So, we own it now -- A couple of questions about OTA


New Member
Original poster
Jun 5, 2004
This is a pretty neat deal for those of us that don't want to jump to another satellite provider and don't have an our own HDTV tuner. Free OTA HD is great, but how long will it last?

If the voom receiver is un-plugged, will the OTA still work when it is plugged back in? What about a power failure? If you soft reset the device, will it still work? If you moved to a new location and brought your voom receiver with you, would you still be able to scan for OTA channels?

Maybe if we get any use out of the voom box, it will be just temporary. Does anybody know?

From what I understand......

The Voom receiver will work after being unplugged. It will also still function after being rebooted by pressing in the power button until the orange lights on the side light up and roll. As far as the scan in feature, I see no problem with scanning in channels into your box. The DMA design on the OTA tuner was based on guide data coming from the satellite. Some channels that were scanned in before Super-DMA was introduced did not have guide information because that was not in their computer to be displayed for your area. As long as your receiver is getting a signal from a station, then you should be able to scan those channels into your line-up. I was able to scan in stations a distance away before Super-DMA was even rolled out. In fact, after the scanning feature was introduced six months or more ago, I was able to scan in these distant stations.
Yes, that's correct. You will have your local stations even after a reboot. And you should be able to scan in any new stations. If you move to another DMA, you should still be able to scan, with the exception of those stations that do not transmit PSIP data.

In any case, there will be no Program Guide as it was coming from the satellite.
Cool.. Thanks for the info. I am just glad that I didn't cancel service before it shut down so the kill signal was not sent. I feel sorry for the ones that did. Oh well, that's what they get for not sticking around until the end.

If you reboot your receiver, you will also lose the clock function as the clock in the receiver is set by satellite signals. This is in addition to the lost guide data.
RobertM said:
Cool.. Thanks for the info. I am just glad that I didn't cancel service before it shut down so the kill signal was not sent. I feel sorry for the ones that did. Oh well, that's what they get for not sticking around until the end.


Thats what happened to me. I was planning on unplugging the stb before the date I gave VoOm to cancel me, but they ended up doing it three days before the date I gave them. I wish I didn't do it, but that's life!! Live and learn by your mistakes.

Did enjoy VoOmming for a year though.
Will OTA work if Voom dish removed??

If this is in the wrong thread - please move. If we are left with our VOOM receivers am curious if I remove my VOOM dish and just have OTA line to the receiver will I still be able to get my locals as my HD set has no tuner.
alsie731 said:
If this is in the wrong thread - please move. If we are left with our VOOM receivers am curious if I remove my VOOM dish and just have OTA line to the receiver will I still be able to get my locals as my HD set has no tuner.

Yes, you can receive your locals with no dish installed. Be sure to connect the OTA line to the OTA antenna input on the back of your stb.
Connection on back of receiver(jimmykce1)

In regards to connecting OTA to a OTA input port on receiver. Without me going through the process of moving my entertainment center and removing the back panel to look at the back of VOOM receiver I went to the VOOM book to see where the OTA connection is and it shows none but only sat in port. I'm not saying there isn't one there but pic doesn't show one. Installer used diplixer(think that's what you call it) where OTA plugs into it along with dish LNB line making it only one line to receiver. I was under the opinion the receiver split the signal when it went into the receiver. I know the OTA is a powered one and had to be powered by the receiver (I'm guessing because no other power supply is seen) I have a E-86 Hughes receiver I had when I subscribed to D* and still have that HD dish up and that receiver does have a antenna in or cable in connection. It's sitting in it's box in my cellar.I have no idea if that would work for OTA and receive my local digital channels and HD but have VOOM setup now so why change unless at a later point I go back to D*. My remotes are configured to VOOM. I figured I might be able to remove VOOM dish from the roof and it's line and have just the one line (no diplexer) go into the VOOM receiver to get my digital locals and HD when broadcast. VOOM dish is no good to me so why leave it up? Where installers put it I hate it but could not convince them to put in another location or they were going to cancel the install. Thanks for your input.
Diplexor Issue...

I have removed the line from the satellite and replaced it with the line to my original rooftop uhf/vhf antenna. The thing is the siganl is still going through the diplexor. The signal can be very choppy especially in cloudy and rainy weather. Would removing the diplexor improve the signal? Maybe a pre-amp? All of the OTA signals report between 82 and 93 percent. Any advice appreciated. :)

Is there a way to get the clock back after the voom receiver suffered a power failure. :confused:
check your thread......

I already answered your question in the thread you just made.
Quote from thread posted:
"The clock as well as the guide data was only received through the satellite signal. Once the receiver has been unplugged or reset, this information is no longer present and will not come back."

Voom Receiver

HD ONLY Package Pricing at Dish Network..
