signal loss at night

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Original poster
Nov 12, 2006
I hooked up my new phillips dvr yesterday and everything was fine all day. Go to see a movie and come back and there is no sig on 2 tuner. Reset everything and then only recieve half of stations. Give up go to sleep wake up and everything is fine again, any hints. I've got a round dish with a dual lnb that goes into a multiswitchwhich slits out 4 ways. My signal is always at aroun 93 so it is quite good. Thank you for any help.
This MIGHT need to be moved to the general DirecTV area for more viewing; as it is likely not the DVR. Sounds like either a bad LNB or even a RG6 cable or multi-switch.

Are all your other receivers working perfect, and only the DVR is having issues?

Can you test the DVR receiver at another working outlet location and test a working receiver at the DVR's problem location? If the problem "follows" the DVR, and the 2nd receiver works, then there is your answer; if it the problem stays at the outlet and now affects the standard receiver, then the problem is not the DVR.

Make sense?
Yes it is the same on other recievers (lossing signal) although nothing happened last night it is just weird how everything has been working for years and then that happened. Thanks for your help
Again it happened last night and this morning it is fine. Just strange how it started while installing the dvr and I never went by the dish. Thanks Dan
I am having a problem with only my HR20-700 DVR. I can't get HBO HD, some of the Starz channels and all of the Cinemax channels. I get searching for signal.

It just started happening and I only have one tuner hooked up. THe installer told me it was a charge to install a second line.
A very similar issue with my Dish network system last year. We would lose signal every night after the outside temperature dropped below freezing. As the Sun came up, the dish warmed and all was okay. Our dish had 3 LNB's. After 3 repair visits, all is now okay. The first guy replaced the switch. The problem returned that night. The 2nd guy replaced one of the LNB's and all seemed okay for a few months, but the issue eventually returned. On the 3rd visit, the guy determined the other 2 LNB's were bad and replaced the entire dish and we have had no problems since.

- Paul
I am having a problem with only my HR20-700 DVR. I can't get HBO HD, some of the Starz channels and all of the Cinemax channels. I get searching for signal.

It just started happening and I only have one tuner hooked up. THe installer told me it was a charge to install a second line.

Check your signal strengh on the transponders for those channels.
Yah your right, I lost about a third of the stations last night, will try the multi first. Thanks even if your a Buckeye. Dan :)
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