SBS Korea Takedown October 1, 2005


I don't think you guys will see this as this site is slated to go down on 11/16 but believe it or not, there may be 3 additional channels to make for a 10-channel Korean package come end of January 06!

Very tentative and not confirmed to have signed with DISH Network as of yet (but ready to be signed and delivered soon) are:

8. KBS-2: Full KBS-2 channel that will have programs not featured on the current KBS World channel

9. K-League Soccer Channel: A channel devoted to soccer programming from Korea.

10. KMTV: I don't know why they'd pair M.NET with KMTV but this is also a music programming channel from Korea.

So there you have it, they're possibly doing a Super/Mega/Elite Pack like they have for Arabic, South Asian and Polish programming currently or maybe they'll even do a stand-alone package like Great Wall for the Chinese-language viewers. All I can say is, bring it on! Better than having only 1 channel that people will watch regularly.

Again, very rough and only heard from one source, albeit not from DISH Network. We'll see if they're accurate when the first round of channels appear shortly. This gets interesting week by week!
Wait, wait. The 2 religious channels are up including the Buddhist one I think so this makes 7 but I probably forgot 3. Why KMTV? This better not have bloody reality series all over the place. I want bloody concerts, live EXCLUSIVE one's and not just freaking m/v's. Also I want a show like "Music Camp" if I can't have MBC. I don't want Gasoo lipsync performances all the time.
Wait OCN n/m, forgot.

Are there any good Korean Anime channels with KOREA based Anime programming Dish could carry instead of that video game channel? Seriously after hearing about it it sounds dumb.
Did I miss something here?

Hi, Summit.
Did I miss something here?

10 channel package?
Where is this information?
I know KBS, WOW, and JSTV makes up three out of 10, but what are the rest?

Thank you.

SummitAdvantageRetailer said:

I don't think you guys will see this as this site is slated to go down on 11/16 but believe it or not, there may be 3 additional channels to make for a 10-channel Korean package come end of January 06!

Very tentative and not confirmed to have signed with DISH Network as of yet (but ready to be signed and delivered soon) are:

8. KBS-2: Full KBS-2 channel that will have programs not featured on the current KBS World channel

9. K-League Soccer Channel: A channel devoted to soccer programming from Korea.

10. KMTV: I don't know why they'd pair M.NET with KMTV but this is also a music programming channel from Korea.

So there you have it, they're possibly doing a Super/Mega/Elite Pack like they have for Arabic, South Asian and Polish programming currently or maybe they'll even do a stand-alone package like Great Wall for the Chinese-language viewers. All I can say is, bring it on! Better than having only 1 channel that people will watch regularly.

Again, very rough and only heard from one source, albeit not from DISH Network. We'll see if they're accurate when the first round of channels appear shortly. This gets interesting week by week!
tru64ufs said:
Hi, Summit.
Did I miss something here?

10 channel package?
Where is this information?
I know KBS, WOW, and JSTV makes up three out of 10, but what are the rest?

Thank you.

I posted them here:

So the tentative "10" + Arirang channels to show by Jan. 06 are:

1. KBS World
2. Arirang
5. BBS
7. YTN
8. Video Gaming Channel
9. OCN
10. KBS 2
11. K-League Soccer Channel
12. KMTV

Actually, that looks like 11 + Arirang. But again, a tentative list. I won't believe it until an E* rep. or official tells us.
Thank you

Thank you, summit, again.

It just solidify my intention to move to DirecTV around Thankgiving.
Thank you very much.

Summit. Do you know any place that I can purchase HD TiVo for DirecTV
for under $400 before rebate? (I don't mind remanfactured)

SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
I posted them here:

So the tentative "10" + Arirang channels to show by Jan. 06 are:

1. KBS World
2. Arirang
5. BBS
7. YTN
8. Video Gaming Channel
9. OCN
10. KBS 2
11. K-League Soccer Channel
12. KMTV

Actually, that looks like 11 + Arirang. But again, a tentative list. I won't believe it until an E* rep. or official tells us.
tru64ufs said:
Thank you, summit, again.

It just solidify my intention to move to DirecTV around Thankgiving.
Thank you very much.

Summit. Do you know any place that I can purchase HD TiVo for DirecTV
for under $400 before rebate? (I don't mind remanfactured)
Wait after the $200 HD rebate kicks in around Nov. 25. You may want to ask if the $100 DVR rebate can be applied as well. If you can, then I'm sure you'll be able to find a place that'll sell an HD Tivo for around $700 or less. So wait a few days!
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
Wait after the $200 HD rebate kicks in around Nov. 25. You may want to ask if the $100 DVR rebate can be applied as well. If you can, then I'm sure you'll be able to find a place that'll sell an HD Tivo for around $700 or less. So wait a few days!


