SkyAngel Plans Move to IPTV

And that was their biggest flaw. You cannot sustain a business (in any area) where most of the customers are not actively inputing ongoing resources.

They may have used it "strategically", but doing so doomed them. They could have done nothing to avoid this situation. Does anyone have any evidence otherwise?


They could have done nothing? Oh, please. Lets get out the violins... NOT. First off, the prepaid subscriptions were for a cash boost for startup costs, not supposed to be their business model. They were supposed to use them to get on their feet, then ACTIVELY recruit monthly subs. Yet I've never seen an ad for sky angel except on the sky angel channels. Where was the marketing? Second, the prepaid subscriptions should have been regarded, as any compentent auditor would have advised them, as deferred income, a liability as much as an asset. Some of those funds should have been set aside for future maintenance, on a prorated basis through the life of the contract. Third, as some one said, they've been buying land, recruiting staff and starting up a whole new production company -- interesting actions for a "strapped" company, and without apparently spending much of a dime to get the income to keep those people paid. They haven't exactly done much since 2002 when they cancelled the contract for their satellite to prepare for continuing the DBS service that was their whole reason for being, have they?

Worst, they added expensive programming that they couldn't afford to deliver to their customers (the special four). Where was the sense in that? Adding it as an extra subscribable package would have made more sense.

To blame all this on the prepaid or lifetime subscribers is nonsense.
Originally Posted by andrews777
And that was their biggest flaw. You cannot sustain a business (in any area) where most of the customers are not actively inputing ongoing resources.

They may have used it "strategically", but doing so doomed them. They could have done nothing to avoid this situation. Does anyone have any evidence otherwise?

Do you have evidence that most of the customers are not actively inputing ongoing resources?
Take a chill pill. :)

Few privately-owned businesses will note the information you list.

As to the wal-mart comparison, you would be talking one bad sale. How is SkyAngel continually ripping you off? As bad as it may be, buying one "lemon" for $295 to $495 is bad, but it is not a continual thing. Either you made the purchase or you didn't. Are they ripping off ongoing customers? (Those continually paying something.)

Stop shopping there if you think it is a bad place to spend your money....

stop shopping?

Sky Angel is ripping off THOUSANDS of people. NO other business would get away with that! ADD to that the new IPTV problem and you are talking about MANY disgruntled customers!

to say that they can't be ripping people off if they pay once is ridiculous. You pay ONCE for a car but if its a lemon you still want compensation, don't you? furthermore the switch to IPTV affects the MONTHLY people as well! they will need to buy new equipment, pay for high speed interent MONTHLY and pay higher fees to IPTV!

As for not shopping there I do NOT plan on giving SKY ANGLE any additional funds, not donations, not " $4.99 for special 4", and certainly not $ for IPTV! Furthermore I am not even promoting joining SA angel longer and in fact retracted my prior endorsement to several lists, church members etc. I removed the flyers I keep posted around town as well. I will not assist sky angel in deceiving people.
Sky Angel is ripping off THOUSANDS of people. NO other business would get away with that! ADD to that the new IPTV problem and you are talking about MANY disgruntled customers!.
I think you are over the top on this. I took a risk by paying them for a lifetime membership. If they had gone broke in one year, I would have had no recourse.

to say that they can't be ripping people off if they pay once is ridiculous. You pay ONCE for a car but if its a lemon you still want compensation, don't you?.
If the car is 5 years old and is a lemon at that point, no. To use words like "ridiculous" and "ripping people off" tend to make you sound shrill and easily dismissed. We all know you are upset - let it go man.
furthermore the switch to IPTV affects the MONTHLY people as well! they will need to buy new equipment, pay for high speed interent MONTHLY and pay higher fees to IPTV!.
They at least have a choice, if SA goes bankrupt - they will have no choice.

As for not shopping there I do NOT plan on giving SKY ANGLE any additional funds, not donations, not " $4.99 for special 4", and certainly not $ for IPTV! Furthermore I am not even promoting joining SA angel longer and in fact retracted my prior endorsement to several lists, church members etc. I removed the flyers I keep posted around town as well. I will not assist sky angel in deceiving people.
I appreciate your feelings and think you are doing the right thing in being true to yourself. Just remember there is a side to this story that most of us will never know. I leave it to the Lord to do the judging - He knows the other side. Can we turn the other cheek and take the high road on this?
Sky Angel is ripping off THOUSANDS of people.

