Sinclair warns of 112 channels being dropped by DISH next Monday (8/16)

During the Dish dispute with WRAZ & WRAL, Dish gave me an antenna that's mounted on our roof. We can get all of the stations clearly. After the dispute ended, I had no reason to add locals for whatever that costs. I wonder if I have to give the antenna back should I decided to end my Dish service. If so, I'm not getting up on the roof to get it!
No, you own it
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Sinclair is playing a losing game. I suspect Dish and then others, will refuse to pay. And after Sinclair dissolves, the pieces will be cheaper.
112 stations provides a lot of leverage. Granted, it works the other way, as 112 stations to lose revenue for, that isn't insignificant either.

Fact remains, Dish isn't pushed over easily. Charlie will give away Rokus (again) and tell customers to get Locast. Others (without internet), install antennas.
I've tried recording OTA channels but have always had an issue where the image freezes and pixelates every few seconds. Watching live looks fine but recordings are messed up. Has Dish fixed this? I haven't tried in over a year probably.
Charlie will give away Rokus (again) and tell customers to get Locast.
I thought Dish had a Locast app. Am I confabulating? I guess Dish would still have to give out Roku's to those who still use older receivers... Are there any SD receivers left in the field?
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I've tried recording OTA channels but have always had an issue where the image freezes and pixelates every few seconds. Watching live looks fine but recordings are messed up. Has Dish fixed this? I haven't tried in over a year probably.
I don't have this issue. But if live is OK and DVR'd material is messed up, then I think your disk is about to go poof.
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Add streaming app to H3?

I love Dish but can no longer justify it.
