SNY Gone Tomorrow? (It's Gone!)

It has been quite an increase, no doubt. I will say though you have changed your package. It went from SD to HD, and there are more channels. While we may not be paying for the HD service added to our bill (free for life) it is costing the providers money in technology and satellite space to provide them. Dish is going to have to change the WA to provide more space for the extra bandwidth. Also dish has added many channels over the years. And then there's the RSN sports costs going so high, that also increases the bills because they are part of the packages.
I too think the limit has been reached in what Dish can realistically expect fees to be, but in the end, even with the fees, not counting promotions, they still are right with Direct - or less, and still beats the cable companies I am familar with by quite alot.
It has been quite an increase, no doubt. I will say though you have changed your package. It went from SD to HD, and there are more channels. While we may not be paying for the HD service added to our bill (free for life) it is costing the providers money in technology and satellite space to provide them.

That's sort of a double whammy for those of us Dish wouldn't install HD equipment for. First they say you can't have the free HD for life that's advertised, then they raise our bill to subsidize the (usually fiscally better off) people who do get the free HD for life.
It has been quite an increase, no doubt. I will say though you have changed your package. It went from SD to HD, and there are more channels. While we may not be paying for the HD service added to our bill (free for life) it is costing the providers money in technology and satellite space to provide them. Dish is going to have to change the WA to provide more space for the extra bandwidth. Also dish has added many channels over the years. And then there's the RSN sports costs going so high, that also increases the bills because they are part of the packages.
I too think the limit has been reached in what Dish can realistically expect fees to be, but in the end, even with the fees, not counting promotions, they still are right with Direct - or less, and still beats the cable companies I am familar with by quite alot.
I can see your point, but no, when I signed onto Dish I left DirecTV because Dish had HD, way more than anyone, so no, I didn't change my package, I came aboard for the HD and the 622, early 2006. So again, I switched, and for less than Dish alone I get the same premium channels, a few less HD, but I don't watch all of them I have, whole house DVR, large VOD, more sports including Comcast Sportsnet (which Dish can't get) and Unlimited telephone and 35/35 internet. So, if I can get all this for less, why is Dish's pricing so high?
The thing that is most aggravating about Dish not having a NY RSN is that if the team you want to watch just happens to be on a regular, non-cleared night of say ESPN, it will be blacked out. So, say you want to see the Mets or Yankees on ESPN Monday Night Baseball, you can't, because they figure you can watch it on your local outlet. However, Dish is not giving you the local outlet, so you are totally screwed.

Just more blackout bullcrap left over from the '70s.
I would say you can not. No promotion applied, and as you probably know in many posts about cost comparison, I have yet to see anyone post any substantial, sustained decrease in price over Dish (Or direct) for TV service. In another post someone threw in bundling. So, ok, I do my own "bundling" with a great inexpensive voip service, and get a discount from AT&T for internet service because I both have Cell service with them, and get a State discount, and just about met the price he thought was so great with cable bundling and I had a higher amount of channels. ($15 unlimited calling for the whole state, 250 minutes long distance, $18 internet)
I check around just because I have an interest in communications. Neither Fios in Ct or Florida in the area I am familiar with their service, Brighthouse in the Tampa area, or Charter in Eastern Ct. are cheaper in the long run, and are just about always more expensive. Charter loses the signal and has times when the channel freezes for several minutes more often than you change your socks.
But cost is not the whole story. I never blame anyone who wants their sports, and wants them in HD, even if it cost more. I do get that. I just think while the fees are really adding up with dish, other providers, cable in particular, charge as much or more just in different ways.
If in the long run you pay less, get your sports, maybe give up a few HD channels, and are happy, then you made a good choice.
Just had a chat with DISH online about my missing SNY and MSG:

Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...
Welcome to DISH Network Chat.
MMG: hello?
Lisa (ID: IPZ): Hello MMG.
Lisa (ID: IPZ): How may I help you today?
MMG: I've been without my RSNs for several weeks now due to a dispute between DISH and MSG and SNY. Can I get a discount or free HBO because of this?
Lisa (ID: IPZ): I'm very sorry to hear that you are having an issue. I'd be happy to resolve that for you.
MMG: Thank you, Lisa
Lisa (ID: IPZ): You're welcome.
Lisa (ID: IPZ): Please give me 2-3 minutes to research this for you.
MMG: ok
Lisa (ID: IPZ): Thank you.
Lisa (ID: IPZ): I have gone through your account.
Lisa (ID: IPZ): I apologize for the inconvenience.
Lisa (ID: IPZ): The MSG and SNY channels are under dispute and the discussions are going on.
Lisa (ID: IPZ): I wish I could provide discount or free HBO channel to your account, unfortunately there is no free HBO promotion anymore and I'm not authorized to provide discount.
MMG: I've been a loyal DISH customer for 15 years! Can you get a supervisor to give me a discount or free HBO?
Lisa (ID: IPZ): Please give me a moment.
Lisa (ID: IPZ): Please hold the line while I transfer this chat to my supervisor.
MMG: ok
Garshakuntha (ID:EUH) has entered the session.
Lisa (ID: IPZ) has left the session.
Garshakuntha (ID:EUH): Hello this is floor supervisor.
MMG: Did Lisa advise you of my predicament?
Garshakuntha (ID:EUH): As per the above conversation I see that you are upset about the MSG and SNY take down, am I right?
MMG: That is true. It seems that it would be fair that DISH offer me a discount or some other consideration until they are restored.
Garshakuntha (ID:EUH): Well MMG you were not paying anything additional for this channel anytime, this was provided for free.
MMG: Not true. It was part of my package. None of the channels are free. I am now missing all of my local sports networks. Why should i continue with DISH when there are other providers that offer those channels? It seems quite disingenuous to argue that the channels are free. i'm somewhat insulted.
Garshakuntha (ID:EUH): Well MMG we are still in negotiations with this providers, like they are increasing the price and if we agree to their terms and conditions then we might need to increase the price on your programming package which we don't want to do
MMG: In the meantime, since they're not on DISH, DISH is not paying for them while I continue to pay the same price. I'd like a discount until they're returned.
Garshakuntha (ID:EUH): Unfortunately that is not possible.
MMG: Then I will seriously consider terminating my continued business with DISH after 15 years.
MMG: Good day.
Garshakuntha (ID:EUH): Please be online while transfer your chat to our loyalty team.
Garshakuntha (ID:EUH) has left the session.
Please wait while we find an agent from the (20) Loyalty department to assist you.
Thank you for contacting the Customer Loyalty Helpdesk, I will be handling your request today. Please give me a few minutes to review the agents previous chat so that I can help you with your issue.
MMG: will do.
Nicole (ID: 257): You have been successfully transferred to me, please give me 1-2 minutes to access your account and review your transcript with the previous agent.
Nicole (ID: 257): I understand the loss of the major networks can be frustrating. I want to stress that this is a temporary loss and we are doing everything that we can to reach an agreement as soon as possible. In the meantime, I would be able to offer $5.00 off of the next 3 bills.
MMG: Could you make it 10.00.
MMG: are you a robot?
Nicole (ID: 257): No I am a live person,
Nicole (ID: 257): Yes I would be able to make it $10.00 off for 3 months.
MMG: I'll accept that but will revisit this again in 3 months.
Nicole (ID: 257): Certainly.
Nicole (ID: 257): Is there anything else I can assist you with?
MMG: No thank you. Have a good day.
Nicole (ID: 257): Thanks for contacting Dish Network, Have a good day!
Thank you for visiting DISH Network. You may now close this window.
Your session has ended. You may now close this window.
Now what would be spectacular would be if Dish contacted YOU with a message informing you that since you no longer have access to an RSN, you're monthly bill is being reduced by '$X' until such networks returned.

They would never do it, because some subscribers don't care if they have RSN's or not, but it still would be spectacular.
Now what would be spectacular would be if Dish contacted YOU with a message informing you that since you no longer have access to an RSN, you're monthly bill is being reduced by '$X' until such networks returned.

They would never do it, because some subscribers don't care if they have RSN's or not, but it still would be spectacular.

I agree, that would have been spectacular. Earlier on, when I contacted Dish after about 1 1/2 weeks of no SNY, they offered my $10 off for a year and Cinemax free for 3 months. I told them I didn't want that, I want SNY, which I now have with Time Warner. Looks as though Dish is starting to admit that they never intend to renew SNY or MSG. And for what it's worth, I obviously would be willing to pay more for RSN because in the long run I will be. I should also note, that for the couple dollars more I will be paying I am getting more than just the desired SNY (more local channels, more RSNs), and I do understand that many people are more interested in other programming (like movies) than sports and that's fine. Maybe Dish is looking to carve some sort of niche and let the sports lovers go to the competition.
DarkJedi said:
Yep, baseball is indeed baseball, and I haven't missed a Mets game since switching to cable.