What in the heck are you talking about? Please explain how they are "ripping off" people. Obviously you feel that something that says "lifetime" should outlive you, your children & grandchildren. People who paid money up front got a good amount of use out of the programming. Now if they sold lifetime still then there may be issues. Everything has clauses to "lifetime" Sirius subscription does. $500 for "lifetime" subscription...oh wait. That doesn't include your radio. Radio craps out and you replace it....$75 transfer fee. You can do that 3 times. After that tough lost your money. Their's is as long as they do DBS its lifetime (or if the satellite blows up). They're selling their portion of DBS so there goes the lifetime thing.

NO other business would get away with that!
one word honey...PRIMESTAR

Both were satellite companies who lured people into spending a lot of money on equipment & a year up front and both went bankrupt. Alphastar screwed alot of people. Primestar was bought by DirecTV. Know what DirecTV said when I tried to get some compensation for my year ahead programming with P* that had 10 months left? "boy that sucks to be you"

ADD to that the new IPTV problem and you are talking about MANY disgruntled customers!
at least they're giving you an option...unlike Primestar :)

to say that they can't be ripping people off if they pay once is ridiculous.
how are they ripping you off?

You pay ONCE for a car but if its a lemon you still want compensation, don't you?
if it's a lemon in the first year maybe but as example truck is 4 years old with 90K+ miles on it. If something goes out I don't get compensation, do I? When I skidded on black ice and ripped the hell of my bumper up did I go to Ford and say "Give me a new bumper"? No...because I would have been laughed at.

furthermore the switch to IPTV affects the MONTHLY people as well! they will need to buy new equipment, pay for high speed interent MONTHLY and pay higher fees to IPTV!
a fair amount of people already have high speed internet so that point is moot. And the equipment can be sold here or Ebay. Also there are other options. DirecTV, Dish, Glorystar

As for not shopping there I do NOT plan on giving SKY ANGLE any additional funds, not donations, not " $4.99 for special 4", and certainly not $ for IPTV! Furthermore I am not even promoting joining SA angel longer and in fact retracted my prior endorsement to several lists, church members etc. I removed the flyers I keep posted around town as well. I will not assist sky angel in deceiving people.

suit yourself. You have every right to do whatever you want. But it just seems like you feel that because they are leaving DBS they should cater to you. What do you want them to do? Pay for your IPTV & internet to get said programming? They already are losing money so they figured this might be the way to get back some of that debt. By not having to pay Dish to uplink the stuff to the satellite, pay dish for the equipment to get it and all that fun stuff.
Regardless of Skyangels practices (unacceptable to come, simple business matter to others), I don't think it is anything for everybody to be upset at each other about.

I made my statement and then backed off because I do not think it is any more Christian in nature for all of us to fight about the subject as it is to determine the motives of Skyangel.

We have a great resource here in this forum and I have enjoyed everyones information and comments and I hate to see people be mad at each other over something that in reality is not worth ill feelings over.

I say everyone takes the course of action they feel is appropriate and wish no ill feelinings on anyone else.

Not to play the great peacemaker, but I hate to see online friendships go in the toilet. :-)
What in the heck are you talking about? Please explain how they are "ripping off" people.

They took our $ and are not delivering the product. they didn't say MAYBE we will launch a new satellite and it is still FUNCTIONING. furthermore they are charging lifetime members for channels we previously got included in our subs (special 4)

Obviously you feel that something that says "lifetime" should outlive you, your children & grandchildren. People who paid money up front got a good amount of use out of the programming.

It was supposed to OUTLIVE me, n fact continue to my SPOUSe and we are BOTH still alive!

Now if they sold lifetime still then there may be issues. They're selling their portion of DBS so there goes the lifetime thing. what about the 10 yr subs they sold? why are they still siging up people and advertising for DBS $14.99 a month?!

Both were satellite companies who lured people into spending a lot of money on equipment & a year up front and both went bankrupt. Alphastar screwed alot of people. Primestar was bought by DirecTV. Know what DirecTV said when I tried to get some compensation for my year ahead programming with P* that had 10 months left? "

YOU just made the BEST point NOT to switch to IPTV! Sky angel is already having $ problems. We could buy new equipment and then have them go belly up! Or worse raise he rates through the roof!

at least they're giving you an option...unlike Primestar :)
An option that isn't really an option due to INTERNET access, COST of equipment and MONTHLY cost

what option? I don't have HIGH Speed!

a fair amount of people already have high speed internet so that point is moot. And the equipment can be sold here or Ebay. Also there are other options. DirecTV, Dish, Glorystar

I think a LOT less people have highspeed than you think. Many have DBS because they can NOT get cable, High speed internet etc due to living in RURAL america!

