snow question

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A water gun is the LAST thing you want to do...With the frigid temps, the water will simply freeze on contact, compounding your problem.

I'm actually surprised you don;t have signal. The snow to water ratio with these extremely low temps is perhaps in the 15:1 or even 20:1 range,. the snow is powdery. Usually this type of snow does not block the signal.
Must have a coating of ice beneath the snow. Until you can get the antenna cleared of snow and ice, you're out of luck.

A water GUN "Super Soaker" Type Is Good as LONG as you don't use water LOL! - use winsheild washer fluid -that is for winter use.
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sorry it been a few days but the guy who came and did it told my mom no one should ever be without Directv for then 48hrs
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I've had success with dupont snow and ice repellent. You need to treat every so often however meaning being able to reach dish. This is same stuff you spray on snowblower to prevent snow accumulation on undercarriage and blade.

However this warning is given which I doubt is true because I've used Dupont oil based spray for years with no damage.
DO NOT spray silicone, PAM or any slippery oily coating on your DIRECTV Dish. The chemicals in these substances can damage the surface
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