I am slightly worried about switching (human nature to not like change), but I need my Mets ... win or lose, or lose again, or lose again ... :-)
I also was offered $120 ($10/month), but baseball is baseball ... I now have a Direct install all set for this Wednesday :-)

Me too. I went to Costco on Saturday and my install is set for Wednesday as well. I'll miss Dish and my 922, but not only will I get SNY back, it and MSG, MSG+ and YES will also be broadcast full-time in HD. I'll will also lose four additional OTA Tuners overall, two on my 922 & two on my 622, but with Whole Home DVR service, I think I'll be fine. (I'm getting four HD DVR's so I'll have 8 tuners compared to 12 that I have now and DirecTV does carry all of my locals on Satelitte) It will also will be nice to have some 3D content and NFL Sunday ticket. The DirecTV2PC feature is also a plus, as my 922 and 612 are Sling enabled, but they haven't come up with a Slingplayer app for my BlackBerry (Torch 9800) yet, so I won't miss Sling. It's costing me $497 upfront, but I'll get the $180 Costco rebate card and after I sell my 612 & 622 that I own, it won't cost me that much at all upfront. Plus with the promotional savings and rebates for being a new customer wiith DirecTV, this year and next I should be ahead of the game. With all my DVR's with Dish I'm charged $17 + $17 + $10 or the four boxes and with DirecTV, I'm charged $6 per box times three, plus $7 or $25/month compared to Dish's $44, so that $21 per month savings should make DirecTV cheaper for me even after all the rebates and free channels go away.
So i just went and order Verizon FiOS. I've had FiOS internet since September and have loved it. Today was the last straw. I called up just to complain about SNY being off the guide and wondering if negotiations were even still happening. The tech did not give a damn and just said "I am logging this conversation on the pc, I can't help you with anything regarding SNY/MSG." After 10+ years I would expect DISH to care about their long term customers. DISH did this to themselves. I hope other markets do not suffer the same faith NY has. It makes me wonder how many customers DISH has lost in the last month in NY alone. It has been a great experience but with the price increases and now channels being taken away it is not worth it anymore.
So i just went and order Verizon FiOS. I've had FiOS internet since September and have loved it. Today was the last straw. I called up just to complain about SNY being off the guide and wondering if negotiations were even still happening. The tech did not give a damn and just said "I am logging this conversation on the pc, I can't help you with anything regarding SNY/MSG." After 10+ years I would expect DISH to care about their long term customers. DISH did this to themselves. I hope other markets do not suffer the same faith NY has. It makes me wonder how many customers DISH has lost in the last month in NY alone. It has been a great experience but with the price increases and now channels being taken away it is not worth it anymore.

My experience was similar when I switched to cable - I wish Fios was available here. At any rate, yes, it does seem that Dish might be a little more concerned for longtime customers - I was also a 10+ year customer. But I've seen every Mets game in HD since switching last week.
About ready to switch to Fios. A loaded DVR is the only thing stopping me now. Anyone know if there is a website that compares all of the available channels on both? I might switch to Fios and downgrade my E* programming to the minimum until I unwind all the backlog. I wasn't sure if they had adult channels via subscription or are they all PPV? Do they have Red Zone, MLB, all the extra HBO/SHO/STZ/MAX/Epix/HDNET channels?
About ready to switch to Fios. A loaded DVR is the only thing stopping me now. Anyone know if there is a website that compares all of the available channels on both? I might switch to Fios and downgrade my E* programming to the minimum until I unwind all the backlog. I wasn't sure if they had adult channels via subscription or are they all PPV? Do they have Red Zone, MLB, all the extra HBO/SHO/STZ/MAX/Epix/HDNET channels?

Just a quick response, we switched a month ago and with The Ultimate Package it comes with Red Zone, MLB, Epix Showtime, TMC, HDNet and HDNet Movies. You can get the movie package or any other premiums like all the other providers. Just check out the line up online for your area.
Nobody in the entire state of New York should have Dish Network period. I mean Dish Network has no respect not just for New York City but for the entire state of New York. They will not carry MSG just because they will not carry FUSE (was my sisters favorite channel). So they just decide not to carry SNY either. My suggestion to all New Yorkers. You are better off with cable or Directv.

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