SkyAngel Plans Move to IPTV

How many of the current channels are following them?

You would think/hope there would actually be a CLEAR written notice instead ov vague pamphlets and shows not everyone watches
I don't think I saw TLN on the list, but they may just not have negotiated that one yet. They did list additional channels like the Church Channel, Enlace, Smile of a Child, and the Miracle Channel. Don't hold me to accuracy on that list, as it moved up the screen quickly, but I think it is right.
duplicating glorystar?

Interesting as those are all on glorystar for free. Unless you can't live without skyangel exclusives such as KTV or angel one don't see why "millions" are going to sign up for IPTV when glorystar has no monthly fee
IPTV = Sky Angel International

What they lose domestically they are probably hoping to gain Internationally. Now they can go into all the world if they have broadband access.
and pay for channels that you can get for a large part free online.
no way,this is not going to work!
but they already know this,so they will give it a shot,sell
whats left to neulion and go home................:eureka
The key is watching these channels on a regular TV. You can watch lots of channels on-line. Who kicks back on a couch or easy chair to watch a computer.

It is just a non-conventional way to transmit television. Just like the MP3 was for music, Podcasting for audio programs, and VOIP for Telephone.

As for paying for a service. I'm sure the people who were downloading free songs on the old Napster site back in the day were upset when they shut it down. Now they have several content providers who do quite well charging for this type of service.

Sky Angel IPTV is specialized content organized for easy access. You are paying a fee to access this content in this way on a regular TV. If you want it ala carte on a computer then search the free stuff.

Are they taking a big risk hoping that IPTV is the next MP3, or VOIP? Yes. But DBS 25 years ago was also a risk. It is the best alternative to no Sky Angel at all.
DBS was a big risk for the lifetime members and look where it got them........ I don't think most will risk investing in equipment, never mind the monthly fees. Honestly I would have admired skyangel more if they stood firm in their beliefs and went under. glorystar is a better alternative then IPTV and if you want secular channels add DISH family, it will still cost less than IPTV.

As for gaining internationally, I am not impressed with what they are offering Canada. they have less channels than DBS and most are available on glorystar besides.

so far they really aren't offering anything as they have NO equipment price, NO firm channels, No monthly fee set, no launch date. so what exactly are they asking us to preorder? Seems like if they don't get enough people on board this may shut down before it even launches.
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DBS was a big risk for the lifetime members and look where it got them........
Let's do the math:

Over 10 years ago I paid $299. Using the handily round number 10, that puts my cost at $29.90 per year or $2.49 per month. Remember, my actual cost is less since I have had SA for 11-12 years and we still haven't lost the service.

For that "risk" I received programming that I value at a fair price. So, where it got me is looking pretty good. :) Not bad for a risky venture that could have gone under at any time in the past. I wish my investments turned out so well.

Now, while I value the SA service and wish for them to continue I am most definitely not a fanboy! I question many of recent management's decisions in terms of corporate strategy. I also question how the whole DBS launch fell so far behind and ultimately vanished. Which leads me to my final BIGGEST issue with the current incarnation of SA: communication.

As an early investor and lifetime subscriber I consider myself not only a customer but a stakeholder in the company's success (kind of like a venture capitalist or stockholder, but with zero shares). It has been pointed out many times how poorly customers have been informed of company plans. More importantly, I believe the stakeholders (as I have described them) should have been polled for information to be used to chart the course of the company. And I don't mean the monthly viewer poll... Really, the only thing the company can do to regain my trust and support (including financial) will be determined by how the original venture capitalists are acknowledged. They don't owe us a thing, but would be wise to throw us a bone and get their act together regarding strategic direction and customer communications. Until then they are no better than the stereotypical used car salesman.
Let's do the math:

Over 10 years ago I paid $299. Using the handily round number 10, that puts my cost at $29.90 per year or $2.49 per month. Remember, my actual cost is less since I have had SA for 11-12 years and we still haven't lost the service.