Overall, broadband grew by 2.14 percentage points in February, with 45.15% of Internet-connected U.S. households enjoying a high-speed connection.54.85% of US home users dial into the Internet with "narrowband" connections of 56Kbps or less. Nearly 75% of U.S. households have Internet access at home, according to a Nielsen//NetRatings survey.
Home Connectivity in the US

As of February 2004, most users in the US connect to the Internet using dial-up modems of 56Kbps or less. 44.4% use 56Kbps modems, 7.6% use 28/33.3Kbps, and 2.9% use 14.4Kbps modems. In total, 54.85% of home users in the US connect to the Internet at 56Kbps or less

This seems to be a case of IGM (I got mine). Many on this forum either do not care or can not conceive of those who don't have multiple satellite dishes, cable Tv and/or high speed internet. Many more are not on this forum or even the internet at all. We need to worry about the "LEAST of these" and make sure ALL are handled fairly by sky angel Remember there but for the grace of God go I........... ONE subscriber who wants Sky Angel but will not be able to continue access is too many.

Remember this if SKY ANGEL makes a go of this many more may follow to IPTV! would you like a house full of useless equipment?

How many people want to buy an 18" single LNB dish with a basic receiver on ebay? Not many! You want it? email me an offer! I don't even know if you can pick up dish with it as they now have the larger 500!

suit yourself. You have every right to do whatever you want. But it just seems like you feel that because they are leaving DBS they should cater to you.

They should make SA available to ALL their lifetime members, not just "me"

What do you want them to do? Pay for your IPTV & internet to get said programming? that WOULD be NICE and HONORABLE so we know sky angel won't do it!

They already are losing money so they figured this might be the way to get back some of that debt. .
And this is MY fault somehow? Because I paid them upfront when they needed $ perhaps?Their $ problems are of their own making! My financial problems aren't of my making!
They took our $ and are not delivering the product. they didn't say MAYBE we will launch a new satellite and it is still FUNCTIONING.
is Sky Angel still working right now? If the answer is yes then they are still delivering the product

It was supposed to OUTLIVE me, n fact continue to my SPOUSe and we are BOTH still alive!
Hate to break it to you, but lots of things don't outlive someone. And I guess this is one of them

Now if they sold lifetime still then there may be issues. They're selling their portion of DBS so there goes the lifetime thing. what about the 10 yr subs they sold? why are they still siging up people and advertising for DBS $14.99 a month?!
because SA is still ACTIVE and working. So a monthly fee is no issue last I checked. Now if they said "we are closing shop on July 10th" and are still selling monthly packages then again there is an issue. But until they cease operations, they are still active.

YOU just made the BEST point NOT to switch to IPTV!
I dont think IPTV was aropund in 1997 ;)
Sky angel is already having $ problems. We could buy new equipment and then have them go belly up! Or worse raise he rates through the roof!
but they havent even set the pricing yet and you are complaining.

what option? I don't have HIGH Speed!
I already listed the other options.

I think a LOT less people have highspeed than you think. Many have DBS because they can NOT get cable, High speed internet etc due to living in RURAL america!
rural america is shrinking. I should know. I use to live in "rural" area which has since been gobbled up and is now townhouses...Lots of people have DBS for CHOICE....

As of February 2004, <<Snip>>

2004? Its 3 years since then...Yeah in 2K4 I had dial up but now I have high speed. Some people it may not be an option and that is a bummer. But for a lot of people it is a choice.

This seems to be a case of IGM (I got mine). Many on this forum either do not care or can not conceive of those who don't have multiple satellite dishes, cable Tv and/or high speed internet. Many more are not on this forum or even the internet at all. We need to worry about the "LEAST of these" and make sure ALL are handled fairly by sky angel Remember there but for the grace of God go I........... ONE subscriber who wants Sky Angel but will not be able to continue access is too many.
If they dont have internet how can they be on this forum? ;)
And you are right. There are people who don't care. I guess I've seen this enough with satellite (Primestar, Alphastar, Voom) and cable (my "local" cable company has been bought out 4 times now in less than 10 years) to know that stuff happens. People get bought out, sell what they own, etc. Life goes on. I think you are taking this way too seriously. We don't know what is going to happen next.

