Screen Adjustment is Horrible


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 14, 2007

On my 60" DLP the screen will not fit right either way using the 'Fit to Screen' setting. It's either around 1/4" too large or 1/4" too small. When it's too small there's a 1/4" black border with a small 'splotch' at the bottom, and when too large it's cutting off 1/4" of the screen which is annoying using the guide as 1/4" is chopped off each side. Funny thing is, on the Joey I was able to get it to fit perfectly on my 42" LCD with zooming one click less. Why in the heck can't it auto fit the screen like the VIPs did? Also if Dish cannot get an update to autofit the screen they really need to make it Zoom in much smaller increments.

The VIPs didn't always auto-fit the screen right either. At least you have the option of fixing it. The zoom does seem to me like it should be going in smaller increments. I don't remember them being that large on the 922. I was able to get it to fit just fine on all my TVs. There isn't a zoom or edge crop setting on your TV is there?
Just Scan is the answer for me, on my LG TV. It may be called something else on other TV's, it's almost an over scan mode.
Screen adjustment mostly has to do with the TV itself as long as the receiver setting is on "normal." For my Samsung TV, I always have mine on "just scan" because I notice that when it's on, "16:9" the picture looks a little bit zoomed in to me.

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