No Sat Isp, No Tivo, No Dvr,
Also no answers posted this time about the lifetime subs

Just what everyone in the family wants, to watch the SAME show on up to 4TVS !!!
Q7. I have satellite Internet. Will Sky Angel IPTV work with my current Internet service?
A7. Unfortunately, satellite Internet providers do not provide the sufficient bandwidth needed in order to access Sky Angel IPTV. This is due to their Fair Access Policy (FAP). You may see speeds that meet the Sky Angel IPTV minimum requirement, but the companies' policies to restrict bandwidth based on downloaded use prohibits Sky Angel recommending these Internet provider options.
Q9. I have Clearwire or another Wi-Fi type Internet service. Will this work with the Sky Angel IPTV service?
Q15. Can I watch Sky Angel on two TV's without two set-top boxes?
A15. Yes. However, it will require additional after market products. By connecting the output of the set-top box to the input of an
A/V sending device then connect two
A/V receiving devices programmed to work with the A/V sending device to TV's in your home.
This will allow you to view the same Sky Angel program on two TV's at the same time. You can use up to four A/V receiving devices throughout your home that are programmed to work with an A/V sending device. In order for the remote control to work in a room where the Sky Angel IPTV set-top box is not, you will need an IR to RF remote adaptor.
A9. Unfortunately there is no Wi-Fi or other non-traditional Internet provider that will accommodate the Sky Angel IPTV service needs due to their FAP. You may see speeds that meet the Sky Angel IPTV minimum requirement, but the companies' policies to restrict bandwidth based on downloaded use prohibits Sky Angel recommending these Internet provider options.
Q17. Is the Sky Angel IPTV set-top box compatible with TIVO or other third party DVR recording devices?
A17. Unfortunately, the Sky Angel IPTV set-top box is not compatible with third-party devices such as TIVO and other DVR systems.
Q18. Does the Sky Angel IPTV service recognize V-Chip technology?
A18. Unfortunately, the Sky Angel IPTV service does not recognize the V-Chip technology. Sky Angel is looking into enhancements that will allow for more program filtering such as that which exists within the V-Chip technology. As these enhancements become available, Sky angel will advise their customers and provide more information on how to utilize these features.