For that "risk" I received programming that I value at a fair price. So, where it got me is looking pretty good. :) Not bad for a risky venture that could have gone under at any time in the past. I wish my investments turned out so well.

Now, while I value the SA service and wish for them to continue I am most definitely not a fanboy! I question many of recent management's decisions in terms of corporate strategy. I also question how the whole DBS launch fell so far behind and ultimately vanished. Which leads me to my final BIGGEST issue with the current incarnation of SA: communication.

As an early investor and lifetime subscriber I consider myself not only a customer but a stakeholder in the company's success (kind of like a venture capitalist or stockholder, but with zero shares). It has been pointed out many times how poorly customers have been informed of company plans. More importantly, I believe the stakeholders (as I have described them) should have been polled for information to be used to chart the course of the company. And I don't mean the monthly viewer poll... Really, the only thing the company can do to regain my trust and support (including financial) will be determined by how the original venture capitalists are acknowledged. They don't owe us a thing, but would be wise to throw us a bone and get their act together regarding strategic direction and customer communications. Until then they are no better than the stereotypical used car salesman.

you are so right. Finnancilly no beef just wish they were more communicative
If you're going to calculate cost, better do it "right". Assume you put that $299 into investments instead (hey, you were not going to just blow $299 on popcorn otherwise were you?)

A reasonable return (nothing too glamorous) over the last 10 years would have been around 15% easily (probably better if you had some sense about you, especially given the market over the last 10). So compound that and you've got nearly $1400 by now. Work the figures and it's been costing you about $11 per month and not $2.50 per month - still not bad, but not an unheard of rate for a small number of channels that carry no "premium" content (but you should have gotten a TERRIFIC rate given that you paid upfront)

Let's do the math:

Over 10 years ago I paid $299. Using the handily round number 10, that puts my cost at $29.90 per year or $2.49 per month. Remember, my actual cost is less since I have had SA for 11-12 years and we still haven't lost the service.

For that "risk" I received programming that I value at a fair price. So, where it got me is looking pretty good. :) Not bad for a risky venture that could have gone under at any time in the past. I wish my investments turned out so well.

Now, while I value the SA service and wish for them to continue I am most definitely not a fanboy! I question many of recent management's decisions in terms of corporate strategy. I also question how the whole DBS launch fell so far behind and ultimately vanished. Which leads me to my final BIGGEST issue with the current incarnation of SA: communication.

As an early investor and lifetime subscriber I consider myself not only a customer but a stakeholder in the company's success (kind of like a venture capitalist or stockholder, but with zero shares). It has been pointed out many times how poorly customers have been informed of company plans. More importantly, I believe the stakeholders (as I have described them) should have been polled for information to be used to chart the course of the company. And I don't mean the monthly viewer poll... Really, the only thing the company can do to regain my trust and support (including financial) will be determined by how the original venture capitalists are acknowledged. They don't owe us a thing, but would be wise to throw us a bone and get their act together regarding strategic direction and customer communications. Until then they are no better than the stereotypical used car salesman.
i watch internert feeds on my tv using the s video out on my laptop computer looks pretty good too. i saved all my favorite feeds in the favorite on my media player.

My FIL does that, and our new TV now supports that. I downloaded the free TVUPlayer and watched a few free movies and shows online. As they are found out by the gov't that will go by the wayside. They have FoxNews, CBS, and a few more US channels. Most of them seem to be from Asia. If SA went out tomorrow at least I could see the news by using TVUPlayer and an s video hookup to our tv. We are just waiting for SA to cease so we can call Dish. We will greatly miss the Liberty Channel which has plans to follow SA to IPTV.
good rate of return or not I paid for a LIFETIME. I knew I took a chance that sky angel could go out of business. That would have saddened me but I could have accepted it.

