What in the heck are you talking about? Please explain how they are "ripping off" people.
They took our $ and are not delivering the product. they didn't say MAYBE we will launch a new satellite and it is still FUNCTIONING. furthermore they are charging lifetime members for channels we previously got included in our subs (special 4)
Obviously you feel that something that says "lifetime" should outlive you, your children & grandchildren. People who paid money up front got a good amount of use out of the programming.
t was supposed to OUTLIVE me, n fact continue to my SPOUSe and we are BOTH still alive!
Now if they sold lifetime still then there may be issues. They're selling their portion of DBS so there goes the lifetime thing.
what about the 10 yr subs they sold? why are they still siging up people and advertising for DBS $14.99 a month?!
Both were satellite companies who lured people into spending a lot of money on equipment & a year up front and both went bankrupt. Alphastar screwed alot of people. Primestar was bought by DirecTV. Know what DirecTV said when I tried to get some compensation for my year ahead programming with P* that had 10 months left? "
YOU just made the BEST point NOT to switch to IPTV! Sky angel is already having $ problems. We could buy new equipment and then have them go belly up! Or worse raise he rates through the roof!
at least they're giving you an option...unlike Primestar

An option that isn't really an option due to INTERNET access, COST of equipment and MONTHLY cost
what option? I don't have HIGH Speed!
a fair amount of people already have high speed internet so that point is moot. And the equipment can be sold here or Ebay. Also there are other options. DirecTV, Dish, Glorystar
I think a LOT less people have highspeed than you think. Many have DBS because they can NOT get cable, High speed internet etc due to living in RURAL america!
Overall, broadband grew by 2.14 percentage points in February, with 45.15% of Internet-connected U.S. households enjoying a high-speed connection.54.85% of US home users dial into the Internet with "narrowband" connections of 56Kbps or less. Nearly 75% of U.S. households have Internet access at home, according to a Nielsen//NetRatings survey.
Home Connectivity in the US
As of February 2004, most users in the US connect to the Internet using dial-up modems of 56Kbps or less. 44.4% use 56Kbps modems, 7.6% use 28/33.3Kbps, and 2.9% use 14.4Kbps modems. In total, 54.85% of home users in the US connect to the Internet at 56Kbps or less
This seems to be a case of IGM (I got mine). Many on this forum either do not care or can not conceive of those who don't have multiple satellite dishes, cable Tv and/or high speed internet. Many more are not on this forum or even the internet at all. We need to worry about the "LEAST of these" and make sure ALL are handled fairly by sky angel Remember there but for the grace of God go I........... ONE subscriber who wants Sky Angel but will not be able to continue access is too many.
Remember this if SKY ANGEL makes a go of this many more may follow to IPTV! would you like a house full of useless equipment?
How many people want to buy an 18" single LNB dish with a basic receiver on ebay? Not many! You want it? email me an offer! I don't even know if you can pick up dish with it as they now have the larger 500!
suit yourself. You have every right to do whatever you want. But it just seems like you feel that because they are leaving DBS they should cater to you.
They should make SA available to ALL their lifetime members, not just "me"
What do you want them to do? Pay for your IPTV & internet to get said programming?
that WOULD be NICE and HONORABLE so we know sky angel won't do it!
They already are losing money so they figured this might be the way to get back some of that debt. .