Remember this if SKY ANGEL makes a go of this many more may follow to IPTV! would you like a house full of useless equipment?
honey I HAVE a house of useless equipment :)
-8 track tapes
-casette tapes
-beta VCR tapes
-beta VCR
-about 5 Dish boxes that are old and cant be reactivated
-about 20 VCR's
-couple directv receivers
-a bunch of Dish 500's, DirecTV Phase III dishes, and Dish 300's/DirecTV single LNB dishes

As I said before, the Dish box can be sold to a Dish subscriber.

How many people want to buy an 18" single LNB dish with a basic receiver on ebay? Not many! You want it? email me an offer! I don't even know if you can pick up dish with it as they now have the larger 500!
seriously though, you'd be amazed at the amount people get for boxes. Even the "old" ones. What model is it? As long as it has a yellow card (which since you sub to SA it does) or no card (its built in) someone would want it. I've sold many boxes here (both old & new) and have needed a basic box for a relative who owns their equipment.

They should make SA available to ALL their lifetime members, not just "me"
stuff happens. SA decided to go another direction.

What do you want them to do? Pay for your IPTV & internet to get said programming? that WOULD be NICE and HONORABLE so we know sky angel won't do it!
I was being sarcastic

They already are losing money so they figured this might be the way to get back some of that debt. .
And this is MY fault somehow? Because I paid them upfront when they needed $ perhaps?Their $ problems are of their own making! My financial problems aren't of my making!
I didnt say it was. Man it seems like you are taking this WAY to personally than others.
the fact that they have already applied to the FCC to sell their license shows their intent. So why are they still trying to sell DBS service?

Ok I will rephrase that, they took our $ and INTEND to discontinue delivering the product, DBS, in less than 1 year! should we WAIT until they actually do so to voice our displeasure?

As for IPTV pricing, its $25 canadian right now (aprox $20 US). Logic will tell you that in a year or less when IPTV is running it will be at least the same price here.
Equipment Needed
You will need a set-top box to receive the signal on your computer or television, which costs money. The TV set-top box is about $180 and the PC receiver is about $120.
You also need an internet connection that has a minimum speed of 1.5 mbps. If you want a wireless connection then you need a wireless router also.

Why isn't sky angel broadcasting IPTV info over Angel 1? That would reach most who are still viewing1 they could follow up with a letter with more details as they become available. At least then everything would be out in the open to ALL viewers, not just those who are on Satelltie guys or who read a naples newspaper. Nothing was added to the website until after the press release!

as for my receiver, its a 2700, right now the remote is listed separately (no bids at 5/$3 (1 hour left) makes my remote worth what .60 cents IF someone bids? My box is listed at 2/ .99 (again no bids) so that works out to .50 making my equipment worth $1.10 on ebay, minus ebay fees, paypal fees etc! past auctions sold receiver AND remote for $11.99! think SA will sell me the IPTV equip for that? How about SA takes all our equipment as a trade, let them sell it and provide us with IPTV equipment!

I think there are many Sky angel subs who aren't on this forum. i wish there was a way to let them know about it!

Taking this too seriously? it is serious to me(and a few others who have emailed privately) M y DH was disabled due to 911 and we have 8 kids and this is our only TV service and many times our church these days. We had to move rural to be able to afford to live on disabliity which means many weeks SA has to serve as church, not just entertainment! So we stand to lose a lot if SKY Angel cuts off our lifetime programming. $20 a month. plus high speed internet just isn't in out budget :( I will be lucky to come up with the $ to buy Glorystar equipment

Dear angry Sky Angel customer(s),

May I remind everyone of something that Christians consider as fact:

We live in a sin-filled, fallen world.

I do my best to be informed on important issues and conduct research when able before spending my money (one form of stewardship). Even so, I am not surprised when I discover I have been ripped off in one way or another. Yes, I'm disappointed and I resolve to not support that entity in future dealings, but do not succomb to outbursts of anger.

Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.
Colossians 3:8 But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.
Ecclesiastes 7:9 Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, For anger resides in the bosom of fools.
Matthew 5:22 "But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.
Galations 5:19-21 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

I fully appreciate the frustrations and feelings of betrayal felt by some over the Sky Angel move to IPTV. I, too, am unhappy. However, there is another response we may choose:
Mark 11:25 "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions.