Never did I expect they would not launch the new satellite, switch to a new format and refuse to honor their lifetime subs. Though they might have found what they believe to be a legal loop hole what they are doing is very wrong.

we can attempt to hold them accountable but if they resist then some day they will be accountable to the Lord for their dalings.
I see people getting GloryStar systems instead of SkyAngel IPTV. Even though I think IPTV is the wave of the future, I think in this case that it is not a good move for a company to move solely from satellite to IPTV but in this case SkyAngel has no choice.
If you're going to calculate cost, better do it "right". Assume you put that $299 into investments instead (hey, you were not going to just blow $299 on popcorn otherwise were you?)

A reasonable return (nothing too glamorous) over the last 10 years would have been around 15% easily (probably better if you had some sense about you, especially given the market over the last 10). So compound that and you've got nearly $1400 by now. Work the figures and it's been costing you about $11 per month and not $2.50 per month - still not bad, but not an unheard of rate for a small number of channels that carry no "premium" content (but you should have gotten a TERRIFIC rate given that you paid upfront)

That is only true if this were an investment. It was not. It was a consumer good of sorts. No one expected to be able to resell their lifetime sub at a profit down the line.

In addition, you had use of the product along the way, something that would not be true of the investment example given above.

Finally, a 15% return is a fairly high expectation for the last 15 years. They have been a bit flatter than the 10 before them, especially since the Dot-com bust in 2001.


I agree that IPTV may be the wave of the future. However remember video discs? they were the wave of the future but were soon passed up for better technology. Or it may be a more distant future (even 5-10 yrs)though, in part due to lack of DSL in many areas. Sky angel may have jumped on to early and be history before IPTV catches on.

Also is there any REAL documentation that the Satellite is indeed about to die? or are we just taking sky angels word for it? Seems like they should have continued to broadcast as long as it wasn't dead and gradually people would have subscribed to IPTV. now they re trying to have a mass exodus to IPTV and I just don't think its going to happen!

As a lifetimer I figure I might as well stick with them until the end.
Phooey. Just now finding this out. We bought a lifetime subscription 10 yrs ago, and after we moved, the trees prevent us from watching Sky Angel when they're leafed out. About half our leaves have fallen off that tree and we were looking forward to seeing our channels again in a week or two. Now to read this and find out they may be all gone soon.

No cable available here ... no DSL available. We have Dish TV but Dish internet is too pricey. Dial-up is all we have, and even that is spotty with the intermittent phone service.

So there's no option for us?

We really like the Creation Network shows... are they available anywhere else?

This is truly disappointing.
We really like the Creation Network shows... are they available anywhere else?

This is truly disappointing.

Creation Network is on Angel One which is currently on Dish. Here are the Dish packages it's on:

DISH Network -- Channels

I will miss Origins and Creation Discoveries and AIG.

As for AIG I got a message from them after an inquiry about their programs on SA:

Thank you for letting us know that you have been enjoying our programming on Sky Angel. We do also have periodic programming on other channels such as the Liberty Channel. We are looking at additional ways to have our programs reach the general public but unfortunately it takes a lot of time to find the right avenues and then come to an agreement that is workable. Satellite television is expensive to operate and Sky Angel has been gracious enough to include our programming at no charge to us knowing that it will benefit their viewers. It appears that there is an industry-wide movement to move toward broadband. All I can tell you at this point is to keep your eyes and ears open for any programming that we might be able to get out on additional satellite networks and to also keep it in prayer that we can find ways to do it.
I do not have SA or E*, but have followed some of these threads. I have been a TBN supporter for over 10 years and supported their branching out into multi++ satellites,and now into multi channels to support their digital stations... Therefore, I know TBN, and Church Channel in particular is looking for GOOD christian programing - they probably would not want to add a complete network, but have your favorite programers contact TBN and ask if TBN would like their programing. (If they don't care about time slots, it could be very cheap, and if the viewers like it - time slots get better.

TBN, CHURCH CHANNEL, JCTV, SOAC (Smile of a Child), TBN Russia and TBN Nejat are all on Galaxy 25 along with DAYSTAR -- all part of the Glorystar lineup.. many of the programs mentioned are already on a TBN network.

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