That is why I have no interest in the Silicondust AC 3.0 box. But I am considering getting a new Sony TV. The new Sony TV's all have ATSC 3.0 tuners. The ATSC 3.0 tuner internally converts AC4 audio to 5.1 AC3. Plus encryption is not a problem with TVs.
It should also help my reception from both Dayton and Columbus, Ohio since it handles multipath. Plus several stations have upgraded their broadcast to 1080P.
The one negative that I will miss is the ability to DVR and skip commercials.
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A new TV is fine if you feel like replacing a perfectly good ATSC1 TV just to get ATSC3, and if you are willing to watch TV at an appointed time, including all the commercials.
I am not willing to do any of that. Particularly the "appointment television" thing. I can't even begin to express how much I despise the idea of having to be in front of a TV at an appointed time, for a fixed amount of time, in order to watch a show. I did that for much of my life, and then I found out how freeing a VCR and then a PVR is. Maybe you are willing to go back to that, but I would rather never watch a television show again in my life than go back to that. And I'm a senior citizen - do you really think any younger people are going to do that? They are used to getting what they want when they want it from the Internet. If a broadcaster says "you will turn on your TV (or even your cell phone) at an appointed time and sit there for a full hour (or half hour) or you won't see the show", I would say you can F right off and take your effing TV show with you,
and I was raised watching that kind of TV (originally in black and white)! There is absolutely NO TV show I'd want to see badly enough that I would go back to doing that.
I do realize that some people use TV's for background noise and could not care less if they actually get to watch a show or not, so maybe they will be the people who wind up buying new ATSC3 TV's, but people like me sure as hell won't.
That said, however...
It occurs to me that if SiliconDust will not make the product people really want, either because they can't figure out how or because they don't want to pay licensing fees or because of some stupid regulations or laws keep them from doing it, I would not be terribly surprised if the people who make "pirate" boxes get into that business. When ATSC1 stations start going dark, there are going to be a LOT of very pissed off people who don't give a flying f about laws, regulations, patents, or royalties; they just want to be able to DVR their TV shows and maybe hear good audio. It would not shock me one bit if the skull-and-crossbones crowd starts making converter boxes with built in PVR capability, using the ffmpeg hack to convert the AC4 audio to something older receivers can handle, and selling them on the dark web and at county fairs and flea markets, the same way they have been selling streaming boxes using pirate addons for Kodi. But the difference is that while the
streaming pirate boxes usually stop working as soon as the illegal streams are shut down, a box that converts ATSC3 in ways that customers actually want will not be using "illegal" streams, they will be using the very legal ASTC3 streams that all ATSC3 TV's will know how to encrypt, So all they have to do is figure out how to make their boxes pretend to be a real ATSC3 TV. I sure couldn't do it but we all know there are many very clever people out there who will do damn near anything to get around artificial limitations.
I suppose the broadcasters could come up with some kind of card access scheme where in order to watch encrypted local TV you have to insert a conditional access card of some kind that's changed out every so often, but that's what was done for small dish satellite TV and from what I read, even that did not stop some of the pirate boxes from working (at least not until considerable time had passed) and I don't think even the brain dead bureaucrats at the FCC would try to foist that kind of scheme on over-the-air TV viewers (plus you could never make that work with any current cell phones). Anyway, the point I was attempting to make is that if SiliconDust
can decrypt encrypted stations, they had best do so, and if they
can convert AC4 audio to AC3 5.1 or 7.1
without using a cloud server they had best do that too. Otherwise there's going to be a huge incentive for the skull-and-crossbones guys to come up with the type of device that can't be purchased from a legitimate company like SiliconDust, but that many viewers will want. And I don't know about anyone else, but believe me, I'd
much rather buy a product like that from a legitimate company like SiliconDust than from some shady guy on the dark web or at a flea market!
And also, this doesn't even consider the possibility of some kind of software defined TV receiver, where all the hardware is "legitimate" but oh look, there are ways to hack the device using software to make it do whatever you want. All I am saying is if ATSC1 goes dark and there are no good converter/PVR boxes out there, that's a big "need" that somebody's going to fill!