Finally, one of my favorite quotes:
"Duty is ours, results are God's."
--John Quincy Adams

With Love,
I wanted to add my own personal reaction. I understand that sometimes, business plans don't work out and have to change. So the way I look at it is when God closes a door, he opens a window.

To me, I will explain SA-IPTV, the pros and cons, and Glorystar, and its pros and cons, and let those considering a Christian TV service make up their own mind.

I will admit, I find it confusing that Sky Angel has announced this change in the way they have, because it leaves us with more questions than answers. In my opinion, SA* should have held off the transition longer (at least through the end of life of E*3 satellite) or if that was not possible, announced a complete transition plan including pricing, trade-ins (if any), discounts (?) that might be offered to existing Lifetime and/or monthly customers as soon as they knew the transition to IPTV would take place.

If continuing satellite transmission is not economical, produce an episode of "Inside Sky Angel" where viewers are treated to a clear, complete explanation of the financial picture. This would set a gold standard for television ministries, IMO - many of them are in need of greater transparency.

Now - there may be "behind the scenes" reasons that SA* is unable or unwilling to provide all that information at this time. Due to the lack of information, however, it only leads current subscribers to frustration and dissatisfaction.
Note that there can be legal reasons, in today's legal environment, to not be completely honest. Our laws are so messed up in this country that "telling the truth" is often slapped down. That may or may not be true in this case, but it is another possible factor. (Even admitting "fault" can later subject you to all kinds of lawsuits.)

Plus Hackers in USA and Canada can take a big bite out of SA cake if they had their own satellite and use their own Nagravigion software.

Why would anybody need to hack Sky Angel? Many (most?) of their channels are available FTA already. ;)
I think the reason some people take this more personally than others -- and I'm not saying that's wrong -- is that to some people, SA is not just a DBS service but a ministry in some respects. When they market themselves, it is not entirely as a business. Their mission statement, and public pronouncements, certainly were non-secular in tone. And such people who bought into that, who believed in SA, find their actions very difficult. Leaving DBS is a departure from all SA's previously goals and mission. And that they haven't had the decency/courtesy/honesty to tell their clients is more astounding as the days go on.

I read their monthy SA newsletter that came out last week, there was never a word of the filing to transfer licenses. I tuned into some of their SA "news" programs -- not a word of the license transfer or the switch to IPTV or the fact that there's been rumors they aren't going to honor the prepaid/lifetime subscriptions after the switch.

Sure if this were Primestar or whatever, people would be mad at the loss of funds, but companies go belly up all the time. But this isn't just about money, that's the whole reason some of their clients are so upset. SA isn't going belly up, for one thing, if their new production company is any guide. They are gutting their DBS business - gutting their originally stated mission -- and have started a new Christian value production company (that's a joke) and an IPTV service. Yet they haven't notified their customers and they haven't (at least in my case) even responded to direct queries about the forthcoming reputed loss of service to a substantial number of their customers if they refuse to honor the prepaid contracts on IPTV.

Now if a company is dishonest, it's just a company. But when a company operates itself in some respects like a ministry, gets religious people to do word of mouth marketing for them, encourage people to sign up their neighbors and their church members, and is then dishonest, sure, those people are going to take that as a huge betrayal. And IMHO, well they should.

I think SA wants it both ways. They hoped to weasel their way out of the worst of this, by legal loopholes like any poor customer service company. And then handle the fallout with the christian values typically used when such organizations want to get away with something - turn the other cheek, don't sue a brother, let god judge. They want people to donate to their "ministry" and treat them like a religious organization. And then they want to get out of their contracts however they can, take the proceeds and run and treat their customers' loss of service in a cavalier "we don't owe you anything" way.

What is a good company or good customer service? One who treats its customers in a way that is fair, perhaps even more fair than their contracts. But Sky Angel is not just a company, and it isn't even being square with it's customers, much less fair. So do you wonder that people who bought into SA's reputed mission and values are upset? How could they not be?

For those more cynical, sure they'll shrug and go on, but remember, that wasn't SA's solicited audience. They went after the faithful, and then they didn't honor their contracts or the faith their customers gave them in return. Sure those people are going to be upset. To many of us, their failure is not unexpected, but they way they are handling it *is*, and cynicism is not given to everyone.

