Site issues

Here's something new that I've noticed. Thumbnails don't seem to be working.

This is a thumbnail:
And here is the full-sized image:
They both appear to be the same size.

Edit: okay, I checked in landscape and the "thumbnail" is "smaller" than the "Full" image, but it's way bigger than the thumbnails used to be.
Here's something new that I've noticed. Thumbnails don't seem to be working.

This is a thumbnail:
And here is the full-sized image:
They both appear to be the same size.

Edit: okay, I checked in landscape and the "thumbnail" is "smaller" than the "Full" image, but it's way bigger than the thumbnails used to be.

They are bigger as with the code optimization we did with them that size it speeds up the loading on mobile devices. :)
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Do you see something like this?

View attachment 159198

Is this in a particular sub-forum or thread or is in everywhere but the Support Issues area?
No. It seems that I can post in some forums and not others. No messages from admins about any issues with my posts so I don't know what's going on. It's not a browser issue.
No messages from admins about any issues with my posts so I don't know what's going on.
It has been my experience that the admins don't typically notify about permission removals and the software doesn't do it on their behalf. You should probably PM the forum admin(s) where you can't post and see what's up.
If you are blocked from certain areas it would tell you. So I wonder if it's a glitch.
That's why I posted the attachment.

It may be a glitch so that's why I suggested that johnnynobody ask the admins what was going on. If it wasn't intentional, it may be a sign of something going wrong with the database.
Everything is working fine as far as I can tell. We did install an upgrade to the notification system which blew out the settings we had before. I reset the settings last night at about 8pm to what they should have been.

Other than that all should be unchanged.
Scott- I also had a problem at about 1AM. It affected only one thread in the Pub and no access to Conversations. I rebooted the computer reloaded SG and still no improvement. Checked again at 3AM and all was back to normal. No other websites or forums were affected.

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