Shows on EHD are erased after watching! Known problem?

I'm new to this forum and would like to add my name to the list of people loosing programs from my EHDs. I first noted the erasure problem right around the first of the year. I've noted the workaround but would rather they fix this soon.

Yep. Us, too.

And - Welcome to our group!
My EHD didn't get erased but my DVR went crazy last night. It stopped a bunch of my recordings last night and deleted a TON of my other records. I've got like 30+ hours of HD time available now. Jeez....
I can now say that I have definitely experienced this problem. I am now upset about it because I did not want to delete what it deleted. I transferred episodes of my favorite TV show to the external hard drive due a shortage of space on the internal drive, then I decided to catch up on the show which I haven't watched for weeks. I decided to review the last episode I was able to watch to refresh my memory since I haven't viewed the show in weeks and forgot where I was. I decided I had reviewed enough and stopped it. A screen came up with a couple of options, one of which was done. I chose it and strangely the episode was deleted. This is extremely disturbing and defeats the purpose of archiving. I did not intend to delete this episode. I use external hard drive archiving extensively and deleting shows is not the objective. I do not even know what to say. I suppose I should report the issue to Dish. This is foolishness and I will be extremely unhappy if this continues to do this anymore.
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I started this thread on January 29th. It is now 2 months later and the problem is still there! Erasing programs is a very serious problem and I don't understand why Dish has not made this problem a priority!

A few days ago I tried watching some shows from the EHD. I was prepared for the '2nd show erasure bug' that so many others have reported (I had several short clips that i recorded as 'sacrificial lambs'). So I watched the 1st problem there. Then I watched one of the short clips thinking that it would be erased. Guess what? The 2nd show did not erase! Then I watched a 3rd and a 4th show and nothing was erased! WTF!!

Two days later I tried watching some other shows and they were deleted from the EHD! I am getting sick of this!
I've tried the "solution" of ending my viewing of something on my EHD by entering a channel number, and it seems to work, but I'm insanely leery of watching anything on my EHD, since at least 10 recordings have just disappeared. Has E* even acknowledged this issue? (much less working on a fix)
FitzAusTex, Yes, Dish is aware of the issue. If you look back at some of the previous postings in this thread, Dish has responded that this is a known problem and they are supposedly working on it. They gave a workaround of rebooting the receiver after you watch a show from the EHD, but I have found that this solution does not work most of the time.

Also, I have found that the '2nd show erasure bug', that has been consistent for some posters, is not always consistent for me. It almost seems random when it decides to erase a show. Now, I will not watch anything from the EHD that I don't mind losing. If it is a show that I do not want to lose, I have to restore it to the internal HD in order to watch it! Very annoying!!!
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Yep, Dish is aware of the issue and they're supposedly working on fixing it... Two months is a long time to work on fixing a bug like this! It's insane!

Anyway, since I started "sacrificing" Nothing but Trailers episodes to the bug as the 2nd program I watch from the EHD, I haven't lost anything else, but it's an absurd work-around and very annoying. The only other option is to turn off the EHD while it's playing if I forget to throw the bug a bone to eat.

So, if anyone is still losing programs to this bug, please report it to Dish and help all of us...the more that complain, the more pressure they will feel...
Just lost the first episode of Life this weekend. Finished watching it, hit done, was gone. Did the exact same thing with the second eps (didn't watch the whole eps), still on the EHD.
I have complained and all they say is were working on it. but at first the csr had me hold the power button then do this opps ok lets unplug your reciever wait 5 min now plug it back in before they say its a problem were working on it.
I hope this is fixed soon. I really want to add an EHD, to house all my daughters stuff (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, etc...).

This bug is all thats holding me back. I sure don't want to erase any of her shows.
We've had this happen 3 or 4 times in the last week.

Luckily, in each case we had no further need of the program.

Time to get it fixed, DISH.
Paused two shows over the past few weeks. When I went back to watch them later they had been deleted. Really stinks. Luckly one was on hulu. The other one was just gone. The latest happend over the weekend.
As I mentioned in my last post this only happens to me on ONE of my EHD...they one that I use for movies as compared to the one I use for TV show. I wonder if it has anything to do with the size of the file?
As I mentioned in my last post this only happens to me on ONE of my EHD...they one that I use for movies as compared to the one I use for TV show. I wonder if it has anything to do with the size of the file?

We lost episodes of House, so they were only 1 Hr in length.
Considering this is a well known bug on here, I don't understand why anyone watches shows from their EHD anymore. Just transfer it to the DVR and watch normally. It doesn't take that long to transfer a show back and forth.
Just lost a show I recorded from PBS pledge week. I stopped the show about halfway. it was the 1st show I watched in a couple days from the EHD.
I called E* CSRs and asked each one had they heard of this problem or could they find it in their forums. I went thru 6 before I reached advanced tech support. He found the reference right away and their only work around was the reboot suggested earlier in this forum. I suggested he visit this sight for the other work arounds. His info had no eta of a E* solution.
I have an external drive rack that supports 15 removable external drives (and counting). Some new. Some old. Everything from an ancient 40GB generic drive to what I would call a more modern 750GB drive. Most are IDE some are SATA.

I have never lost a single event with my rig.

I'm wondering if the reported loses are more driven by the choice of EHD hardware as opposed to concept.
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