I am waiting for the $200 incentive. Also I am in LA area so I would like to switch when they start rolling out MPEG4. Does HD DVR change as well? Would that be available or is the rollout only for HD receiver?

Where is the best place to get best "deal"? I am looking for 1 HD DVR and 2 standard receivers (of which I wouldn't mind 1 to be a standard DVR as I will be testing with Slingbox).

Thank for any input.
MPEG4 HD DVR won't launch until next year unless something drastic happens and the launch date gets pulled closer to this year. It might be as late as summer but likely sometime around 1Q 06, meaning Jan. to Mar. of 06.

Where do you get the best deal? The online places, usually. I don't know if the sponsor of this forum,, does DirecTV but traditionally they do bigger volume and offer better offers. Only thing is that you can't walk into an office and talk to a live person. All business is done over the phone and they'd likely source out the technician for the install.
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
MPEG4 HD DVR won't launch until next year unless something drastic happens and the launch date gets pulled closer to this year. It might be as late as summer but likely sometime around 1Q 06, meaning Jan. to Mar. of 06.

Where do you get the best deal? The online places, usually. I don't know if the sponsor of this forum,, does DirecTV but traditionally they do bigger volume and offer better offers. Only thing is that you can't walk into an office and talk to a live person. All business is done over the phone and they'd likely source out the technician for the install.

I checked out the dishstore but they seem to deal with only DISH. I called RapidSatellite which was horrible (and said it was a division of Circuit City).

So what do people in Detroit get when they say they get MPEG4? Just the receiver? If you get the MPEG4 receiver now and want to get HD DVR in 6 months, does that mean you have to pay high $$$ to upgrade?

I really want to jump but if I should wait for 6 months ( :( ) to get set of gears to last me at least 1-2 years, then I should wait. Also I heard the discount might apply only if you sign up for 2 years. That is LONG time.
People in Detroit get both the H20 MPEG4 HD receiver and the 5-LNB dish that'll give them the new Detroit MPEG4 HD locals. People elsewhere in the 12 primary markets will get the 5-LNB dish and H20 MPEG4 HD receiver when their market rolls, which is late Nov. and Dec. tentatively.

If you want the new MPEG4 HD DVR which I believe is model no. HR20-150 or something similar, you'll have to wait. And yes, either way DirecTV will require 2-year commitment regardless if you get the rebate or not. That's not just limited to HD or HD DVR, it's also for DVR's because they're all classified as Advanced Product purchase.
Don't forget that HD receivers used to be $300 and TiVo's $100, both without rebates, so you can think that these 2-year commitments are to offset the additional subsidies they're giving to each customer that gets the receiver for free after rebate.

And don't forget, these rebates apply to one receiver of one type, so you can only get one HD and one DVR for free, both after mail-in rebates. Add'l HD and DVR receivers are purchased separately without rebates.
SummitAdvantageRetailer said:
And don't forget, these rebates apply to one receiver of one type, so you can only get one HD and one DVR for free, both after mail-in rebates. Add'l HD and DVR receivers are purchased separately without rebates.


Do you mean I could get the new HD-DVR and a standard DVR for free? Really? That would be great. I always thought you have to pay around $500 to get the HD-DVR.

No, in fact MPEG4 HD DVR's may not be released for at leat a few months later. Pricing has not been set but I highly doubt that they'll be free even with rebates. Standard DVR will be $99 with $100 rebate, making it free. What I meant was that you can get one HD receiver and one DVR for free.

Hi, folks.

I placed an order with my dealer today.
The dealer told me that DirecTV will start broadcasting MBC starting in December.

I will probably stick with Dish Network but take down two current dishes and upgrade it to SuperDish and subscribe a basic package that includes KBS for $31.

And then add another dish for DirecTV for basic 50 channel ($9.99) + SBS/YTN ($14.99) with one Tivo receiver ($99 with $100 rebate).

This way my son can keep watching his favorite channels like "Cartoon NetworK" and "Nick". And our favorites like Disovery and Food Network from Dish network. At the same time we can get SBS, MBC, and YTN and some local channels from DirecTV.

All without additional charge and without hassling with Home owner's association for dish placement. :D

The dealer told me that DirecTV is keep talking to KBS, but the chances are pretty slim.

It looks like we still need KBS for "Knowlodge Sponge", "Vitamin", and "Imagine".

Well this time I still cannot get HD Tivo for my plasma :mad:
I don't want to spend $400 for a receiver.

I hope this transition will go smoothly.
KBS has a very close bond with DISH right now so it'd be prudent for them not to go with DirecTV. How does your dealer know that MBC is coming in Dec? I know that the deal is getting closer to fruition but they're not telling me prices or dates yet.
tru64ufs said:
Hi, folks.

