wouldn't E* want to get the extra cash from the subs that's reflected in the new HD package price? This may be a way to try and spread out the existing sub hardware upgrades. We'll be inclined to upgrade when the HD locals are available in our area.
I read it again and they make no mention of having to upgrade to a new receiver if you want to view the new HD ch's. I new receiver is only needed to pick up HD locals. A very big oversight....but to me dish stands to make more money by letting people upgrade to the new HD packs.
The MPEG-4 HD activation announcement was made in the last retailer Facts Blast, not this one. They do not generally announce the same news twice.
They'd certainly stand to pick up more $$ sooner plus it would take the pressure off getting enough receivers ready to ship so soon.
I get the latino package for my soccer fix

So in the past the latino packages were treated the same as the AT packages

Dish Latino = AT60
Dish Latino Dos = AT120
Dish Latino Max = AT180

Are they going to be treated the same in the New HD bundles? Are are they going to announce new HD bundles with the latino packages?
BFG said:
Well looks like another 18 months with me for the price if dishing it up :(

And the HD only package requires that you own the receiver and hopefully the price they quoted includes all the fees
BFG do I have this right I now lease with dish two 811 have no and never had any contract commitment.

Now for me to get ESPN2 and Universal I need the 411 box.
that I can swap ONLY one out cost me 49 dollars if I want the second 811 I have to buy out right?

Then I must commit to 18 months to get the 411?

if so no way would I commit to anyone 18 months.


Stargazer said:
The MPEG-4 HD activation announcement was made in the last retailer Facts Blast, not this one. They do not generally announce the same news twice.
They did announce it in this Facts Blast as well. New recievers needed to get HD locals. No mention of needing mpeg4 hardware to get the remaining HD channels. We'll see soon. If this is the case, it'll make many existing HD customers very happy :D
If this is the case, I will be ecstatic.. HD locals for New York City (Hello Super Bowl) I get to add the channels 2/1 that I want, and then I upgrade in April when they have enough of the machines.

E* if you are reading this do it this way, announce that the new channels will be in Mpeg2 on a temporary basis. then on July 1st, change the headers tot he mpeg4 plan. Thsi gives you several months to get the new machines in the pipeline, we get the new channels we want, and you get more revenue. Everybody wins. THIS is how you solve the problem, and give them enough notice so people won't whine too loud.
They mentioned that in the Facts Blasts before this one that the MPEG-4 receivers are required so they done made up their mind. We do not want to create false hope here lol.
Stargazer said:
They mentioned that in the Facts Blasts before this one that the MPEG-4 receivers are required so they done made up their mind. We do not want to create false hope here lol.
I hear ya Stargazer. It amazes me how often the information coming from E* changes.
Between the Tech chats, Charlie chats, and Facts blasts, you never know what to believe. Guess we'll have to wait until Feb 1st to know what's really going to happen.
For me its not a question of money. I just want the best HD programming availaible to me. OTA doesn't work in my area so I have three options, Brighthouse cable, D* and Dish who I am currently with. From everything I have read on this post Dish is the one. Anyone disagree logically, not emotionally?
Currently I have an 811, 501, and a 2800, which I own and I sub to the AT120 with locals. Up to now, I didn't think the basic HD package was worth the $10 a month it would cost me. Then they added some Voom channels, at an additional charge $5), which I could care less about. I've been waiting for more of the SD channels to come to HD. Charlie goes out and finally gets ESPN2-HD, UHD, Food Network (the wife), and a couple of other channels of interest and I start to get excited. Then the bomb goes off and I find out I've got to subscribe to all or nothing when it comes to subscribing to their HD programming.

The sad thing I see here is Charlie is doing the same thing to his customers that he is fighting the networks about. He has claimed in the past that some networks are forcing him to include their channels in all programming tiers so they can collect the fees which cause his rates to go up. He's doing the same to the HD customers.

I'm sure that there are other customers out there that could care less about the Voom channels. Why doesn't he do the smart thing and offer three HD options, one with just Voom, one with everything except Voom, and one with both Voom and all other HD programming?

Also, there was no mention of an upgrade plan for those of us who were forced to purchase our equipment. Most of the new customers out there that lease the 811 got it for free so turning it in and paying $50 is a great deal. For those of us who paid $200 - $400 for the 811, the deal sucks.

Same goes for those of you who were able to lease the 942. You all paid a $250 lease fee and come April 1st, you can give Charlie his box back and only pay $99 to get the latest and greatest (still to be proven) PVR. For those of you who paid $600 - $900 for their current HD PVR, you have to give Charlie your old PVR plus another $99 for the honor of leasing his equipment.

I'm having a hard time agreeing to giving Charlie all of my owned equipment for the honor of paying him more more mony for leased equipment, pay a lease fee on the equipment, pay a programming fee increase, and pay for HD programming I don't want. Maybe it's time to look at an OTA HD PVR and just keep my 501, 811, and 2800 for SD programming.

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