Software Update Coming

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I've had that happen a few times in the past. Double click your home button and kill the Satelliteguys mobile app and relaunch it. That has worked every time so far.
Fascinating. This particular thread opens fine, but about 3 seconds later, the first 4 messages disappear. If I reload, those messages are there again for another 3 seconds. Weirdest thing I ever saw.

Also noticed mini avatars showing on the list of threads that come up from the New Free-to-Air Forum Posts link. Didn't use to see them and I have showing of avatars turned off in my profile.

And also noticed nothing showing in the box when I type my password. Used to see ****** as I type.

Keep up the good work, Scott.
I've been seeing the same thin orac on different topics. If there is more than 20 posts, the first four or 10 will disappear after 5 seconds. I think it has something to do with the refresh rate being defaulted to 5 seconds. Just noticed this happening since yesterday.

I've also noticed that I'm having problems using 'Reply With Quote'. I just get it timing out. It used to work
Fascinating. This particular thread opens fine, but about 3 seconds later, the first 4 messages disappear. If I reload, those messages are there again for another 3 seconds. Weirdest thing I ever saw.

Not seeing this now, so something Scott tweaked in the past week must've fixed it.

And also noticed nothing showing in the box when I type my password. Used to see ****** as I type.

Still just seeing white space when I type my password.

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Ads self playing audio again

Avatars in thread list