I placed an order with my dealer today.
The dealer told me that DirecTV will start broadcasting MBC starting in December.

I will probably stick with Dish Network but take down two current dishes and upgrade it to SuperDish and subscribe a basic package that includes KBS for $31.

And then add another dish for DirecTV for basic 50 channel ($9.99) + SBS/YTN ($14.99) with one Tivo receiver ($99 with $100 rebate).

This way my son can keep watching his favorite channels like "Cartoon NetworK" and "Nick". And our favorites like Disovery and Food Network from Dish network. At the same time we can get SBS, MBC, and YTN and some local channels from DirecTV.

All without additional charge and without hassling with Home owner's association for dish placement. :D

The dealer told me that DirecTV is keep talking to KBS, but the chances are pretty slim.

It looks like we still need KBS for "Knowlodge Sponge", "Vitamin", and "Imagine".

Well this time I still cannot get HD Tivo for my plasma :mad:
I don't want to spend $400 for a receiver.

I hope this transition will go smoothly.

Basic 50 channels from DirecTV is only $10? Wouldn't most basic channels from DirecTV be the same as Dish's basic channels? Also would you have to change INPUT for Dish and DirecTV setup boxes? If there is a simple unified way of switching between DirecTV and DISH, let me know. That would go well with my wife. If not, I would have to completely tear down DISH and replace all equip with DirecTV.
DirecTV's Basic package is local channels, shopping channels, public information channels, and some XM radio channels that used to be Music Choice music channels. Too bad I can't link you to a web site that shows the channel listing for DirecTV's Basic and Preferred package, but if you ask in the DirecTV forum, someone may know a reference. ;)
Got directv

I finally got the SuperDish and DirecTV with Tivo.
My Dish DVR has gone bad so replacement is in order.
DirecTV's Korean channels SBS and YTN has better Picture quality than Dish.
Glad that I didn't get HD Tivo.

Somethings better on DirecTV. Channels are not in 30 minute units, so
recording can be done in mich finer granularity.

But I really have hard time adjusting to Tivo.
I don't know I ever get over Tivo deficiencies.

First season pass First run only recording never works for Korean channels.
MInd you YTN doesn't have any channel information yet.
I don't think this Season pass ever works for Korean channels.
WHy there isn't a simple programming recording based on time?
I know where is an option to record based on time, but it is too cumbersome
to put in exact time manually.

So if I want to record only 8:45AM SBS News everyday, it records all three
SBS News for each day. And the problem is the default is to keep up to 5 episode,
it won't record more than five or keep deleting older ones even if I didn't watch.

And Tivo Guide doesn't tell me if certain shows are to be recorded or not (biggest gripe)
DIsh guide has timer icon for each channels to be recorded.

And I don't know if there ever was or will be conflict. SInce it has prioritized season pass recording, you will never know which will be recorded if time changes.

And back and forward scan is too slow. Dish has x300 back/forward.

Fonts in gude is just too small, my wife has trouble looking at guide.

I think the list goes on and on.

I don't understand all the hype around Tivo.
Dish's DVR was much better at basic dvr functionality.
Since I got R10, will I be happier with R15, newer DVR from DIrecTV (not Tivo)?


tru64ufs said:
Hi, folks.
I placed an order with my dealer today.
The dealer told me that DirecTV will start broadcasting MBC starting in December.
I will probably stick with Dish Network but take down two current dishes and upgrade it to SuperDish and subscribe a basic package that includes KBS for $31.
And then add another dish for DirecTV for basic 50 channel ($9.99) + SBS/YTN ($14.99) with one Tivo receiver ($99 with $100 rebate).
This way my son can keep watching his favorite channels like "Cartoon NetworK" and "Nick". And our favorites like Disovery and Food Network from Dish network. At the same time we can get SBS, MBC, and YTN and some local channels from DirecTV.
All without additional charge and without hassling with Home owner's association for dish placement. :D
The dealer told me that DirecTV is keep talking to KBS, but the chances are pretty slim.
It looks like we still need KBS for "Knowlodge Sponge", "Vitamin", and "Imagine".
Well this time I still cannot get HD Tivo for my plasma :mad:
I don't want to spend $400 for a receiver.
I hope this transition will go smoothly.
Regarding MBC

I forgot to add this.

My dealder told me that DirecTV was supposed to put out MBC at the end of Nov., but DirecTV didn't give them the exact time frame.
He also said that DirecTV thinks charging $10 for MBC was too much so they are thinking of getting a Korean movie channels at the same time.

But due to recent debable on Dr. Hwang, I am not if I want to get MBC.
Well MBC might as well be disintegrated ;)

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