I'm not a lawyer, but it seems to me if you add up all sky angel's statements when they sold those contracts, and the fact that the satellite is still a substantial enough asset to sell the transponder licenses, then they owe the prepaid customers something, even if it works out to a pittance when split among them. IMHO, they'd do better off transferring their prepayers to IPTV, at least until the sat goes, but I suspect few would want to or be able to take advantage of it anyway. I was thinking of getting a set top box if they did and SA would have at least made the profit on that. But now I don't think they have a future, particularly after the way they're *not* handling this. If I'm going to add another "box" to my tv reception, I think it will be a FTA one.

Of course it's possible that SA is floating trial balloons (what else would be the reason they'd keep so hush?) and is going to try and do some right thing, whatever that might be, for the prepaid people. But the fundamental dishonesty in their present silence is pretty telling as to their future, as well as present, business dealings. They ought to get out of the religious programming --and production -- business altogether. If you don't have the $$ for it, except by cutting off and cheating your prepaid clients of the remainder of their contracts, then you don't have the dollars *or* the values. And then who are you trying to kid? You've burned your bridges with your target audience.

I have no problem forgiving SA. But you are very one sided, in that you seem to be letting SA off any accountability hook. SA needs to fold up and get out of the christian tv business. They can't gut their DBS business, cheat the prepaid customers of their remaining service, and use the proceeds to start up either IPTV or their new production company. They can't stay a provider of Christian programming under these circumstances. And if they do, then their customers should take action against them. Forgiveness is not license, that's the rub.
the fact that they have already applied to the FCC to sell their license shows their intent. So why are they still trying to sell DBS service?
applied for and completed are two different things. At one time Dish & Direct were going to merge...did that happen? no
There are lots of applications on the table at the FCC for changes but until they are approved (which can take months or longer), legally they can sell DBS service.

Ok I will rephrase that, they took our $ and INTEND to discontinue delivering the product, DBS, in less than 1 year! should we WAIT until they actually do so to voice our displeasure?
whose money are they taking? You already said you paid up front. So you're not really out any money.

As for IPTV pricing, its $25 canadian right now (aprox $20 US). Logic will tell you that in a year or less when IPTV is running it will be at least the same price here.
We don't know the pricing. Also it is a different ballgame in Canada with licensing and stuff. Most US channels are not on in Canada and the pricing is different.

Equipment Needed
You will need a set-top box to receive the signal on your computer or television, which costs money. The TV set-top box is about $180 and the PC receiver is about $120.
everything costs money now a days...even to upgrade equipment

You also need an internet connection that has a minimum speed of 1.5 mbps. If you want a wireless connection then you need a wireless router also.
very true. You do need a 1.5M internet connection. Wireless you can do without

Why isn't sky angel broadcasting IPTV info over Angel 1? That would reach most who are still viewing1 they could follow up with a letter with more details as they become available. At least then everything would be out in the open to ALL viewers, not just those who are on Satelltie guys or who read a naples newspaper. Nothing was added to the website until after the press release!
well thats something that they have to do. Should they switch those "sky angel specials" where they talk about "all the great things SkyAngel brings" and talk about IPTV? I think they should :)

as for my receiver, its a 2700, right now the remote is listed separately (no bids at 5/$3 (1 hour left) makes my remote worth what .60 cents IF someone bids? My box is listed at 2/ .99 (again no bids) so that works out to .50 making my equipment worth $1.10 on ebay, minus ebay fees, paypal fees etc! past auctions sold receiver AND remote for $11.99! think SA will sell me the IPTV equip for that?
why are you jumping ship right now? Seriously...wait it out. I've done that too many times before when companies are going to cease operations. Maybe they will give you a deal or something...I guess saying you were a DBS customer to the end is better than saying a "former" DBS customer.

ut SA takes all our equipment as a trade, let them sell it and provide us with IPTV equipment!
highly unlikelly they would do that but it would be nice.

I think there are many Sky angel subs who aren't on this forum. i wish there was a way to let them know about it!
no brainer there. But compared to before this "change", the SA area wasn't busy :)

Taking this too seriously? it is serious to me(and a few others who have emailed privately) M y DH was disabled due to 911 and we have 8 kids and this is our only TV service and many times our church these days. We had to move rural to be able to afford to live on disabliity which means many weeks SA has to serve as church, not just entertainment! So we stand to lose a lot if SKY Angel cuts off our lifetime programming. $20 a month. plus high speed internet just isn't in out budget :( I will be lucky to come up with the $ to buy Glorystar equipment

Glorystar is an option :) There has been a few people who said they did a monthly option to get it (via the bank as a loan or other ways). And once its set up there is no fees even if they add channels ;)

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