I am having a hard time in getting a signal for galaxy 18@ 123 degrees. The antenna is right on plumb. I eliminated the motor. My receiver is a Geo Sat Pro DSR # 110C from GloryStar. My Dish is a 39” HotDish90 from DMS International. My LNB is a Invacom QPH-031 with 2 lineal ports and 2 circular ports. My receiver is beside the Dish and hooked to the Lineal port. I got my Latitude@ 40.193 and Longitude @ -75.613, Elevation @23.1, Azimuth @ 239.3 degrees and LNB Skew 41.1. from dish pointer.com. for Eastern Pa. How can the LNB get a skew setting of 41 Degrees when the degree marking on the Invacom LNB is only 20 to right and 20 to left? What should the degrees be set at and how do I set it at 41, if 41 is correct? Could it be that my GeoSat is not compatable with the Invacom? Last spring I bought 2 Sonicview 360 Elite receivers with this dish, but I cannot use them because they are not user friendly at all and the blind scan does not work in them. My plan is to lock in the signal with the geosat, then switch out the receivers later.