Just wanted to say I am pissed about this uproar with dish and cablevision over voom. I think its all a scan to get everyone to move to dish. I called dish tonight and said I just wanted the voom HD channels and that is all. Thats all I ever cared about and that all TV really is HD. Anyway they told me I had to pay for everything at some stupid ass price. Way more than voom was. I had no problem paying voom for the HD channels eventhough I was paying for the SD also. I only watched the HD. Dish is trying to charge more and charge me for setup. Anyway this is how corporate america screws all of us in paying more. Oh well I am not going to dish and truely I wish some providor would offer some HD because SD sucks. The FCC has danced around the issue of getting rid of SD and that isn't going to happen in my life time at the rate they are going BTW I am 23
Anyway I never thought it would happen sure I am naive I never thought voom would go, well it did and I feel stupid. Anyway I say we all boycot everyone, but that will not work because people want their tv which is understadable. I just wish that someone will realise that SD is not the way to go and HD is the only way, its sad its not happening sooner and that the FCC is backed by everyone who runs the SD channels. Thats enough for me for now. Just a said voomer whos tv is gone
I have said from the beginning voom doesn't need to offer SD just HD. and thats how I think they messed up. Hd everything HD locals everything and people would be happy. Maybe not, but thats how I would have been happy. Fare well all. Have fun on your new service and rememver nothing was like voom and nothing will ever be. CS rocked everything was great. As for the other sat providors I say I am done. I move from directv to voom and now that its gone I am done. Have fun in your voyage.
