Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,485 28,649 Newington, CT Oct 21, 2014 #21 The plugin which was giving us major issues yesterday was updated to fix the issue it was causing. I have just reinstalled it. Please let me know if you see any more errors, and I will keep checking on the logs as well. Thanks! Reactions: TheKrell
The plugin which was giving us major issues yesterday was updated to fix the issue it was causing. I have just reinstalled it. Please let me know if you see any more errors, and I will keep checking on the logs as well. Thanks!
mike123abc Too many cables Supporting Founder Sep 25, 2003 25,663 4,976 Norman, OK Oct 21, 2014 #22 Scott Greczkowski said: Should be all set now. had to disable the Mark post as best answer feature. Click to expand... Hmm interesting, I had noticed it was doing something strange last week when posts were being marked as best answer even though the thread had nothing to do with a question.
Scott Greczkowski said: Should be all set now. had to disable the Mark post as best answer feature. Click to expand... Hmm interesting, I had noticed it was doing something strange last week when posts were being marked as best answer even though the thread had nothing to do with a question.
M Mr Tony SatelliteGuys Pro Supporting Founder Nov 17, 2003 3,218 14,451 Mankato, MN Oct 21, 2014 #23 dare2be said: Haha, I was just poking the bear...forgot about your mod duties. Click to expand... dang they were taken away in just remembered that? Reactions: TheKrell
dare2be said: Haha, I was just poking the bear...forgot about your mod duties. Click to expand... dang they were taken away in just remembered that?
dare2be SatelliteGuys God Original poster Lifetime Supporter Jul 15, 2011 12,743 7,776 FL Oct 21, 2014 #24