Shocking News: McGwire Admits Using Steroids!!!!

OF COURSE he had to come clean....he is the new hitting coach for the Cardinals. He HAD to do because the media would have hounded him until he cracked. Give up the info now, come when spring training will be an after thought.

Wouldn't you think you would want a "Hitting Coach" with a .300+ BA ?

Just seems odd that you would expect a guy that hit what .280 ? to instruct players on hitting ?

- Hitting a baseball is hard. It is probably the single most difficult thing to do in sports, which is why baseball is such a wonderful game. However, the skill that is important is to, as the saying goes, "hit it where they ain't". Without cheating, Bonds, Sosa, McGuire and other cheat would have been just three more members of that mediocre gang that is good for a HR every week or so, and a long fly out every other time. By cheating, these guys added 10 or 20 or howmanyever feet to their flyouts.

- If you read Game of Shadows, and I have, you understand the complex regimine of steroids, masking agents, female fertility drugs, AIDS drugs and other major chemicals that these cheats took. This is nothing like just buying a couple of bags of pot from some street corner, and if you think it is, you do not understand the issue well enough to have an informed opinion.

- If you read GOS, you also understand that many of these drugs were obtained from AIDS patients on Medicaid welfare and others who were despirate for money. That is welfare fraud, and it is sickening.

- If Bud "Light" (Kennesaw Molehill) Selig, knew, or should have known what was going on, and told any voter in any taxpayer extortion election to vote for the stadium tax based on the idea that it was actual legitimate baseball that was going on there, then he is guilty of fraud and should be jailed. There is no statute of limitations on fraud.

- If Bud "Light" (Kennesaw Molehill) Selig, did not know what was going on, then his is an incompentent fool and should resign this afternoon.

- I do not want to get into a discussion of unions generally, but one thing that unions do for workers is try to make working conditions as safe as they can be, whatever the industry. Steroids are bad for you. Very bad. And, in any sport, there really are only two alternatives. They can be illegal or manditory. A real union would want to protect its members by keeping them from having to take horriable drugs to compete. The perversion of unionism that is the MLBPA, rather, wanted to help its members cheat, and to help them commit hundreds of felonies in two nations in order to cheat.

- Thus nothing that any of these cheats did actually happened. That simple. They are unworthy of the "but they would have done X% of what they did if they were not cheaters." First, those estimates, as explained above, are tremendously generous. But more importantly, because they do not deserve you and I engaging in that discussion.

- Three words must be said in light of the reaction of unindicted co-conspirator Selig. Peter Edward Rose.
/Rant: A Special Comment

Has there ever been a generation of kids growing up that has been so exposed to so many cheats, liers and crooks in the public spectrum? I feel bad for the kids. They probably grow up with trust issues and thinking everyone on the planet is a cheat. And some probably come to the conclusion that cheating is acceptable. Think about it....

All the dopers in sports, Tiger and other celebrities extra-martial affairs, Politicians being crooked, etc. etc. Has the morals of man diminished so much over the years or has the increased media made us more aware that people just aren't good? Are there any honest people out there any more?!
While admitting to it he also tried to say it didn't help his game . Ha!. Saying he did it to recover from injuries. Saying it doesn't help you hit ball. Sure Mike Sure. And look at his neck. Acne Scars. Another sign of serious abuse.
"Big muscles can turn a pop-up into a home run. It's a matter of scale." and "it doesn't make you a better ballplayer" are not the same thing, and is where I disagree.

Try discussing it and cut the insults, thanks.

If you can't hit the ball, steroids don't make you a better player.

Goes hand in hand with 'if you dont drop the hammer on users, you don't have a credible sport'
I apologize for the un-called for name-calling. Fact is, I'm on steroids. Really, for arthritis. Chalk it up to 'roid-rage.

But if you can get the bat on the ball at all, the steroids (which allow a lot of weightlifting, and then a heavier bat swung faster) make it a harder hit ball than otherwise.
Has there ever been a generation of kids growing up that has been so exposed to so many cheats, liers and crooks in the public spectrum? I feel bad for the kids. They probably grow up with trust issues and thinking everyone on the planet is a cheat. And some probably come to the conclusion that cheating is acceptable. Think about it....

