With a load reduction like that is satguys looking at right sizing the server?
Nope, we own all 3 of our servers.
I just felt it was time to remove the vbSEO package as our support contract was about to expire and I felt that it no longer really did anything except eat resources and provide us a likes system. (Which is why I installed the new likes system before removing vbSEO)
vBulletin has advanced a long way since version 4.0 came out (We were using version 3 when we first started with vbSEO) and now a lot of SEO features are built in vBulletin without the need for additional software.
I also wanted to remove vbSEO before our support contract ended in case we had issues removing the software, and while I did have issues removing it I figured out the solution on my own. (Which makes me feel good when I can figure out something on my own)

I did not need to contact support for additional help, but I felt good knowing that help was there if I needed it.
I fixed a few issues tonight once I got home from my families annual summer party.
1) If you went to
http://satelliteguys.us (without the www) it would take you to the site. But once you logged in it wouldn't let you do anything as it does not recognize the url without the www as being our server. Now if you go to
http://satelliteguys.us it automatically redirects you to
Another reason this was important to fix was Google was indexing both satelliteguys.us (without the www) and
www.satelliteguys.us, doing this can cause us issues and penalize us (including loss of ad revenue) for having duplicate content being indexed. With this fixed it is not an issue anymore.
2) Fixed the sitemap issue. This morning is any of the bots tried grabbing our sitemap they got a 404 file not found error. This is now fixed and the bots have once again started indexing with the new sitemaps.
3) Fixed an issue members were having subscribing to threads.
4) Removed DISHSTORE.NET's shopping cart software and website from our servers. Since DISHSTORE is no longer operating its online store there is no reason for us to host it anymore.
Other then that everything appears to be working very nicely!