Oh boy! nobody caught the humor of the moment
Jerk was refering to making a tech work on new years day
$50 "customer caused" his roofers removed the monopoles
I was also trying to be subtle in implying "I" was the tech the OP was refering to
Come on up in my lap little Fed Up,
I'll tell you why everyone is angry with you...it will be all right!
They don't know you as we do. They thought you were bad or stupid. We know better.
But you can not go around calling people jerks. They don't like it. Customers just want service and will not get off their sofa..........and they will use their telephones if they become confused. You know how bad that can be.
My lesson for you is that the hardest thing about installations is not the work. The hardest thing is remembering that future customers are not like any of the previous ones. They are all new and you (we) have to treat them like that. They do not know what Directv is going to do to them. If they become confused you are not the one to explain things...let them learn. Sometimes they like what Directv does..sometimes not.
So go forth, Fed Up, and install without even thinking about customer service. You are not asked tro do this. Just hang the dish, connect the boxes...get out as soon as the rig is activated. Let Directv be the system they want to be.