All the dopers in sports, Tiger and other celebrities extra-martial affairs, Politicians being crooked, etc. etc. Has the morals of man diminished so much over the years or has the increased media made us more aware that people just aren't good? Are there any honest people out there any more?!

IF there was ever a time that Charles Barkley's now famous(or infamous) line was ever more appropriete of "I am not a role model...and should never be a role model" now. NOW is the time for parents to stop depending on athletes, celebrities and politicians to raise their kids morals and values and do damn job themselves. :rant:
Wouldn't you think you would want a "Hitting Coach" with a .300+ BA ?

Just seems odd that you would expect a guy that hit what .280 ? to instruct players on hitting ? think!! Makes ya wonder if this a publicity stunt to get him back in the game, clear his name and improve his chances to be in the HOF. I mean he really is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. I do feel bad for him.

That is the worst part of his situation, I mean if he was a$$hole, it's one thing....

Weren't Sandra and I arguing this VERY point with you for about 300 pages last year?

NO....YOU and Sandra said it DOES help you hit the ball farther. I said it MAY or MAY NOT. For every BIG home run hitter you brought up.....I brought up two players that were caught cheating that did NOTHING for their career. I have ALSO stuck to my guns that PEDs does NOT....I repeat....DOES NOT make you a better baseball player.
NO....YOU and Sandra said it DOES help you hit the ball farther. I said it MAY or MAY NOT. For every BIG home run hitter you brought up.....I brought up two players that were caught cheating that did NOTHING for their career. I have ALSO stuck to my guns that PEDs does NOT....I repeat....DOES NOT make you a better baseball player.

But you are just as delusional as McGwire is to think that it doesn't help. Don't you think that if Mickey Mantle had these that he could have recovered from his first knee injury and been able to play his entire career with healthy knees and demolished Babe Ruth's records.
NO....YOU and Sandra said it DOES help you hit the ball farther. I said it MAY or MAY NOT. For every BIG home run hitter you brought up.....I brought up two players that were caught cheating that did NOTHING for their career. I have ALSO stuck to my guns that PEDs does NOT....I repeat....DOES NOT make you a better baseball player.

So many of the fly balls wouldn't have left the park then. He cheated . His homerun record should be removed from the record books. I agree that it doesn't help you see the ball better but I believe it gives you an advantage to get the ball out of the park. And that is wrong
But you are just as delusional as McGwire is to think that it doesn't help. Don't you think that if Mickey Mantle had these that he could have recovered from his first knee injury and been able to play his entire career with healthy knees and demolished Babe Ruth's records.

I would not doubt that it would have help. But you STILL have to SEE THE BALL to HIT THE BALL which is THE concept of baseball.

And you don't think that IF this stuff was around....he wouldn't have used it? And if Babe Ruth would have had don't think HE would have used it?

IF you said no to any of these answers.....WHO is the delusional one?;)
If Mark McGwire did not believe steroids helped him set records, he would not have called the Maris family yesterday to apologize to Roger's family for cheating to knock their husband/dad out of the record books. ;)

Obviously Mark McGwire knows it helped him hit home runs, but if you choose not to believe him go right ahead. Steroids cannot help you or I hit even one major league home run, or minor league for that matter.

But they did help a home run hitter like McGwire hit more home runs...

It does NOT help you hit. It MAY help you hit it farther...

:eek: Weren't Sandra and I arguing this VERY point with you for about 300 pages last year?

NO....YOU and Sandra said it DOES help you hit the ball farther. I said it MAY or MAY NOT. For every BIG home run hitter you brought up.....I brought up two players that were caught cheating that did NOTHING for their career. I have ALSO stuck to my guns that PEDs does NOT....I repeat....DOES NOT make you a better baseball player.

Which is it floppy? Make up your mind. Take a stance already! :)
So many of the fly balls wouldn't have left the park then. He cheated . His homerun record should be removed from the record books. I agree that it doesn't help you see the ball better but I believe it gives you an advantage to get the ball out of the park. And that is wrong

And like I have said...for every home run hitter...I will bring up guys that it did nothing for them.

We will leave it at we agree to's that?;)

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